karincoma β€” -+- they come at night.. -+-

Published: 2004-09-07 20:27:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 20944; Favourites: 417; Downloads: 3823
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Description I haven't been drawing for almost 2 weeks now and to be honest - I don't feel like..
I'm pretty tired and busy at the moment with school and work :/
And since my 'style' which you claim me to have, seems to be really easy to copy, I lost pleasure and satisfaction that I used to feel after a pic was finally finished
I have a feeling that there's no point in creating anything new (or even trying to) when some other artist will come, 'borrow' some stuff, claim it to be his/her and gain all the compliments for being original. I tell you - it really sucks to be copied >.< At the beginning it was flattering and pleasant to know that people get inspirated with what I do but now.. It's all different.
Koma is no longer my own, original character that I've created in 100% by myself.. She's been 'borrowed'. I feel miserable, resigned and even a bit depressed. It's like my character was raped in a really brutal and agressive way - an artistical rape on somebody's else art.. I feel sick when I watch what's being done to her!!
If that's what that artist wanted to get, s/he made it. It's hard for me to draw a complete picture, it's even hard to sketch anything. I am afraid that all the stuff I will be submitting here will be treated the same way.. Useless. Pathetic. But on the other hand I don't want to stop submitting my art on DA..
"The question is - who cares?" as it's been said in some movie u___u
Considering a contest with Koma.. Would like to see your 'legal' interpretations and not just ripoffs :/
Hope you will like that one. After I've finished it I felt a huge relief.. Maybe that's what my drawing are all about..? I dunno
Anyway.. Try to enjoy, please.
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Comments: 134

sodawitch [2008-04-30 21:47:27 +0000 UTC]


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doodleheart [2008-04-12 10:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Your work is beautiful.
don't let copycats get you down, your original work is fabulous.. keep doing waht you do, becuase we all know you're better at it than they are. ;]

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midnightangel38 [2008-04-02 13:10:59 +0000 UTC]

very creative!!!! i enjoy looking at your style its so cute at times!!~ x3
it makes me feel so happy xDD

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meisen [2008-01-28 03:13:43 +0000 UTC]

awww...hun They can imitate but they cant create, and your style is so gorgeous.

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mumblegrumblegrrr [2007-08-19 20:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Hehe so cheery!

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Ipodlover [2007-02-10 03:12:13 +0000 UTC]

WOW, this is awsome, i think ur stuff looks hard to copie an dit's sooo cool! those bastards who steel ur work don't really know how hard u tryed anyway, so that's something that they can'y copie.KEEP UP THE COOL ART WORK

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synaesthesia21 [2006-08-03 13:45:09 +0000 UTC]

OMG ur work is beautiful... so original... i love the line work and color your using... i hope u dont give up on ur illustrative work... its very good...

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bleedingdoll666 [2005-07-08 21:56:11 +0000 UTC]

" The hair theives, they come in the night, STEAL YOUR HAIR THEY DO!" ~Eddie Izzard
sorry the title reminds me of that.

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Solanchi [2005-07-03 04:55:24 +0000 UTC]


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TwistedCheshier [2005-02-06 05:54:15 +0000 UTC]

i hope you feel better.

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TwistedCheshier [2005-02-06 05:54:02 +0000 UTC]

i hope you feel better.

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TwistedCheshier [2005-02-06 05:53:47 +0000 UTC]

i hope you feel better.

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Pepperminte [2005-02-05 06:15:06 +0000 UTC]

creepy eyes.

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fiercebloodlove [2005-01-22 13:53:00 +0000 UTC]

ahh that just freaken scared me,lol bery cool though~kaida

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TereseAntonsen [2005-01-15 17:14:04 +0000 UTC]

I think youre art is uniqe, and those who try to copy this art and character of youres, cant get the soul and the same true personality and love into theire pictures like in this you make. They know it is a lie when they claime it to be 'theires', and both you and I and many others who read this know it! The only comfort I can give, is: You have the original drawing, you know the truth, so show them the truth and keep on the good, beautiefull work!! I love youre pictures! And WE ALL HATE PEOPLE WHO STEAL FROM OTHER ARTIST!! THEY HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THEM SELFS! SHAME ON THOSE PEOPLE! CURSE OVER YOURE FAKE PENCILS!!

