#mlpmylittlepony #mlpocs #mlpnextgeneration #mlpfimmylittleponyfriendship #nextgenerationmlp
Published: 2020-06-14 22:51:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 986; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 1
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y'all this took me WAY TOO long
Marigold (Blossomforth x Bulk Biceps): a big ol thick-limbed gal who's wildly graceful on her hooves. She's adopted her father's core physical strength as well as her mom's flexibility, bringing those two traits together to find a passion in dancing; as an adult she takes over the dance studio in Ponyville, and on the side she take after her namesake and tends to Ponyville's gardens. Rumours have been spread about that she and Buttercup Beam are an item.
Feather Duster (Soarin x Lightening Dust): The result of a one night stand, 'Dusty' was born blind. Despite this, Lightening Dust is all the determined to make sure her son is just as well of a flyer as she, becoming just a bit of a helicopter parent in the process; as well as causing Dusty to become a giant pile of anxiety through years of mounting pressure and constant training. He suffers from a definite phobia of failure, although his skills are admittedly excellent. '
Cloud Piercer (Trixie x Derpy): A highly lackadaisical lass covered with an assortment of self-placed piercings, and Buttercup Beam's best friend. Finding no interest in preforming alongside Trixie (much less taking over the act after her Mum eventually retires), Piercer takes her name literally in discovering she has a fondness for body art; even going beyond studs and snakebites and hoops, into an adoration of tattooing. She's quiet and mostly an emotionless sort, but ponies claim that watching the passion she puts into her work makes up for the lack of socializing skills.
Cranberry Chestnut (Autumn Blaze x Blackthorn): As the years went on, the forest dwelling creatures began to expand their communities into one another, resulting in plenty of species hybrids; such as Cranberry, a deer/Kirin mix. Being a child of the forest with the blood of two nature inclined creatures in him, he's what one would expect: very serene, hippy-like, and a definite tree hugger. He's not all too fond of the city, finding it rather claustrophobic. For whatever reason, he and Phantasmagoria get along splendidly.
Primabella (Sweetie Belle x Cozy Glow): An almost saccharinely sweet lil foal who adores the art of dance. Unfortunately due to the past of one of his Mum's, Primabella nearly similar appearance and cutesy wustey shtick does earn him some distrust from older ponies. Perhaps because he was born around the same few days Drama Queen was, these two are as thick as thieves - and, consequently, Drama Queen was the first one to know that Primabella wasn't all too fond of being referred to as 'she'; in the same vein, he's extremely close to his older cousin Fairy Kei, who aids him in finding the confidence to be himself.
Grape Bubblegum (Gabby x Dinky Hooves): Similar to the story of Chestnut, as Twilight's school was bringing more and more species together, the magic behind same-sex birth was being re-tooled and tweaked and what-not for interspecies relationships - and one of the children that came out of of it was this little horse/griffon gal. A loud and rambly little thing (just as her griffon parent) Grape has an affinity for sweet making, becoming Pinkie's protege, and an extra special affinity for ignoring the strange looks he gets. Thankfully he, Primabella and Drama Queen follow in their parents footsteps to continuing the CMC, finding support in each other along the way.
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SazerLite [2020-06-15 23:18:46 +0000 UTC]
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Angryginger24 [2020-06-15 04:35:53 +0000 UTC]
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KonpeitoBread In reply to Angryginger24 [2020-06-15 19:16:44 +0000 UTC]
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Angryginger24 In reply to KonpeitoBread [2020-06-15 21:21:09 +0000 UTC]
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darkwee009 [2020-06-15 01:40:26 +0000 UTC]
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KonpeitoBread In reply to darkwee009 [2020-06-15 19:17:10 +0000 UTC]
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darkwee009 In reply to KonpeitoBread [2020-06-16 03:19:55 +0000 UTC]
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