Published: 2010-04-15 03:32:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2786; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 28
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For and her alone...Related content
Comments: 24
Jealmar-Aurora7618 [2010-12-10 21:34:20 +0000 UTC]
Lo que no me gusta son los ojos pero por lo demas esta bien
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Tsundernova [2010-04-15 11:56:08 +0000 UTC]
Why not for me? D:
FFF you're just too good at this <3
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Karaiel In reply to Tsundernova [2010-04-15 17:13:33 +0000 UTC]
D: you can have his crotch jewel dedicated to you!?
I'm glad it's liked...who knew... >_> gay ass Haou.
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Tsundernova In reply to Karaiel [2010-04-25 17:04:56 +0000 UTC]
Ohohohoho that suits me fine ;D
Haou isn't gheyyyy D': I lavs heeeem.
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-17 20:53:54 +0000 UTC]
I lavs him too ._.
Haha just read these comments! XD
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-17 21:05:06 +0000 UTC]
Stalkerrrrrrrr woah this comment is almost a year old XD
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-17 21:16:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear god what have we become...
Hey babe! XD
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-17 22:55:49 +0000 UTC]
...I have no idea X'D
Hey~ How are things on your end? Exams approaching?
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-17 22:58:07 +0000 UTC]
Slime or shmoooz thats what we have become!
Exams? Coursework? Hahaha they're not due for a whi-... WAAAAAH! < Pretty much sums it up it's too beautiful weather to program and study math D :
How about you?
As soon as we are all done BBQ picnic at the beach!
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-17 23:03:57 +0000 UTC]
Pffff Oh god that sounds too similar to my state XD The weather was so nice today I went outside to study and ended up falling asleep instead.
I got two exams to go and one piece of stats coursework that's about 50% done. .3. I have to work on the rest using SPSS at uni. Laaaaaame. Chemistry and the big Forensics practical are my exams. They're not for about 3 weeks though.
OH MAN YES <3 That sounds so good hnnnng I'm looking forward to free time to hang out with you all again~
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-17 23:18:46 +0000 UTC]
Hahahahahaha! I can't read in the light too bright, I went to the park with the boys, got back loaded up programming software... Then watched the walking Dead instead XD
Oooh whens your exams? I have one May the 10th vigorous math/physics sessions are planned. (Lord save me!) I'm almost done my 3D scene in Open GL I have been having more fun texturing and modeling my models than programming them! (GOD SO MUCH PROGRAMMING FOR LIGHTING/SHADING!!!) Good luck with your practicals i'm sure you'll do ace! (You don't have me there to distract you ._. I miss our practical days! XD)
ME TOOOOOO! These hugs when we pass eac other keep me goign ~
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-18 00:11:03 +0000 UTC]
X'DD Productive days for both of us.
Ummm let me see I've got chemistry on the 17th of May I think. Forensics is the week after, either the Tuesday or Wednesday, it hasn't been decided.
Thank you for the luck, I'll need it ;3; And you too, maths/physics sucks just as bad as chemistry/physics XD
Our days of biologay are long missed ;A;
Saaaame <3 You keep me sane with those. I mean, can you blame me? Philippa every second of every day > n > When she's not ill. Which is often. Plus mr. ginger harassing me all the time kejvbhjfbvhfdc *dies*
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-18 00:15:35 +0000 UTC]
They always were, specially higher English! XD
I've become such a dweeb that I laugh at math and physic jokes now ._. Indeed our subjects are hard D: Thanks babe!
Oh lordy me I haven't hear Biologay in such a while <3 YES! NOSTALGIA!
Keep sane! Keep Sane! *pats* Thats all I can do D : Haaaaaaa the ginger, had a good convo the other day, ask him about my lil' pony he likes that show ; )
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-18 00:20:04 +0000 UTC]
OHGOD those days... X'D How did we even pass?
