Kaze-The-Alien — FHx Bonfire Island2 - (UPDATED)

#feralheart #feralheartx
Published: 2016-06-21 16:15:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2931; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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Description PLEASE READ!
Feral Heartx is a project ive been planning/working on for a few months that will be maps from feral heart and feral heart+ slightly mashed together with a slight touch from my side. all FHx maps will be aviable to download for anyone. They are for anyone to use and RP in and will have the same rules as Feral Heart it self have!

to start of this is Bonfire Island2 which most of you can see resimble bonfire island from Feral heart. thought i noticed later on that this map is a bit smaller. For those who played FH+ or seen videso or pictures of it knows that there is a mountain at the hill which i included to the map but with the possibility to climb it. This picture is not exact as the final production of the map. As an edut from my side i have wided out the "outlands" a little im so tired of when you have a big character and often slip in to the water. the hill with the Pridelands cave and hill is there. and the mountain perfect for the dragons that started to hang below the cliff yes ECHO the dragoness i made the platform so the dragons can have a place to be on. The outlands again have resived a make over and is actually a bit pleasent and not just rock and bushes.

The black portal is not the portal back to cape but a portal that will lead to part 2 of the FeralHeartx project. The portal back to cape is pretty much on the right side next to the portal. but a slightly derpy THANKS to the FH crew that made it a bit invisible it can be a bit hard to spot.

All Map items used are BASIC all ready in game items. It might be a bit laggy! but Bonfire island is not Bonfire Island without lag.

Download link: FHx Bonfire Island2  

KovuLKD  (Kovu) as the creator of the amazing game of Feral Heart
TLK4EVR  (Simba) as the maker of Feral Heart+ which was a lovely AU verision of FH that ment alot to me
And all he Admins and Mods that been strong and keept the game up and running for all the years that passed.
And a big thanks to   and all its members that suported me in this project and help me with some parts of the map!

Because of that nether mod or admin will probably not get in to the map i will have my own mod crew for the map
mods are FH users. NOTE FERAL HEART RULES are the law here and any rule breakers will be warned! (if you catch someone breaking FH rules you are green to report it)

1. FelFeyn - 2. TheSmileGiver - 3. .NekoChan. - 4. ArcticGalaxy
5. Nightcutter - 6. Shaymine - 7. RaptorJames - 8. SilverCrystall
9. GothiCat - 10. julius525 - 11. Mildance - 12. LlamaPants
13. Kaze Sama - and all the members in The-United-Nation group here on DA! 

UPDATE 09/29
Because of some delays the update of the map with the access to ficho will take a while. But while waiting i highly recomend
OldFHMaps In 1.15  by an awesome person who fixed back the original maps as Downloadable maps.
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Comments: 23

PosionousNoxx [2017-06-20 00:01:18 +0000 UTC]

Awesome ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaze-The-Alien In reply to PosionousNoxx [2017-06-20 07:23:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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PosionousNoxx In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2017-06-27 04:51:03 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome c:

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Skatland [2016-08-24 07:58:30 +0000 UTC]

pets it I am gonna use that

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-24 12:31:38 +0000 UTC]

Im glad to hear that it will be used.

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-24 14:27:45 +0000 UTC]

It is too awesome looking to not be used :0 it'd be a shame.

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-24 23:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Im verry happy to hear that you like it so much. but yeah its sadly not that many using it i havens seen anyone go in there for some time.

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-25 01:10:29 +0000 UTC]

;-; that's just sad

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-25 09:20:50 +0000 UTC]

I know. hopefully people will find use of it. Im not sure ether when exact i will also have the ficho added in to the map

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-25 14:41:17 +0000 UTC]

:00000 you gonna do ficho too?

Are you, like, gonna re-create the official maps? +o+

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-25 15:02:11 +0000 UTC]

well i will make a Ficho to but it will be more a replica of both old FH Ficho and FH+ Ficho with a little touch
of my own because of that i cant make a straight of copy it can have bad aftermath like copyright issues from
the game it self. But i will try to have like a Re-make of the old maps. 

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-25 15:58:49 +0000 UTC]

:0 that's amazing, I hopeyou will make it! Ah I see, that will be alot of work but I'll make sure to support you through that and make sure to use them <3 Thank you for spending time to do this for us

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-25 21:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Im glad someone will be in there hopefully as the maps expands maybe more peoples starts to be there

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-26 04:47:47 +0000 UTC]

I could advertise them on the fh site if ya like :0

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to Skatland [2016-08-26 07:19:31 +0000 UTC]

That would be verry nice of you i you would do that

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Skatland In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-08-26 13:46:20 +0000 UTC]

Nuh no problem ^^

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AmandaSlone [2016-07-26 07:24:43 +0000 UTC]

beautiful *-* this very look like the old Bonfire but i prefer the new Bonfire with these camp fire.....GOOD JOB! but Last Cave is for Alpha Rose o3o

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to AmandaSlone [2016-07-26 18:07:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. as the info say it is just a slight replica to get that nostalgic FH bonfire feel.
and yeah i agree FH2 bonfire islands with the camp fires are a verry lovely place to hang around at.
Well Last cave is not far away. i need to finish FHx Ficho and FHx Lonely then im on to work on South and Atlantis.
so in other words not far from Last Cave. then again all maps will be a slight inspired of both FH and FH+ with a bit of touch
of my style. Lonely will be a little more then just a under water pool and if you are a alpha of a group you used to have there i can fix simple "Pack" spots that are RP group friendly if you wish.

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AmandaSlone In reply to Kaze-The-Alien [2016-07-26 18:14:52 +0000 UTC]

AlphaRose is just the user name of my friend x3 not the Alpha of a group and i HATE private maps ;-; i really need to see Last Cave like in the old FH with anything change :3

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Kaze-The-Alien In reply to AmandaSlone [2016-07-26 22:30:43 +0000 UTC]

ah okey

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wishbean [2016-06-24 09:55:10 +0000 UTC]

Hey, awesome looking map you got here!
I thought I might ask you about a problem I've come across when installing the map - Not sure if it is an issue on my end or yours.
I've placed all the export files into their correct folder as well as the textures but I can't seem to find the portal in Cape?
If you are unsure how to fix this and think it could be something to do with my FH, then I'm sure I'd be able to figure it out. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a chat with you first.

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digi-order In reply to wishbean [2016-06-24 15:46:02 +0000 UTC]

The downloaded map portals are -nearly- invisible now due to the 1.15 update. The portal is on the southeastern corner of Cape's end platform if it is the first map you've downloaded since this update.

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wishbean In reply to digi-order [2016-06-25 00:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Alrighty, I will check that area a bit more then.
Thank you for getting back to me. Hopefully I'll won't need to bother you again and I'll be in the map!

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