Kihtorii — [YGGR] Lho'hl

Published: 2019-02-11 15:38:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1612; Favourites: 58; Downloads: 0
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NAME: Lho’hl
AGE: ??? (Around 400 years, though they spent much of it in stasis)
GENDER: Non-binary
SPECIES: Primal Ihluin (fav.me/db5f0ht )
HEIGHT: 5ft 6"
OCCUPATION: Entertainer (primarily storyteller and fortune teller)
ORIENTATION: Asexual/aromantic

“The stories I tell may be truths or they may be fictions. All I know is that the tales themselves exist and that is enough.”


[ observant | self assured | charming | playful | lighthearted | protective | adventurous | self-control ]

[ cunning | devious | distrusting | trickster | cheeky | mischievous | zany | silly | jester | eccentric ]

[ deceptive | goading | manipulative | petty | vengeful | selfish | caustic | disloyal | mocking ]

  • Lho’hl’s most notable trait is that lighthearted and playful nature of theirs. They can come across quite childish and immature, a mischievous trickster with a bit of a bizarre personality.
  • They are observant to the world and those around them, preferring to be aware of things than ignorant. Often they are quiet with their observations, bringing the information up only when the situation seems appropriate to them. Otherwise they tend to keep things they pick up on to themselves.
  • They’re always up for an adventure and will even approach grim situations with a smile on their face. They appear optimistic enough but their words don’t always match their expression.
  • They have a penchant for jokes and humour, enabling those with such traits and mocking those without as if that would make up for it. They’re not fond of a somber atmosphere.
  • Lho’hl has sharp wit and an intelligence that doesn’t quite fit their jester nature.
  • They are generally confident in their own abilities and character though they are far from arrogant. They do not underestimate those around them and if they speaks to downplay others, it would likely be a mind game to try and push doubt on a person.
  • They can be sarcastic and use it to coat any bitterness in a more light manner. They like to jeer those they don’t get along with and mock them if a fitting situation arises. Lho’hl is the type that gets a kick out of seeing those they do not get along with worked up and will goad and provoke them in order to seek more of a reaction.
  • Being a trickster is in their nature. Lho’hl has become quite sly and devious over the years, developing a cunning. Because of their own nature, they are distrusting towards others and aim to prevent themselves from getting too attached to anyone. If one can somehow obtain their loyalty, it does not mean it is everlasting. It can very easily be broken or they can change their mind on a mere thought. Lho’hl takes care of themselves before they take care of others.
  • Those they do grow to like however, they may become protective of. They are otherwise protective of their property and items they possess they deem as valuable.
  • They fear being left alone. They need social interaction, or just to people watch for a while if they cannot get that.
  • The betrayal from their king followed by the years of confinement have damaged their ability and desire to trust others. Naturally being stuck dwelling on such events for so long has affected their mind and personality.

  • “That’s the sad, sorry, terrible thing about sarcasm… It’s really funny.”

LIKES: Theatrics | Studying | Warm weather | Chocolate | Incense | Perfumes | Tattoos | Body Paint | Travelling | Fruit | History | Lore | Stories | Yoga | Pranks | Dancing | Pillow forts & mounds

DISLIKES: Iron | Silver | Cold weather | Wearing shoes | Arrogance | Horror movies | Confined spaces | Manual labour | Hospitals | Strong winds