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XcellardoorX [2005-01-09 09:31:09 +0000 UTC]

sooo creepy! i love it!

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DeadFace [2004-12-14 23:13:11 +0000 UTC]

nice, i like the stark feeling of the blank background. However, i must say that i'm regretful that i read the description... too much bitching, accept the fact that if you're exceptionally creative, people are going to be envious while simultaneosly drawing inspiration from you... nevermind, you're probably happier bitching about it anyway. Anyhow, like i said, nice artwork.

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japanesejuicebox [2004-11-25 00:50:29 +0000 UTC]

wow, it's so beautiful...and creepy at the same time. that is awsome work.

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Borderlin3 [2004-11-07 13:38:53 +0000 UTC]

yeah she is lovely

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callista [2004-11-01 19:13:28 +0000 UTC]

okay, to moj pierwszy od wiekow komentarz tutaj ;

przede wszystkim, uwielbiam to okno! jest takie niesymetryczne i kojarzy mi sie z Nightmare Before Xmas ^^
dodatkie w okool okna i postaci sa tesh zuper, sama od jakiegos czasu robilam tego typu rzeczy,a le boje sie robic, bo ktos uzna (albo ty sama XD ), ze od ciebie sciagam ;
nastepna rzecz... poszla mi krew z nosa >< ARGH....
oki, joosh lepiej
ostatnio tesh lubie takie skrajne kolorowanie, tak jak tu zrobilas... tylko czarny, bialy, czerwony.
Postac ma niesamowita fryzure, kojarzy mi sie odrobine z Vampire hunter D ;; albo z jakas dawna markiza
tak po za tym, to nie mam zadnych pretensji
moze jedynie szyja dziwnie wyglada wzgledem ramion.. jakby sie postac strasznie prostowala ^^
ale wiesz, ja sama nie potrafie rysowac
wiec jest cool ^^

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simenDELUX [2004-10-31 17:37:26 +0000 UTC]

I love your work and all, but I dont think you should say that your "style" is being copied.. Cuz that is not your style, Iv seen that kinda style on alot of pictures and I know that alot of those artists have never seen your art... But if your characters is being copied I can understand you... happened to me before and it sux...but plz, dont claim it your style. its like someone claiming the anime style being their own or the fatasy style with dragons and elfs being their own.... But I love your art and I think you are VERY talented so keep on making those kick ass pictures.

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tioga [2004-10-28 23:29:36 +0000 UTC]

Thats awesome, so much detail and really like the creative idea behind it

great work

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Jem-of-a-Syy [2004-10-11 20:28:34 +0000 UTC]

It must be really hard having to deal with all of that. I guess that's part of the consequences of being a really good artist ;.x. I hope things really straighten out for you.

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startiller [2004-10-01 23:33:48 +0000 UTC]

There has to be something to stop people from stealing your work! Being influenced is one thing, but outright wrong. But whatever may be the case, don't let that discourage you from doing work. Maybe you should go through the steps of getting copyright on your work so if anybody does steal it they'd get in big trouble.

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vinegar [2004-09-26 08:45:43 +0000 UTC]

hue hue hue.. znalazlam niedomalowany kwadracik XD na samym dole XD (nie ma to jak dostac sensowny komentarz, nie?) _^_

nie no, art jest super, zreszta wiesz o tym XD

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daekazu [2004-09-18 18:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Ale fajna ta Koma. Bardzo podoba mi sie motyw z oknem i "gwiezdzistym niebem". Wszystko tak splywa i sie placze. Niesamowicie milo dla oka. Graficznie jest super i naprawde cieszy oko. Kazde jej wcielenie jest troche inne i zawsze ciekawi mnie jaka bedzie nastepna odslona.
A jesli chodzi o popularnosc Komy, jej przywlaszczanie..
Nie popadajac w dluzsza pisanine chcialbym Ci dal odmiany pogratulowac sukcesu. Ciezko jest stworzyc cos, co zaczyna zyc wlasnym zyciem na taka skale, ze kazdy chce z tego uszczknac cos dla siebie.. Rozumiem ile wiaze sie z tym przykrosci, ale nawet z najmniejszym sukcesem wiaze sie druga strona medalu. Niestety tak to juz chyba musi byc.

