#clonewars #fancomic #starwars #ahsokatano #barrissooffee
Published: 2014-12-11 20:59:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 17163; Favourites: 187; Downloads: 0
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At long last, I had finished all the remaining pages of this little story, here's part 1. You may find all the other pages of "exiles" on my exiles folder.Related content
Comments: 24
JasonRyder [2015-04-11 00:02:26 +0000 UTC]
The bounty she pursued, that wasn't a droid but what was it?
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greivergf [2015-01-04 17:39:15 +0000 UTC]
Great to see the comic finished!....for now?
I love how you tied it in to the beginning of the story!
Are we going to see any more mini-comics for Exiles?(Like Ahsokas adventure leading to saving Barriss?
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Kjara-draws In reply to greivergf [2015-01-04 18:39:31 +0000 UTC]
I can't make any promises, but I do want to create at least a couple more things related to Exiles, though I'm pretty they aren't going to be in comic book form.
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toht981 [2014-12-25 00:38:17 +0000 UTC]
One doesn't have to have brains to know never to mess with a girl who has scars to bear.
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Bennitus [2014-12-18 13:02:14 +0000 UTC]
Great story! Now we all know how she gets the char and that weapon. Sharing the story with Barriss is a nice ending.
I like the outburst of Ahsoka when that droid called her a Jedi, the Jedi Council had treated her like dirt so I thing that she actually will act like that.
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AlairaArt [2014-12-13 16:50:14 +0000 UTC]
Incredible. Seriously, an incredible comic. You may not think so at times, but you really are a professional.
The huttese was an excellent touch by the way .
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Kjara-draws In reply to AlairaArt [2014-12-13 18:02:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I appreciate you said that, comics are real hard to make, but at least I'm glad that I was finally able to finish this storyline at last.
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Midway2009 [2014-12-12 02:11:25 +0000 UTC]
Incredible story! A 'what if' for Ahsoka and Barris after the Clone Wars.
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She-WolfOfTheNorth [2014-12-11 22:56:10 +0000 UTC]
This whole comic was fantastic. I really enjoyed it. Also, I love this ending as well as what you've done with Barriss's hair. Everything looks great. Keep up the good work.
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Kjara-draws In reply to She-WolfOfTheNorth [2014-12-12 03:10:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I'm glad to you liked it
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Travolore [2014-12-11 22:45:27 +0000 UTC]
Interested to see whats next! Great Panel by the way.T!
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SSJ4Truntanks [2014-12-11 21:13:59 +0000 UTC]
Good page there. Look foward for what's coming next.
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