  • They have cat slit pupils (and yes they grow when they’re happy or excited) and sharp teeth.
  • Has more positive expressions than negative. They’re often smiling.
  • Their sand plume tail tends to keep a base shape but can start to shift erratically with their mood. They can mold the plumes however they desire.
  • They float around a lot of the time, probably more commonly than they walk. They’ll tend to lounge idly in the air rather than on a chair and are quite acrobatic and theatrical in their movements.
  • They do not like to wear socks or shoes and will refuse to do so.
  • They do not need to eat or drink normally to survive - such things are more like a luxury. Instead they only need to do a ritual every so often to keep their sands & smoke infused with aether. Drinking however is encouraged as they can begin to feel parched.
  • Aging does not affect their appearance and never has done.
  • Their kind is weak to iron and silver. Iron suppresses their abilities. They can be bound by it and so some Ihluin in the past have been confined by or within iron objects. Lho’hl has experienced that entrapment. They are weak to silver in that touching it harms them. Turning to sand will not stop the damage.
  • They cannot kill or seriously harm people but keep this information to themselves. They can however try to influence it using their illusions to try and lead things down that path, or simply by being the devil on someone else's shoulder, trying to manipulate them. They also have issues with harming themselves physically and so again, would tempt others into hurting them instead if they felt the desire.
  • They are still bound to the iron ring of their old king. Lho’hl wears it on their right hand and is very protective of it.

  •     “Me? I am merely the dust of a creature left to die on the plain that was once, long ago, a sea. A curiousity. Perhaps a reminder that all has not been as it is now.”


A supernatural being, born of magic from smoke and sand. Lho’hl is a primal of their species and therefore does not have parents - they created through a ritual, high sorcerers of Old using the blood of a Djinn to burn sand infused with aether. Djinn are smokeless, and Ihluin are the smoke of the smokeless.
They were created on commission of the Great King to enter under their services and ultimately follow them to the grave where they would forever be bound as a guardian to the tomb and treasures within. Already a possessor of high magic and skills to accompany it, Lho’hl required little to no training from the court sorcerers regarding their abilities but the magicians were beginning to learn quickly Lho’hl needed to learn restraint and human moral. The ihluin seemed to heed their teachings after some time, even questioning as to why they did things in such ways or had such views, learning what he could. When they felt they were done with the sorcerers, they all but began to blank them, the king being the only one to hold their ear.

The king was a wise and esteemed figure who was destined to become legend. He had wisdom, wealth and power beyond previous monarchs and his successors would have a hard time achieving the same glory. However, he was not free of sin and that parted worshipers and protesters. He also became known as a sorcerer himself though that was not the case. The king did hold a strong interest in the supernatural and partook in rituals as well as owned many items with magical properties.

Right up to the king's death.
Then, everything took a turn.
Lho’hl was taken to the tomb with the king’s sarcophagus, his treasures already hoarded and priceless relics stored for years in caverns beneath his final resting place. Their final duty was to remain within the sealed sanctum and watch over what was stored within. Lho’hl refused.

The ihluin kicked up a fuss, not wishing to be trapped in a dark tomb for the foreseeable future. They made an attempt to turn on those that brought them there but the high sorcerers had come prepared, their king anticipating the rebellion may occur before his passing. Lho’hl was bound to an iron ring worn on the deceased leader where an enchantment restricted the ihluin from ever straying too far from the sealed away corpse or touching it - and cursed him to be unable to kill. In a fit of hysterical rage, feeling betrayed by the one they came to trust, Lho’hl acted out further and his manipulation of his plumes became hectic. Prevented from doing any real damage, his sands could only flay and cut. The sorcerers had planned too far ahead for him, the room void of any substances he could manipulate to cast great illusions the ihluin could trap them within. Only when they left and blocked off the tomb did they release contraptions that allowed desert sands to pour into the chamber and flood the rooms and hallways. Knowing they could not escape due to their bindings, Lho’hl allowed themselves to be buried within the sands which they became one with, condemned to darkness, silence and stillness for what was far too long. 

Decades trekked on, Lho’hl forming a plan of escape before they fell into a long slumber that dragged on over a lifetime or two. Intruders came and went, the guardian of the tomb waking to tend to them only they began to try and lure them into a more complex trap - one that would hopefully lead to their freedom.
Eventually, they managed it.
A small team of raiders discovered the relics and treasures within and these took interest in discovering the old king’s body too. Lho’hl subtly led them straight to it, disguised as a disheveled and scarred figure they once saw but dressed in the party’s clothing, joining in the excursion as one of the humans. And ultimately it led to the sarcophagus being recovered, the ihluin bound to the ring forced to follow it - and upon study, the little piece of iron plucked from the skeleton. Lho’hl was free to snatch up the ring and so they did, whisking it away in a wave of sand as soon as the item was removed from their old master’s body they were forbidden to touch. In a stream of smoke, they fled.