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pussinboots [2004-09-18 05:37:18 +0000 UTC]

Just try and remember that whatever they drew was NOT your character, since you were not drawing it.

The Queen of String strikes again... I love the boots and that moon-shape up near the top.

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Agguska [2004-09-16 09:52:41 +0000 UTC]

I like the most this dress and a window

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SavageCrow [2004-09-15 17:52:04 +0000 UTC]

Sweetie, i know its hard having someone copy you, but you have to remember, nothing is scacred, especially on the internet. Anything you post can and most likely will be stolen and buchered and those people are faceless behind a computer screen and can say and do whatever they please because they ARE faceless and you dont know them and they dont know you. You post a self picture on the internet and it ends up in peoples Yahoo and face the juory profiles, you post a drawing on the net, and people are going to take it, post it elsewhere, edit it, make it into icons and god knows what else. But the fact of the matter is, this should not stop you. I know you want to make money off your art, so does my best friend and she gets copyed and ripped off all the time, but does that stop her? no, because the people ripping her off DONT ACTUALLY HAVE THE TALLENT TO CREATE NEW STUFF. Thats right, they DO NOT have artistic talent. If they have to copy you, they will never be able to create and sell anything original in their lives. Feel great that YOU are the one with the talent, push her out of your mind and just go with the flow. You are an amazing artist, and trust me she will NOT be the one making money off YOUR art.. YOU will be. Now go get that pen and pencil and bang out some of that fantastic artwork we all know and love from you!

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IceQueen-- [2004-09-15 10:51:29 +0000 UTC]


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sewzi [2004-09-15 05:20:37 +0000 UTC]

She's adorable!
Sorry about the crap with other people feeding off your art, that sucks

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RosannaFante [2004-09-15 04:13:20 +0000 UTC]

love it

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ReiLiorli [2004-09-14 19:59:38 +0000 UTC]

Nice work^..^

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sCoRpiTa [2004-09-12 01:19:18 +0000 UTC]

don't give up just because some retards decided to copy you and you're Koma.
last week i asked if Koma was your invention but i didn't know at all, i was curious you know.
hope hat you didn't get offended about that pls.
Your draws still on perfection, i still love her dresses.

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karincoma In reply to sCoRpiTa [2004-09-13 21:28:28 +0000 UTC]

Because I see absolutelly no reason to use characters that are not my 100% original creations I can answer your question with honesty and full awareness - yes, Koma is my original design; she made a long way to finally become what she looks and is right now.
No, I didn't feel offended. Why should I? It's a normal question
Thank you :*

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Keokat [2004-09-11 03:26:35 +0000 UTC]

That looks really cool. I love her hair! XD Her clothes are also very nice. You would be very good at fashion designing! XD

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annegwish33 [2004-09-11 01:54:01 +0000 UTC]

Gawd, that's some nice work. I love, love all of the details that you include... the hair tangled around the bedposts is a lovely idea, and brings the whole image together...
And... le sigh. About the whole not-feeling-like-it thing, I totally know what you mean. I've been overloaded with schoolwork lately too, and I haven't been able to do any art that I find satisfying.
Anyway. This is definitely a favorite for me

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DeLaMuerta [2004-09-10 21:05:59 +0000 UTC]

You are one of the greatest artists I've ever seen. You have so much detail and such a unique style, I love it. Brilliant.

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sanguigna [2004-09-10 11:34:32 +0000 UTC]

oh My God this is lovely....this is so detailed it had to take forever... wow.... you have such great talent....