Same here, I'm a biology nerd like that .A. I even said to my sister after she cracked a joke: "I found that humerus." She frowned at me. For good reason. XD We'll pass this year and move forward. Maybe next time I'll actually make some attempt to study all year so it's not so hard ahaha /not likely
I still call it that XD It's not the same without the crew though ;3;
I'll make sure to ask him about it ;D And call him gay after. XD
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-18 00:31:36 +0000 UTC]
I don't want to even know how... ._. ...
I still like my Biologay : ) Pretty much remember everything XD also I really enjoyed Psychologay I can still remember the experiments names and dates!
I would look at you in dissapointment for the bad pun, then have a good giggle cause it's good! *Shudders* Wha wha YEAH! 3rd year is making my baw bag shudder in fear D*: I have been having study sessions with the boys in the lounge the others get scared by our intense integration atmosphere!
Keep it strong as you have to keep the flame burning!
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Tsundernova In reply to Ichigokitten [2011-04-18 12:31:04 +0000 UTC]
Me neither. .3. Best not ask questions and be thankful.
I remember fuck alllll from most subjects I did back in the day. XD I'm being forced to re-learn chemistry and then new stuff on top of that. *sitting in a mountain of paper atm* Oh and not to mention I had a Law module this year XD It's worrying that I actually enjoyed it more than my other subjects. Then again if I become a lawyer ca-ching in the finances ;D
Bawww I'm shunned by society for my terrible puns. ;A;
3rd year is making my baw bag shudder too :'I
Ohoho I see. XD Then hopefully with all that intensity comes good grades for all of you. I'm purposefully avoiding my classmates because I hate most of them ahaha *antisocial*
Can I burn my work instead? 8D Please?
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Ichigokitten In reply to Tsundernova [2011-04-19 00:24:04 +0000 UTC]
Yeah 0.o
I remember fuck all about English haha! Oh the joys of them moles and chemical structures! Law? Hahaha, well I guess if you are gonna be looking at dead bodies for CSI stuff you need to know some law to save yer ass if you muck up! I took a horrid module about learning how to make a programme run faster on the computer by using threads cache and processors ITS HORRIBLE!
I shunned too for my stupidity ._.
Waaah! *shudders with you*
Gosh I hope so! I have put soo many hours into maths/physics! It's sad the things I can calculate now. Haha I can't blame you, I like my course cause boys are more fun to hang with XD (plus I don't need to bother with make up )
No. Roast Puffalumps instead
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Ichigokitten [2010-04-15 03:36:23 +0000 UTC]
Thats why I love you
He is just so damn cool. You are too good.
Ill put Dai up for you soon
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Karaiel In reply to Ichigokitten [2010-04-15 11:05:20 +0000 UTC]
yay, Daisukeee!
You can see, no legs.
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Ichigokitten In reply to Karaiel [2010-04-15 12:04:06 +0000 UTC]
Dai is legless too haha these boys wont get far in the outside world :s
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Karaiel In reply to Ichigokitten [2010-04-15 17:12:19 +0000 UTC]
thats how we keep our men in check.
YUSEEEEI. Almost bought Tag Team Force 4 :/
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Ichigokitten In reply to Karaiel [2010-04-15 20:03:42 +0000 UTC]
you bet!
I am nearly done tag force 3 i suck so bad at dueling its not even funny =.=
Haou kicked my ass so much on that game
then again so did yubel :/
Haou was worse bloody evil heroes!!!
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Karaiel In reply to Ichigokitten [2010-04-16 00:03:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm never going to finish Dissidia...boo hoo Or HeartGold for that.
Haou DID something?! I mean other than putting his bra on...
:/ Damn pricey Auchi. Damn. Guess I'll pay for that before ALcon!
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Ichigokitten In reply to Karaiel [2010-04-16 10:08:00 +0000 UTC]
You will though its a boooring game!
Haou kicks ass in the game >.> especially mine
Bra... pah-lease XD
I know what we gonna do
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