Free to explore and in a changed world, Lho’hl traveled. Naturally they returned to the locations they once knew and although the walls and architecture were familiar surroundings, the people were not. Yet sorcerer’s still drifted through the Palace, giving Lho’hl reason for a hasty leave and absolutely no desire to make contact with the current monarchy. Not yet anyway. They weren’t ready. Yet they did desire revenge on the sovereign's ancestor’s final betrayal.

They fled beyond the deserts, free as the wind which they relished. The ihluin traveled and learnt, expanded their knowledge and even found a persona they enjoyed playing. A storyteller under the guise of various other jobs, a merchant being the most common. Wares were easily enough given the illusion of. Lho’hl regaled people with old myths and legends, so well and in depth that some people swore they could see the tale playing out in the smoke of their fire or within the dust clouds the breeze had dancing around. It was an innocent enough experience Lho’hl came to enjoy. In return for the stories they told, they required nothing but a story in return or a question answered.

It was through their travels that one day the wind carried their sands into unknown territory. Lho’hl awoke, taking up form in a world they didn’t know. A land they had never seen before.

“Why has anyone not killed me yet? Dumb luck! In that I’m lucky you’re all so dumb.”

MAGIC CLASS: Psychic Mage

STRENGTHS: Strong and detailed illusions | agile & nimble | flexible & acrobatic | Deception
WEAKNESSES: Iron | silver | combat | lacking physical strength | offensive magic | dispelling magic


[ Levitation ] - Of themselves only. They have the ability to float around and they use this as commonly to hover a few feet off the ground as they would walk.

[ Sand/Smoke Form ] - They can disintegrate into sand and smoke, or have parts of their body do so. It will be the colour of their plumes naturally but they can change that with an illusion over them.

[ Manipulation & Illusions ] - Manipulation of smoke, sand/dust and mist/fog. They can create forms and illusions out of them (sand able to give them a more solid form for touch). If they do not have a natural source close by to use, they can use the smoky-sand substance of their tail and produced from their horns/ears. Could also create sharp missiles from sand.

What they create from their own plumes would be a smaller scale to what they could do with larger external sources e.g a room full of sand.

[ Illusions of Self ] - Often mistaken for shape shifting but that is not the case. They can use their aether to reflect the light around them and alter their appearance. For example, they could hide their plumes, ears and horns to appar human yet if someone were to touch those areas, they would still feel the parts. They could weave themselves the appearance of new outfits, new height, body type and so on… but again, what is hidden could still be felt and what is added a touch would feel the grains of sand and pass through. Any extensions (say illusion fingers) would not be good for contact or labour (due to lack of strength behind smoke) and could give them away.

[  ... ]

“Your wish? My command. It’s demeaning, but hey, there you are!”

[ROLEPLAY PREFERENCE]MEDIA: Discord | Google Docs | Comments
METHODS: Paragraph | Literature | Script | Headcanon

“Evil? I’m not really sure what that means, to be honest. I’ll trust you to decide~”

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Comments: 4

geeckek [2019-02-25 22:46:42 +0000 UTC]

WHEEZES THIS IS LATE BUT A DANCER BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i love ur characters so much neo WEEPS im so in love with this color scheme and with their clothing designs ;;;;; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kihtorii In reply to geeckek [2019-03-06 07:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Geeck ;v; I'm glad you like them, what a compliment aaaaa!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

00Lunaticfish00 [2019-02-15 00:30:04 +0000 UTC]

ahhhhhhhh Your style is very elegant. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kihtorii In reply to 00Lunaticfish00 [2019-02-15 16:53:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0