Published: 2008-05-18 03:20:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 1450; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 28
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J'adore Nicole Kidman, just a voir les personnages versatiles qu'elle peut jouer, je l'admire beaucoup. J'ai voulu la redessiner en Satine, mais... mon dessin ressemble pas trop a Nicole Kidman, donc, Γ§e reste Satine tout court.J'ai failli oublier de le poster celui la, en plus je voulais faire les paillettes et tout, mais bon, plus envie maintenant
*I absolutely love Nicole Kidman, just to see the different caracters she can play, I admire her a lot. I wanted to draw as Satine, but... my pict only looks like Satine and not too much like Nicole Kidman, so, it stays as Satine only.
I nearly forgot to post that pict, and also I wanted to make it all sparkling and glittery and stuff, but yeah, don't want to anymore
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Comments: 55
Granitoons [2008-07-02 18:10:40 +0000 UTC]
I enjoyed that film a lot and this is a great picture and lots of detail. The face looked tricky but well done!
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Granitoons [2008-07-04 14:02:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! I really love Nicole Kidman so I wanted to make it good... although it doesn't really look like Nicole Kidman >.< But anyway, thank you so much ^^
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godstoneshadow [2008-05-24 08:20:36 +0000 UTC]
lol, I remember going to the circus once as a kid
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to godstoneshadow [2008-05-24 08:38:29 +0000 UTC]
looooooool you make it sound like you're a 35 years old person saying that ^_^ so fun I never really got to go to a circus, though we did had the "Magic Circus of Samoa" coming to us once, and I went with the daughter of my grandpa's girlfriend (did you follow that? O_O) and her kids. It was pretty nice
But I didn;t get to see elephants, loool.
Did you see the movie "Moulin Rouge" though? It's a musical, so it does not interest EVERYone, after all I wanted to see it only after some of my friends told me they really liked it, a few years after it came out...
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-24 08:53:15 +0000 UTC]
lol, still 16 here I act old I know. I went to a Ringling Brother's circus with my parents and my grandparents on my dad's side. it was almost too long ago to remember any of it, but my grandfather had a grand time, I don't think he'd ever been to one, both him and my father grew up during heavy segregation, during the "Jim Crow" era, so most likely my grandfather and my dad wouldn't have been let in because they are black, while those grandparents are now dead..... anywho, i remember there was a man who took a motor cycle and he drove into this spherical cage and drove around in it, just driving on the inside of it, if that doesn't mess up your semi-circular canals then I don't know what will XD
No I have not seen that, I will look into it though, do you think it would be available in the US?
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to godstoneshadow [2008-05-24 11:15:10 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I believe it would be so cool for your dad and grand-dad, like they would probably have more stars in their eyes then most of the kids there ^_^ Did you enjoy it too? Appart from the motorcycle guy?
Bah, it some times can be a good thing to behave a bit older, but man, 16 goes away veeeery fast. Trust me, as a teen I regretted my childhood, and now I can't believe I'm not a teen anymore.
Anyway, for the movie, it's with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor, good famous english speaking actors so definitely available in the US.
But you don't need to see the movie, I love the begging it's fun and pretty, but the end is quite sad, so yeaaaah.... I got you some links
[satine dance]
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-25 07:47:24 +0000 UTC]
I regret my childhood now <.< lol I act older I guess because of the way I am, and the situation I'm in, I have a weird lifestyle so I got throne into a situation where I have to act mature, I have an unbalanced maturity to be certain,in some ways I act just like I'm (as you described) old, but in others I act like I'm 10, in someways I am my age, so it is just a little weird. π: 0 β©: 1
I enjoyed the circus a lot, I just don't really remember much of it, it was probably almost a decade ago.
I will look in the library for that movie, I really am interested.
Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to godstoneshadow [2008-05-26 01:27:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, childhood was good, still cute and innocent ... gah, where is Peter Pan when we need him huh?
Yeah, it kinds of gives balance in some way much older plus much youger gives an average
Although I guess it's not too bad if you don't act like a normal everyday teenager with issues and bad attitude
Keep in touch with your kid side and never let go of it, heck I'm never gonna let mine go, that's for sure.
The thing is, the more we learn, the less our imagination burts out, it gets all shrinked down for some reason. So yeah, wathever people say, keep it ^_^
In high school me and my friends were kind of seen as weirdos just because we weren;t backstabbing friends and enjoyed life without having to go to nightclubs and drinking before we turned 18.
