Kerozzart — Watashi Wa Akuma Desu...

Published: 2010-01-28 12:40:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1173; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 12
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Description god i hope i got the title right! XD i decided against putting the 'de shitsuji' in... it would be to long.
i dont know japanese but i know this line well cos sebby says it like a million times. YAY season two is being made!!!

WELL! this was by far my most popular print! i almost sold out completely on the first day! O_O <--- my face was like THIS!
so sadly i have none left to barter over the interwebs TT

THIS DEVIATION WAS FUEL MY JATZ ANS LADY GAGA! i let my new lady gaga cd just play over and over, and munched on a plain old box of jatz ><

i surprised myself, the lineart was done in a day! and i coloured it over 3 days gradually. turned out pretty good considering how slack i usually am.
i made i few mistakes which are pretty obvious to me but i wont point them out cos you may not notice! heheheee...winz...

Big thankyou to everyone who bought this print from me! *tears up*
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Comments: 16

Seven-hells [2013-08-31 16:09:18 +0000 UTC]


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ElveniaDC [2010-09-07 13:06:28 +0000 UTC]

I love!!! Japanese title in top of that, pretty cool !

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Kerozzart In reply to ElveniaDC [2010-09-08 01:53:09 +0000 UTC]

haha thankyou!
Its hard to write japanese and not sounds like a weabo lol

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ElveniaDC In reply to Kerozzart [2010-09-08 11:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Héhé! You're welcome... I love japanese culture too, and I think it's a beautiful language... but hard to express sometimes...
Yoroshiku Onegaishumasu (means " nice to meet you ")

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Kerozzart In reply to ElveniaDC [2010-09-08 14:57:12 +0000 UTC]

yes i'd like to start learning japanese. I know yoroshiku onegaishumasu ^^
"wakarimashita" <-- somthing I learnt from anime very quickly lol

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ElveniaDC In reply to Kerozzart [2010-09-08 15:03:52 +0000 UTC]

Death note maybe, they can't stop do say "Wakarimashita". I learn a little from anime too...

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Kerozzart In reply to ElveniaDC [2010-09-08 17:08:36 +0000 UTC]

True that!
"they don't stop saying-" would be better phrasing *wants to be an english teacher* ^^
you speak/write well though, where are you from?

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ElveniaDC In reply to Kerozzart [2010-09-08 17:30:29 +0000 UTC]

Héhé ! I knew it
My english isn't great yet, but I made my best...
I'm from France! And you are Austalian, aren't you?

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Kerozzart In reply to ElveniaDC [2010-09-09 00:24:50 +0000 UTC]

yup! apparently we barely speak English here XD
you get your meanings across right, so I'm not confused as to what your trying to say, and all the phrasing issues will neaten out with time ^^
wish I knew a second language lol.

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ElveniaDC In reply to Kerozzart [2010-09-09 16:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh thanks, you're too kind But you're right for the barely speachees around : I'm in !

Yeah mee too, I wish I knew a second language : japanese of course!

See you around

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Kerozzart In reply to ElveniaDC [2010-09-10 02:46:44 +0000 UTC]

you do know a second language! english XD

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ElveniaDC In reply to Kerozzart [2010-09-10 17:40:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah ! :-D

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Beaverlady [2010-01-28 13:19:02 +0000 UTC]

I saw the "desu", and all I could think of was, DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU!!!
This picture makes me want to go watch the anime now... I must find it on teh interwebs soon

Anyways, as I have said before, 'tis very pretteh!

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Kerozzart In reply to Beaverlady [2010-01-28 13:35:43 +0000 UTC]

the anime is awesome
i've been watching my kyo kara maoh. omg its so fanservice-y and funny. even my MUM was lol'ing
only in KKM will a giant panda and a giant killer koala race for the fate of the city! XD LOL

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Beaverlady In reply to Kerozzart [2010-01-28 13:48:14 +0000 UTC]

Bahaha!!! Gotta love fanservice...
OMFG! I must watch!!!

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Kerozzart In reply to Beaverlady [2010-01-29 01:21:17 +0000 UTC]

it has so many random moments XD
lol wolframs nightgown XD
mums comment "...so why's he sleeping with another boy in the first place?" LOOOOOL

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