Published: 2005-01-26 13:23:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 680; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 65
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Draw/paint date: 2005-01-26As I was saying earlier, it's Australian Day today (of course we get a day-off).
Hence you see me drawing/submitting random artwork (sorry for bombarding my friendlist) instead of slaving away at my office work desk... BUT, it's like 40 degree celcius today, I'd rather be at work with the air-cond on... wait, let me think about that for a sec.
Alas, my brain has ceased to function properly due to the heat and dryness. The cooling system's not working, I've only got this little portable fan here trying to fight a losing battle against the extreme heat. And I can't draw properly in this heat. The watercolours keep drying up before I dig in with the brush.. it's such a waste of a day-off... *rambles on*
And yeah, that's me in the picture there.
PS: while my dear friends in the northern hemisphere (especially the Canadians) are knees-deep in snow, it's actually SUMMER NOW in the southern hemisphere.
Thanks for comments again, and yes, I will attend inbox soon.
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Comments: 19
diefenbaker [2005-02-20 04:30:12 +0000 UTC]
It\'s been kinda hot here for winter. Call me stupid for sounding disappointed that winter isn\'t colder. XD
I used to put a bucket of ice in front of a blowing fan and that made me a lot cooler. That and frozen desserts I would make.
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Trillzey [2005-02-06 10:03:19 +0000 UTC]
It WAS so badly hot on Australia day... and this picture makes me remember it. Oh, terrible weather... *hugs unexplicable midsummer cool change*
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Draith [2005-02-04 16:44:03 +0000 UTC]
You know... with the colors you used, there's an undertone of fire to this. With the redder on the bottom, then the yellower on the top, you know? Just thought I'd mention that. Since it helps really push that heat problem ^_~ You look so... like you don't want to MOVE even, heh. I know how that is in summer with no cool air help @_@ It gets baaaad at where I work with summer camps.
Poor little anime-classic stress mark, and the drops in the background, so hot I like the color of the drink, it's so cool in contrast to the rest of the warm picture, so it stands out like an oasis in a desert... which, at that point, it kind of IS, huh...
Stay cool!
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mazoku-chan [2005-01-30 23:03:34 +0000 UTC]
Cute! I dunno, but I'm eager to get this temperature again!
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midnightpeppermint [2005-01-29 15:29:36 +0000 UTC]
Alas, I send you cool cool Fujikun to cool you off in that Australian land!!! Is it really that hot? I've never been in such a place with such temperature before, the hottest I've been is 38C and that's enough for me already....
Sending Roy or Ichigo there wouldn't work XD They're in the heating department.... Who's in the cooling department? Have we appointed anyone to the job?
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koony In reply to midnightpeppermint [2005-01-30 09:42:44 +0000 UTC]
Well, it's coolen down a bit today but I think it's gonna go warm again (it's on and off like this throughout the whole summer =_... but yeah, above 40 is rare but it could happen.
Hehehheh. cool cool Fujikun (he's more like cute than cool XD).. I don't know who should be in the cooling department though, we haven't decided nor vote on that yet, and we don't even have a candidate, how sad XD
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midnightpeppermint In reply to koony [2005-02-01 13:44:04 +0000 UTC]
I know I know!!! Uryuu can be one of the cooling staffs!!! Because he always crack cold jokes (jokes that aren't funny, I think it's called "dry" jokes in english for some reason)!!! and his name is "URYUU" and rain is cold XDXD (that makes no sense) Urm... who else who else.... Too many people in the heating department, need to get more people in the cooling to even out...
Name 2 people and I'll give you candy XDXD
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koony In reply to midnightpeppermint [2005-02-01 13:57:54 +0000 UTC]
I know! It's those ppl who crack cold jokes.. or.. they're not joking, but their responses are cold... it's like you can feel the cold chilling wind with some fallen leaves or icicle/ice etc and then brrr-out: "sa.. samui..." while hugging yourself because you're just so cold. Speaking of that, we just had a cool change a few hours ago.. and I'm like, ... sa- samui... *still wearing shorts..*
GREAT IDEA! We get Uryuu!! <- can never spell or pronounce his name XD Maybe call him Quincy Archer is better XDXD (from the title of vol#4: "Quincy Archer Hates You" XD).. but too much to type...
I know I know, we can get Jin in the cooling department too XDXDXDXD.. "cooling" people are difficult to find, we end up having a bunch of dorks too...
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midnightpeppermint In reply to koony [2005-02-01 14:01:12 +0000 UTC]
Some day or another I just know that we'll be changing the name "Cooling deparment" to "ZA REAL DORKNESS Depart-ment yaha!", all those in the name because they're dorks. *laugh*
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gimmik [2005-01-27 13:32:38 +0000 UTC]
Aw haha you look really hot in that drawing XD; Yep, today we reached an incredibly cold temperature, -23 celsius, -33 with windchill ...ARGGHH!!! Let us switch places... lol, that's how I'm feeling now, but really extremely cold or extremely hot, I think each one is prolly equally bad -.- Eat lots of ice cream! Or popsicles, cold food, etc. That should be fun *feels cold thinking about*, I on the other hand need a really hot shower haha
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koony In reply to gimmik [2005-01-28 12:28:52 +0000 UTC]
haha you look really hot in that drawing XD;
'cause well, it's like 40 degree in that drawing... <- whatever that means XDXD
Switch places?..... -33 celcius is not my idea of fun either... let's just stay home with the fan or in your case, the heater on. Thanks! Actually, I find eating ice cream in cold weather helps to warm the body too XD
You take care of yourself in the cold weather, and try not to go out! Bring a hot bottle along!
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zoelee [2005-01-26 15:59:41 +0000 UTC]
lol~ I feel ur pain~ SO HOT~!!! & timid~ & I think it's gonna rain soon ;_;
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koony In reply to zoelee [2005-01-27 09:49:21 +0000 UTC]
I hope it rain soon!! It's too hot! and DRY! I mean, the summer in Melbourne is unlike the ones in South-East-Asia where it's hot and humid.. it's SO DRY here it's difficult to breath =_=
Thanks for all the comments, Zoe!
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Quack-Sama- [2005-01-26 13:25:39 +0000 UTC]
actully its more like neck high XD my dog cant run arround in the back yard anymore... the snow is too high for her XD she has to bounce arround to get to where she wants XDDD its quite cute... anyways... we had to use a snow blower and make little trails for her to wander arround XDDDD
oh man that really sucks... having an uber hot day on your one day off >.< nice pic btw
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koony In reply to Quack-Sama- [2005-01-27 09:56:42 +0000 UTC]
Gosh talk about extreme weather in opposite side of the globe hahahah. It's freezing cold in Canada and freeging hot in Australia.. can't things be balance? Your dog sounds quite cute XD I've got this cat who doesn't like to drink water... even in hot and dry weather like this...
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Quack-Sama- In reply to koony [2005-01-27 12:42:27 +0000 UTC]
wohhhhhh thats odd a cat that doesnt like water?! my dog is quite cute (well i think so anyways, im kind obsessed with her XD) yesterday my dad was making some lemon chicken stuff (i dono exactly what it is) and left it on the counter (Aparently he forgot to do something). while he was gone.... Duffy jumped on the chair beside the table, then jumped from the table to the couter... she then aparently ate the whole thing, wich later made her throw up on me in the car -_-' if u wana see pics of her, go to my scraps
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