koony — Ginga Tetsudou.

Published: 2005-11-01 06:59:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1380; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 90
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Description Paint date: 20051101

Inspired by the story in "Ginga Tetsudou", a song by BUMP OF CHICKEN.
I love that song to bits.

How's everyone? Hope you're all doing well.
Due to lack of time these days, haven't painted for months!
Nor have time to check inbox nor reply messages, don't think I could ever catch up but I'll try.
But I thank you for all your comments.
Since today is a public holiday in Melbourne (err, horse racing day, not that I'm complaining since I get a day off from work yay), I made myself sit down and draw/paint. Kinda rusty. I missed drawing/painting.
Thanks again for comments and everything.
Take care all
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Comments: 35

Draith [2005-12-13 20:34:38 +0000 UTC]

Is that a little candy wrapper? Or am I seeing wrong o-o I like it, that way, and it's a neat splash of red even if it's not!
I really like that this is so warm and friendly feeling. The waving figure on the bicycle, the little girl smiling with what seems like pure glee ^-^ It's great! Definitely a happy moment, there. The green outside looks especially nice since I'm viewing it in the middle of winter time here!

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koony In reply to Draith [2005-12-18 07:28:58 +0000 UTC]

You're very attentive to details as usual, that's a candy It's due to my lack of skill that it looked like a candy wrapper to you lol. It's base on a small story in the song, where the first person was journeying in the train. I hope the winter is not too cold for you, it's summer in where I'm living (Australia).. seems out of beat haha. Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful comment again, I always enjoy reading them take care!

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Nayami-chan [2005-11-16 19:07:56 +0000 UTC]

Great work once again. The colours are so vivid and nice

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Duh-Sa [2005-11-12 00:15:46 +0000 UTC]

I realized just now the name of this was one of Bump's new songs. XD;;; *shot*

Is it good? I've only heard SuperNova, and I only have that one on my computer right now.

I love your paintings. D8

I wish I knew the story in BOC's new song Ginga Tetsudou. D8!!!!

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koony In reply to Duh-Sa [2005-12-04 07:18:48 +0000 UTC]

...sorry for the late reply again XD; (blame my work)
Yes, Ginga Tetsudou is the bside of BUMP's previous single Planetarium.
Of course it's a great song!! Thanks again

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Duh-Sa In reply to koony [2005-12-06 01:18:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh so it's on Planetarium? Isn't it a secret track?

... and I'm getting Planetarium for my birthday in two weeks. XD Sweeeet! 8B;;;

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Trillzey [2005-11-04 14:21:56 +0000 UTC]

Ahh cup day! Cup day! What a great vacation... I wish I could share some of my time with you (metaphorically speaking) because I have so much now that the uni vacation is here
I love the vibrant warmness... even though the weather's been hot aplenty in Melbourne x__x I get so allergic to heat sometimes...
DON'T reply! Oh clear the comments! You must have SO many months is a long long time...

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verre [2005-11-04 01:15:08 +0000 UTC]

I like the stories behind all your pictures. Because I don't know the story in the song, so I can make up my own. And also the colours.

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koony In reply to verre [2005-12-04 07:26:38 +0000 UTC]

thank you! I hope you're doing well lately

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keirin [2005-11-03 04:02:30 +0000 UTC]

hehe your paintings always manage to sneak up a smile on me. It's just such a joy to see them, and they always have such a unique radiance to them. ^_^ Even if it is rare to see your paintings these days, when they do pop up, it really is a treat.
Anyyyway, see you around sometime soon hopefully :3

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koony In reply to keirin [2005-12-04 07:27:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the thoughtful comment again ^^ (just need to find time to draw nowadays)

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mysia [2005-11-02 12:28:32 +0000 UTC]

Great to see your colorful art again, I really like it. It makes me smile every time. And yeah, I know how you feel about not having time to draw/paint. I have been in that situation about three months now, it's pain!

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koony In reply to mysia [2005-12-04 07:28:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! (I know!! having no time to draw/paint really gets one down.....)

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Dewclaw [2005-11-02 05:59:38 +0000 UTC]

kooneh! looks like you haven't lost your touch(although I don't know the story of ginga tetsudou). hope you've been doing alright.

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jkearney [2005-11-02 04:08:50 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! I like the guy on the bicycle I missed your work, you always have such interesting colors and so much movement!

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athengraolt [2005-11-01 20:02:27 +0000 UTC]

YAY!!!! finally some artwork from u!!!!! love the colors!! so smooth and it flows around the picture!!!!

