Published: 2003-04-01 22:43:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2438; Favourites: 66; Downloads: 220
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The Legendary Swordsman ^__^Type: Mixed Media
Media/Tools: Copic Markers, markers, pencil crayons, Derwent Art Pencils, Adobe Photoshop 5.5 (text-editing)
Based on: Various images of Kenshin Himura (both from OVA and Rurouni Kenshin series)
Canvas: 8"x11" card paper
Date Created: Approx. December 18-24, 2002
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin
Characters: Kenshin Himura / Hitokiri BattousaiMy Comments:
Don't ya just LOVE that quote??? Well, I pretty much love anything and everything from THE Legendary swordsman, Kenshin Himura, and *yes* Tasha-chan, that's another bishonen to add to the Kaliko's extensive list! ^___~ LOL. But actually, Kenny-kun is pretty far high up the rankings, and anyone that's seen Kenshin in action would know why ^__^. He's sweet, kind, thoughtful and has his moral ethics in all the right places. I love him, and that's no short of the truth ^__^!!
I illustrated this picture in order to depict what I believe to be Kenshin's strongest enemy and hardest trial: facing the truths of his past. Because of that theme, I chose to draw two versions of Kenshin, the first you see in the foreground (in the blue) is Kenshin from the Samurai X OVAs, as a young boy, known to be Battousai the Manslayer (Hitokiri Battousai) and fighting for the imperalists during the Meiji Revoultion. The second, in the background (the fuschia-pink), is the more commonly known TV series Kenshin who is ten years or so older, and, in a time of peace, works to protect the innocent and repent for the lives he took during the time of war. (*sigh* ya just gotta love him
The fanart itself didn't take too long to do thankfully ^__^ Both Kenshins are done in combinations of marker and pencil crayon, where the marker was used as a base and the pencils did the varying shades, or occasionally vice-versa. The background was done in Derwents, and the text was later added to emphasize that Kenshin vs. Battousai theme. This is my tribute to a guy I absolutely looove, being one of the best lead characters I've yet ever seen
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all! God bless!
Peace. Love. Anime.
Kaliko Rosa
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Comments: 21
Generalobiwankenobi7 [2011-10-14 09:13:09 +0000 UTC]
Good drawing! Personally I like Saito Hajime better.
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Paranoid-Duckkie [2006-04-28 18:39:08 +0000 UTC]
That is cool. Love the colors and the shading best.
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dragonzmoon [2005-10-14 12:36:21 +0000 UTC]
I like his facial expression in this.. wonderful!
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valdrianth [2003-10-14 11:47:11 +0000 UTC]
*squeals in kenshin fangirl goodiness* *throws Kouga at Kaliko to distract her then runs off with Kenshin.* *but of course comes back and get Kouga-sama*
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kaliko-rosa In reply to valdrianth [2003-10-15 19:19:44 +0000 UTC]
*cue suspense-y horror music... Kali's eyes turn bloodshot... head begins to spin 360... veins pop.... fangs drip with acidic bloodthirsty saliva....*
Do with wolfboy as you please.... as sexy as the black-haired, blue-eyed animal of a man is.... there is absolutely NO forgiveness and no tolerance when it comes to the possible bishonen-napping of my ever beloved HIMURA KENSHIN, of whom I am attributed SOLE POSESSION!! HE CANNOT BE SHARED! *hmph* That's what you get for not sharing Kouga with me.. *bleeeh* X3.
KENSHIN IS MINE! AND MINE ALONE! ^_^x. (sometimes I'll share with Crim-chan, but she can only have Battousai >_>; Manslayers are great and all for cool past stories.. but there's only so many things you'd want your bish to be into... I mean, who didn't see what became of Tomoe here? oO; )
Peace. Love. Anime.
Kaliko Rosa
w w w . k a l i k o . c j b . n e t
Kaliko's Clubbing Ventures:
Kaliko's Kindred Spirits:
"Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
-1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
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svz [2003-08-25 21:13:18 +0000 UTC]
Kenshin looks great in this! *glomps pic and refuses to let go*
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asians-united [2003-07-02 15:46:18 +0000 UTC]
I just love seeing Kenshin again and again. *___* I know I already commented, but I just wanna comment for the sake of the club! I'm gonna +fav this for the club to see your amazing talent, Kaliko-san! And of course outta all your pics, I'm gonna choose KENSHIN. HeHe...
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evil-ed316 [2003-06-22 04:24:12 +0000 UTC]
HOLLY CRAP HE HAS AN S-WORD!....danm it I sed it agan....cool pic
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kenshin-club [2003-05-05 05:37:33 +0000 UTC]
Kenshin's so riteous. I love this. Beautiful blend of both images.
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majinthing [2003-04-13 20:28:15 +0000 UTC]
*bounces up and down like a little imp while pointing* IT'S UNCA KENNY!!!!! *jumps on his back and yanks his hair* C'MON, gimme an "oro"!! ORO ORO ORO!! ^__^ I actually visited MM a few weeks ago *GASP* and saw this, your last fanart posted there! Seems like we both abandoned it near the end of December/beginning of January,
. Anyh00, being the impatient person that I am, and considering that I'd already waited 10 minutes for the image to load (now who else has art that I would wait that long for to see?!
), I neglected to comment *dies* BUT! Here I am now, fulfilling my duties as Annoying Heralder of the Public Opinion! Pleased to be speakin' at ya, Agent Martin Luther Kaliko!
LOL, you have a vision, eh? I'm a governmental experiment (gone terribly wrong HAHAH)? Nooo no no NO, missy! *shakes head and slaps Toriyama-hand to forehead* If I'm a gov't superhuman creation, then what does that make you? The person they got my injected fluids from?
I say we at least share the title of artistic freaks-o'-nature together
Legendary swordsman, indeed! *swoons* As you well know by now, I've not seen him in the OVA yet, but I've still got the right to think he looks PRETT-y darn awesome here in his Battousai form too! What a masterful blend of 84954756 different mediums, I'll never stop hounding you about that @__@ You'z gotz mad crazy multi-talented skillz, mah homey G! (Excuse the ebonics, I've no clue why I'm in that kind of mood
) I always love how you handle skin tones, you mix the colors so well, it actually looks real. And ya gotta love them eyes! Lovely bluuuue...*swoons again* Totally kick-arse, my friend!
Need I even divulge into the wonders of the bg? I think not.
Not to mention the quote, perfect choice! Thumbs up to you once again!! ^__^
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pai-chan [2003-04-12 18:06:38 +0000 UTC]
The Ova series is soo sad.. but still I love it more then the series.
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deathscythe02 [2003-04-12 16:20:26 +0000 UTC]
*loves the quote and pic*
my friend would love this to bits!!!!! ( ~skyler-lee )
kenshin!! *glomp*
ooo and i like the border thingy too
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crim-chan [2003-04-10 00:41:10 +0000 UTC]
O_O! Kenshin... ^^; HeHe. You did a really good job with the coloring. Older Kenshin is cuter, but I like his "evil" attitude when he was younger. :/
Awesome job, Kaliko-san! ^^
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kmey-sha [2003-04-01 23:00:00 +0000 UTC]
It must took time doing this! I pretty like it. Nice coloring..
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caze [2003-04-01 22:48:21 +0000 UTC]
Awesome! Nice coloring ! The colors you used are so appealing somehow o.o His eyes have a glow to 'em! Great quote too~!
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pinballcore [2003-04-01 22:45:03 +0000 UTC]
sweet, looks like that took some time.. and it turned out great.. nice!
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