Plus, now I have some friends who are about your age, maybe one year older, and I told them "I really don't feel like I'm 21 when I'm with you" and they would awnser "yeah well, we don't feel like we have any age when you are around" maybe I act out of the lines, but I try to be true to myself, isn't what the kids always do? I don't want to lose that ^_^
So, yeah, sorry to make lonnnng psychological messages, but anyway, life made it so you have to act way older than you are, and you do have more to learn, we never stop learning, but I guess you gained a maturity not many can say they have. So keep it up, and keep living with your true self, and enjoy life, whatever the obstacles. People tend to forget the good things and take those for granted, but I guess you would enjoy those more then them.
I'm reading a pretty good book right now, "the witch of portobello" by Paulo Coelho, and there's a quote in it saying something like "nowadays, women would say, let the men do the dishes, but what they forgot is that having dishes to wash means you had someone to lay those dishes for, and someone to share you meal with"
So yeah, again, sorry for the long, boring message I do hope you'll enjoy the movie if you see it ^_^
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-27 01:58:55 +0000 UTC]
hahaha, no I like long messages, honest. But I can't think of anything else to say. >.> Oh yeah, I saw the new Indiana Jones movie, and it was great. It is as good as the old ones hands down....... and a lot better than number two. So if you are an Indy fan, you should watch it. For now, Jamey out. XDDDDDDD
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to godstoneshadow [2008-05-27 09:33:35 +0000 UTC]
looooool Thanks for the advice, as soon as I can I go check it out! WHo does not like Indi? The hat, the whip... the theme song! Heeheeheee
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-28 18:58:47 +0000 UTC]
sorry I messed it up, look at this one instead
oh I remember a joke,it goes like this. There is a guy who owns a movie theater, and he is looking for new employies. So, one guy comes in and asks for a job, and the manager says, "Ok, I will give you a question, if you can answer it then I will give you a job. How many D's are in 'Indiana Jones'?" The man counts on his fingers for a few minutes and says "37" The manager is very confused at such a high number and asks "How did you come up with that. And the guy sings to the theme song "Da da da da, da da da, da da da da, da da da da, da da da da, da da da, da da da da, da da da, da da da, da da da da da!"
there anyway I think it's funny
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-28 18:56:44 +0000 UTC]
oh I remember a joke,it goes like this. There is a guy who owns a movie theater, and he is looking for new employies. So, one guy comes in and asks for a job, and the manager says, "Ok, I will give you a question, if you can answer it then I will give you a job. How many D's are in 'Indiana Jones'?" The man counts on his fingers for a few minutes and says "" The manager is very confused at such a high number and asks "How did you come up with that. And the guy sings to the theme song "Da da da da, da da da, da da da da, da da da da, da da da da, da da da, da da da da, da da da, da da da, da da da da da!"
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to godstoneshadow [2008-05-29 01:42:57 +0000 UTC]
looooool Yeah I love this Joke There is another one very similar but about blonds (poor blonds) to pass a test she must say how many "t" there is in McGuyver... ^^
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godstoneshadow In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-06-02 03:10:53 +0000 UTC]
yeah poor blonds. they are the butt of too many jokes
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to lacrimosas66 [2008-05-18 13:59:38 +0000 UTC]
Merciii Mais heureusement y'a photoshop parce que l'encre avait bavΓ© quand j'ai gommΓ© (tu te diras qu'apres 15 minutes Γ§a aurait sechΓ© non? enfin..)
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lacrimosas66 In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 17:16:44 +0000 UTC]
bhein si on peut gommer des petits details qui tuent le dessin je vois pas ou est le mal^^
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to lacrimosas66 [2008-05-18 23:48:26 +0000 UTC]
Heehee, oui justement, c'est ce qui est bien, hehe... le seul mal c'est que j'ai fait baver mon dessin, mdr... trop naze moi ... m'enfin c'est Boris, qu'est ce qu'on y peu
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Jetana [2008-05-18 11:45:41 +0000 UTC]
wow. great movie, even better art! amazing pose =] she seems so graceful! and her dress with all the details. and her face! (I could go on now, but I think I should just shut up ^__^; )
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Jetana [2008-05-18 13:58:12 +0000 UTC]
Heeheeeeee, you're so sweeeeeeeeeet Thank you! I should have done the glitters and stuff but... didn't... so...
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Jetana In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 14:04:14 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome =] I think glitters might be distracting...so maybe it's good you didn't draw them
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Jetana [2008-05-18 14:32:19 +0000 UTC]
Heehee, thanks The way I imagined it the glitters wouldn;t be too much, but yeah
Ouh ouh! Take a look at this btw! I know it's like, making advert for my sister, but I so love this pict... I'm grabbing the occasion to give you the link coz I know you always come and see my work and avatar fanart, and my sister made such a nice Iroh drawing page... I so love it I have to tell it everywhere!!!! looooool
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Jetana In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 17:33:30 +0000 UTC]
your sister is really talented. all drawings seemed really...Iroh-ish, I mean it fitted him
I've already taken a look at her gallery once, and it was great ^.^
btw, how do you do it that the link doesn't read 'link' but 'Iroh'?