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koony In reply to athengraolt [2005-12-04 07:34:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^_^ (and sorry for the very late response)

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athengraolt In reply to koony [2005-12-05 01:13:24 +0000 UTC]

here's a hug for u

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Mako588 [2005-11-01 17:42:58 +0000 UTC]

Kooooooonyyyyy~~~~~~~! You can never get rusty I looked at this and giggled, it made me so happy. You always manage to make me feel whatever's in the picture, and for this reason, you shall never get rusty. XD I REALLY like the guy riding the bike in the background, btw. I feel sad, boc has new music out and I don't have it yet~~

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koony In reply to Mako588 [2005-12-04 07:36:46 +0000 UTC]

Makochan!! Thanks again! And I'm so sorry for the very late reply.... (blame my work >_<
How are you? I hope you can get into art-school
Have you listened to BOC new music (quite a few) ?

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Mako588 In reply to koony [2005-12-04 21:29:41 +0000 UTC]

Koonychan! No worries! I'm doing good, and thanks for the well-wishing as far as art school goes! in the way of BOC, I'm sad, I haven't been able to listen to anything since only lonely glory! but I asked for planetarium for christmas X3 Are there any other new things that they put out? I've gotten behind because I've been so busy! Thanks for the reply, it's always great to hear from you

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koony In reply to Mako588 [2005-12-12 09:42:18 +0000 UTC]

Re BOC, they have 2 singles out since only lonely glory - 'planetarium' and ' supernova/karma' (double a side, released 23rd Nov ^^).. I hope you will enjoy 'planetarium'; I love the b-side 'Ginga Tetsudou' alot!

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Mako588 In reply to koony [2005-12-14 02:37:34 +0000 UTC]

I'll have to get supernova/karma right away, then! X3 Since I finally got paid for my job, I can buy it now. XD I'll pay special attention to "Ginga Tetsudou" because you recomended it. thanks koony-chan!

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self-replica [2005-11-01 16:06:20 +0000 UTC]

Welcome back! I missed looking at your paintings

Warm and energetic as always.

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koony In reply to self-replica [2005-12-04 07:38:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
(sorry for the late reply, I'm back but just don't have time to draw/or get online these days due to work...)
I'm glad you liked

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hokuto [2005-11-01 14:00:18 +0000 UTC]

Mmmmmmmmmm, happy warm joy... I have MISSED your lovely paintings.

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Quack-Sama- [2005-11-01 12:22:55 +0000 UTC]

the greens and yellows are soooo nice together :3 and i still have yet to hear the song XD

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zoelee [2005-11-01 11:17:26 +0000 UTC]

awww I miss ur story-tellin' vivid pic~ this pic feel very warm the style remind me of taiwan children text books I once had [thai text book doesn't look this pretty]

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koony In reply to zoelee [2005-12-04 07:39:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Zoe!! (so sorry for the late reply, just don't get time nowadays due to work =_
I hope you're doing well!!

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hhhwei [2005-11-01 09:26:42 +0000 UTC]

heyyy I love this song <3 it's uncanny how so many artistes produce B-sides that I like better than the actual singles. I've been listening to Yggdrasil and that album reminds me so much of your art, possibly because I associate BOC with your drawings, but more I think because the songs have the same warm, slightly magical feeling to them I get from your art. glad to see you posting again

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koony In reply to hhhwei [2005-11-06 05:31:39 +0000 UTC]

Glad to know that you love this song too Well, producing better B-sides are Bump of Chicken's speciality I find lol! Extra incentive to get their single I guess ^^ But yes, some artists do like to make B-sides better, as the A-sides most likely for commercial/selling purposes....
Thanks again!
And I enjoyed your art, they're always so slick and pretty!

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archaenon [2005-11-01 07:45:01 +0000 UTC]

:hugs: long time no see!
For fear of repeating myself , ill just do this.

*leaves plate of cookies*

It seems a little diffrent than your normal stuff , broader strokes and a more loose style. I like the switchup.

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koony In reply to archaenon [2005-11-01 08:23:01 +0000 UTC]

Yes, long time now see! I hope you're doing well I've been catching up with your journal entries (lots of them lol!) and artwork! Missed them so much. Thanks for the comment and +fav! *cookies for you too*

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archaenon In reply to koony [2005-11-02 17:50:40 +0000 UTC]

yay. Your work always makes me happy , its so diffrent from the norm. ^^

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koony In reply to archaenon [2005-12-04 07:28:14 +0000 UTC]

thanks again ^^ (and sorry for the late reply/catch up again.. work's too busy these days -_-)

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