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esserean [2004-09-10 05:51:18 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful!
A on this

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darktati [2004-09-10 01:29:06 +0000 UTC]

IΒ΄ve seen so many amazing artists being ripped of in DA.... please, donΒ΄t stop drawing because of that! IΒ΄m not sure exactly what these people did, but you could report them....
Your raing IS unique, and your style IS original.
Please donΒ΄t give up without fighting

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ketchup-suicide [2004-09-09 21:27:40 +0000 UTC]

argh hehe you got such a cool style ..this pic is specially well set up
and pfff what can i say you clothes desing are just amazing

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zmoodel [2004-09-09 10:42:15 +0000 UTC]

Jakos nie moge przyzwyczaic sie do twojego stylu.
Jest cholernie oryginalny i specyficzny , a ja chyba mam za mala glowe zeby go pojac
W kazdym razie nie ulega watpliwosci ze jestes utalentowana .
Baaardzo ladnie

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theelfhybrid [2004-09-09 09:52:33 +0000 UTC]

*kayleigh said: "You should take a period off formdrawing. Toss all your drawing suplies and paper into a draw and just watch your fav movies and listento your fav music. Just vegg out and let it sorta re-biuld itself in your brain. Drawing doenst hold the same beauty when you do it as a chore. You shoudl do it because you ,yourself feel good about doing it. Maybe an outlet or something. As for the thief..*twitch* If i knew where they lived id beat them shitless for you ! I love seeing your work in my dev-watch, it woudl be sad to not see your workup, so dun give up on drawing in gneral. I find that no matter how much someone copies from you, your work will still hold a quality that thiers will never hope to achieve. Because they themselves coudlnt create the character themselves , they dun have that light in ghtem to create the beautifull art that i see on my dev watch so often *pets* . Reember, ill bea thtem shitless if i knew where htey were lololol"

I totally agree.
I can't say I know the feeling, but I can imagine it. And only the imagined pain seems horrible, so I can't say I know what you're going through. Allthough if I have new ideas, I keep them to myself. I'm just not so trusting.
Because of things like this.
And even though I'm often inspired by awesome artists such as yourself, I atleast say that: this was inspired by this artists, or that piccie. And the people who don't have the decency to do that, will not be bothered by that the artist is devastated. They're doing it to get "popular". It's like winning a game by cheating.. It's not that good. And it's a shitty thing to do. Ok, now I'm ranting, but I must say one thing before I stop; Please don't let them deprive you of the joy of drawing. Even though it would break my heart to see you stop here on DA, it would be better to be able to buy your stuff in a store one day, and know that you're protected by copyright.
I really love your work, but I hope you take good care of yourself, and don't feel it as a pressure to draw. That just takes the fun away. Anyway, I love this pic to, as always, and I really hope this works out.

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Disliked [2004-09-09 00:21:38 +0000 UTC]

Stringies!! I'd get stuck o.o

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elfin-angel-kura [2004-09-08 23:16:25 +0000 UTC]

i love how you draw all the little strings, dont ever quit because people are copying your charaters(which are great). your art is so beautiful. keep up the awesome work.

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schwickydrom [2004-09-08 20:55:49 +0000 UTC]

yeah sure that u have problems with drawing
u should just change the subject at least for a few weeks and start drawing different things or do some mor photography like u did
btw cute pictures of uuuu
yay and what i wanted to add
in this work i dunno but i see less detail then in the others and everything is just not as good as it was
think its perhaps u are bored by ur character perhaps
sorry if i am totally wrong
i dont want to judge ur art
this is just a suggestion for u from a nice human beeing who tries to help everyone(oh no thats not me )

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KEBinns [2004-09-08 19:28:30 +0000 UTC]

i cant believe anyone would do that. . .

it makes me sad.

i wish it was enough for me to say that i love your art but it's probably not.
i hope you get inspired.

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Kicia [2004-09-08 18:04:14 +0000 UTC]

sliczne i przerazajace ... tlo wyglada jak sala szpitalna [ciemno w oknie a obrzydlkiwie bialo w srodku] brrrrrr zgroza

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Irmes [2004-09-08 17:17:16 +0000 UTC]

powiem krΓ³tko - zrzynanie sucks.

a co do rysunku - nigdy mnie fryzura Komy nie przestanie zadziwiać o_o Próbowałam coś takiego wykombinować (te dwa wielgachne koki + coś zwisajacego z tyłu) i mi włosów nie starczyło - a mam gęste i dość długie włosy więc teoretycznie powinno sie jakos udac...X3

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