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Jetana [2008-05-18 23:47:05 +0000 UTC]
Yeaaaay, thanks for here I did hope sometime she would make us some avatar fanart, but she did took some time to finally do it, loooool!
And now she is half complaining I'm doing so much add for her drawing, but I love this Iroh pict so much...
For the code, well, first I write then I add a title such as [Iroh] and then end it up with a "/a" in closed arrows like those => <>
I hope this was clear, but if I make it look all good the code will kick in and you won't see the technique of it...
Anyway, the "a" between the "<>" opens it, and the "/a" between the second "<>" closes it
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Mikha [2008-05-18 10:58:38 +0000 UTC]
the french are glad to dieeeeeeeeeee for love
yay! moulin rouge alors, dit moi
tu as les vetements, oui? (jusque comme j'ai une negligee verte
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-18 14:04:30 +0000 UTC]
Huuuuuum, non mais il faut que je l'achete tu sais, juste pour pouvoir faire les paillettes dessus tu sais, je sais pas comment Γ§a fait, donc je suis bien obligΓ©e de la prendre Comme le negligΓ© pour toi
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 18:18:37 +0000 UTC]
je me demande.. quoi vont dire nos parents
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-18 23:41:05 +0000 UTC]
ce que mes parents vont dire? ... euh, ma mère va bien aimer mais faudra que j'evite de le porter en publique et... mon pere ne saura jamais
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-19 11:06:46 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHA je ne porte pas ma negligee verte en publique
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-19 11:21:22 +0000 UTC]
mdr, je veux bien te croire Mais une tenue comme celle de Satine, c'est le genre de tenue qu'il faut montrer, hehehe
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-19 12:04:54 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHA tu as raison, il faut le montrer
alors, allons au carnaval de rio
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-19 12:11:07 +0000 UTC]
Rio de janerooooooooooooooooooooooooo Weeeeeeeeeee!!!
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-19 12:13:27 +0000 UTC]
(gets feather outfit and matching boa)
<_< actually, je vais prendre mon dejeuner
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-19 12:16:31 +0000 UTC]
looooooooool oui, prends le petit dejeuner d'abord Avec le thΓ©, hihi
On peu pas faire le carnaval sans avoir mangΓ©!
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-19 13:06:41 +0000 UTC]
hahaha oui j'ai pris mon dejeuner avec le the du pomme que nous avons pris de la turquie
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-19 14:43:56 +0000 UTC]
Rooooooooooooooh, non mais c'est pas possible, le thΓ© a la pomme j'adore aussi ^_^ c'est un de mes 3 thΓ©s favoris avec le thΓ© vert et le Earl Grey
Heehee, en meme temps, c'est tellement bon le thΓ© a la pomme... je crois que je vais m'en preparer un tiens...
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Mikha In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-19 17:55:51 +0000 UTC]
ouu! j'aime le the vert (c'est le quel je prends pour mon petit dejeuner) et le earl grey aussi, as tu essayer lady grey? j'aime aussi
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to Mikha [2008-05-20 01:17:03 +0000 UTC]
Ouuuuuuuuuuh non, je connais pas, Γ§a m'interesse ^_^ Si j'en trouve je test!
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xoxavatar10xox [2008-05-18 08:48:17 +0000 UTC]
I LOVE THE MOULIN ROUGE, this pic is awsome
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to xoxavatar10xox [2008-05-18 08:53:36 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much Yeah, it's a very pretty movie ^_^
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xoxavatar10xox In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 08:56:41 +0000 UTC]
no problem at all, it is my 2nd fave film
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to xoxavatar10xox [2008-05-18 14:28:50 +0000 UTC]
looooooool thank you even more then, if it's good enough for a huuuge fan, than it means it's not a bad pict
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xoxavatar10xox In reply to Kit-Kat-Choco [2008-05-18 17:25:45 +0000 UTC]
lol no problem at all, lol, yes its a BEAUTIFUL picture
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milkstache [2008-05-18 06:17:02 +0000 UTC]
Ooo, very pretty! I like the curls in her hair.
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Kit-Kat-Choco In reply to milkstache [2008-05-18 06:18:49 +0000 UTC]
Heehee, thank youuuu I tried to make nice curls without it looking like dread locks
looool I'm glad you like it
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