Published: 2004-04-10 11:29:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 673; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 158
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Kylee..the new char!^^ Notice that she doesn't seem to like males very much...keep this fact in mind!^^Related content
Comments: 39
kitfox-crimson In reply to Novan [2004-04-18 12:10:36 +0000 UTC]
Heh, lots of the people in this wear glasses!^^ They are all chicks though..need a guy with glasses next...
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kitsune-mana [2004-04-11 06:53:15 +0000 UTC]
Kylee's neat ^.^ "psst! not yet! chew him out first!"
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kitsune-mana [2004-04-11 06:51:18 +0000 UTC]
Kylee's pretty neat ^.^ 'psst! not yet! chew him out first"
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Touji [2004-04-11 06:28:50 +0000 UTC]
Kylee seems cool enough, sticking up for Rumour and all but I'd like to know whats going on with her as she seems to be a bit hostile... possibly from a bad experience? or she just doesn't like guys ^^''?
either way totally cooliez page
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Bear-hybrid [2004-04-11 01:58:42 +0000 UTC]
OOooOOoOOooo she could be a bi round off her ears a bit more to make her seem more mouslike nexttime! good job with the... drawing?
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kitfox-crimson In reply to Bear-hybrid [2004-04-11 15:55:19 +0000 UTC]
yes! Round ears! Of course! I have never had a mousy char before..never knew what they look like really!
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Bear-hybrid In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-11 23:59:02 +0000 UTC]
>.> I HAS MICCCCCCCCCCCCE 4 of them and iv seen plenty of dead marsupial ones
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kera [2004-04-10 20:56:48 +0000 UTC]
The one girl that not even Java will hit on. I thought I'd never see the day. But she is cute ^^
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katamount [2004-04-10 19:58:47 +0000 UTC]
Kylee sounds like Bors' kinda girl. She's got some fire to her.
Bors: Pardon me, good lady, but do you have a light for this cigarette?
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kitfox-crimson In reply to katamount [2004-04-11 15:54:03 +0000 UTC]
Kylee: sure, you can light my cigarette, but only if you're not using that as a pick up line. Oh, you are? What a surprise! Jeez, guys! They think they can give you one light and then you give them the keys to your pants! *rolls eyes* I mean, if I have a fag it stands to reason that I also have something to light it with, it's not just like I am sitting here with an unlit ciggy waiting for some guy to come up and offer me a light! *lights the cig and blows smoke in his general direction* now, do you have anything to say to me that doesn't in any way relate to sex, or is a means to getting sex? No? I didn't think so! *walks off*
Kit: did I mention she's a bit of a feminist? ^^
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katamount In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-11 16:09:19 +0000 UTC]
Bors: Um, I wanted a light for MY cigarette.... Yeah... oh, boy, this is awkward. Um, did I ever mention anything sexual related at all? No, no, I didn't. And I forgot my lighter so, I needed... a light. Yeah.
Sabine: Bors, you don't exactly have the most gentlemanly reputation.
Bors: Yeah, but she doesn't know that. Wait, does she?
Sabine: No comment.
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kitfox-crimson In reply to katamount [2004-04-13 15:45:50 +0000 UTC]
Kylee: oh, you wanted a light? *shrugs* same difference. But here *lights his cigarette* Oh and I just assume that a guy will be a sleaze even if I don't know. In my experience, I'm usually right.
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katamount In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-13 16:04:10 +0000 UTC]
Bors: Must have been Americans.... Aye, I may come off as a little sleazy... but there's always more to somebody than meets the eye, y'know....
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FreeDummy [2004-04-10 18:21:19 +0000 UTC]
^^ Glad Duncan straightened Novus out ( Kinda.... but now he's got funny ideas in his head :worried: ). Anyway, LOVE Kylee - so cute! ^^ But she's THAT way? Really? yay! (*points to self* typical guy here.)
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FreeDummy In reply to FreeDummy [2004-04-13 06:37:43 +0000 UTC]
eer... or she's just a big feminist. *points to self (typical jump to conclusions guy here...)*
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kritterfox [2004-04-10 17:23:54 +0000 UTC]
Heee how could she NOT like guys? I'd show her us guys are very kind and sweet
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kitfox-crimson In reply to kritterfox [2004-04-11 15:45:58 +0000 UTC]
yeah, but some people you know....it's ahrd to change their perceptions of things!
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kritterfox In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-11 16:39:55 +0000 UTC]
Eehehe yeah true enough, but it can't hurt to try! Maybe...
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ElvenRanger In reply to ElvenRanger [2004-04-13 01:57:00 +0000 UTC]
Dunno. She's very honest in her opinions about people.
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sam-gwosdz [2004-04-10 16:01:11 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I can see she doesn't like guys very much I wonder what her reaction would be if Rumour DIDN'T chew him out
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kitfox-crimson In reply to sam-gwosdz [2004-04-11 15:44:28 +0000 UTC]
She's probably chew him out for her!
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sam-gwosdz In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-11 16:17:36 +0000 UTC]
Well, that's not very effective at all He wouldn't care very much if SHE was the one doing it instead of Rumour.
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Karoish [2004-04-10 15:33:33 +0000 UTC]
Bwaha, Kylee reminds me about.. Well, myself I'm a feminist, all males must SUFFER!! .. And then we can have some fun
Love Novus's expression on the last panel, cute :3
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kitfox-crimson In reply to Karoish [2004-04-11 15:43:59 +0000 UTC]
She is based roughly on a friend of mine..who is..yes, a feminist!^^ It's so funny, she gets so defensive about things!^^ Oh sorry, I don't want to offend!
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Karoish In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-11 16:10:21 +0000 UTC]
Aye, no worries with me, I only beat up those who dare to go to dirty facts of the condition of women in different countries, and how they think they should be. (For example, I hit a guy straight in the face for saying that Finnish girls should be like they were before, completely worthless.. I didn't quite agree.) Aye, I'm not the ultimate feminist, for example, I love to be a flirt. Flirting is fun
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kitfox-crimson In reply to Karoish [2004-04-13 15:47:08 +0000 UTC]
Yes it is!^^ I always fear the ol' slap in the face though! At least girls can almost always get away with it!^^
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Karoish In reply to kitfox-crimson [2004-04-13 16:37:41 +0000 UTC]
Bwahah, fear ze hand! Slapping people is fun as well, thought I bet it hurts my hand more than it hurts the one I slap Or so it goes when I slap my sister, always hurt myself more than her..
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AokiBengal [2004-04-10 14:49:40 +0000 UTC]
Ahh, Kylee, there's always the chick like her. Seen it before I have. A similar situation to this seen it I have.
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SerenaH [2004-04-10 11:50:15 +0000 UTC]
Rena: ooops I guess it wasn't pocky heh good thing I'm a girl...girls are better anyways *only teasing* Novus cute in that panel too ^^
yes he is and darn you for being able to do backgrounds I can't draw trees they hate me
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