key-0 — Nightmare

Published: 2008-08-22 00:08:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 326; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 5
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Description i wanted to do something scary.

'cause i like things that actually are.
...close enough.

slightly inspired by a dream that i had. no, there wasn't anything grapping me from under my bed. it was just scary, so i guess i was in the mood.

anyways, ENJOY!!!
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Comments: 16

alienhunny [2008-08-23 23:40:10 +0000 UTC]

Extremely well-done....bravo!

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key-0 In reply to alienhunny [2008-08-24 00:56:55 +0000 UTC]

thank you *bows*

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Melyzaqt [2008-08-22 04:34:50 +0000 UTC]

wow Jordan I hope your doing okay!! what do you think would make you have a dream like that!?!?! I love you!! and great job as always!!

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key-0 In reply to Melyzaqt [2008-08-22 04:44:53 +0000 UTC]

um, i don't know. normally there doesn't have to be anything to give me such random dreams.
dank ya!

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agiron79 [2008-08-22 02:58:56 +0000 UTC]

I have had a similar nightmare myself on a few occasions. I couldn't have represented it better myself. Thank you for sharing it.


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key-0 In reply to agiron79 [2008-08-22 03:29:36 +0000 UTC]

really? cool. i guess. maybe not for you having the nightmares...
i'm gonna shut up.

you're welcome!!

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ONIsauce [2008-08-22 01:18:22 +0000 UTC]

man that is just incredible! i love genuinely scary shit. seriously. a DD the other day was like that.

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key-0 In reply to ONIsauce [2008-08-22 03:28:49 +0000 UTC]

really? i haven't seen it.
ya know, i have this really cool scary film short that i have in my head, which is more based on the actual nightmare i had and basically inspired this. i need to find a way to make it while i'm at school.
...and i'd like to make an actually scary film.


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ONIsauce In reply to key-0 [2008-08-22 07:50:13 +0000 UTC]

awesome! making actually scary films are the bomb. I have this plan of making a movie from click click slide. one that's totally messed up and obscure but now that i think about it... it doesn't seem likely. it's hard to make good horror films these days...

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key-0 In reply to ONIsauce [2008-08-23 04:57:13 +0000 UTC]

yeah. there just needs to be something that's raw. kinda like what blair witch did.
i actually have high hopes for Quarantine. at least the trailer was pretty effective.

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ONIsauce In reply to key-0 [2008-08-23 06:07:05 +0000 UTC]

yea it was a really good trailer, but the movie cloverfield wasn't very good.

i dunno if i'm a big fan of raw films. i like it when it's taken down a very vivid path.

blair witch wasn't a very vivid path.

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key-0 In reply to ONIsauce [2008-08-24 01:11:17 +0000 UTC]

well, it's not the shakiness of the camera movement that i like in handheld sort of camera work, it's really the limited visablity that it has (especially in the night-time stuff) that makes it so effect for scary stuff.
so, attach a cheap camera to a steady-cam thing, and there you go!
i think when you can't see the attacker the more scary it is.
like the beginning of jaws.

another great bonus of using crappy camera is that it's cheap! (blair witch is the highest grossing movie of all time, since it was so low budget, and it became such a hit)

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ONIsauce In reply to key-0 [2008-08-25 00:43:43 +0000 UTC]

yea man. that's pretty asburd. cooll stuff.

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key-0 In reply to ONIsauce [2008-08-25 23:39:55 +0000 UTC]


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Ossifrege [2008-08-22 00:38:44 +0000 UTC]

It looks awesome, especially the arm that's reaching up it looks freaky.

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key-0 In reply to Ossifrege [2008-08-22 03:26:21 +0000 UTC]

yay! thank ya!!

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