Published: 2017-06-11 02:12:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 878; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 2
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Name: SageName meaning: wisdom; also the name of a type of flower
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old
Birthday: June 10th
Sign: Gemini
Sexuality: Bisexual
Voice actress: Angelina Jolie
Pack: Shunkaha pack
+ Calm: Sage is never one to lose her temper with ease.
+ Passionate: She has a Strong passion for the world and nature and everything about it, and thus admires others for being exactly the way they are.
+ Impartial: She judges things and others the most reasonable way possible, without getting involved.
+ Peaceful: Her countenance is one of inner Peace, so there is little you can do to disturb her; besides, she is strongly against the use of violence desbite being the best among her class of warriors.
- Manipulative: The way she talks and approaches things may seem way too convincing to others, to a point where they will believe anything she tells them and she will end up getting what she wants.
- Annoying: Her excess of calmness may come accross as annoying to others, which is why you will mostly see her on her own.
- Deceiving: Her jade eyes hold an innocent nature to them, and it might seem like she's naïve and you're the one in charge, but little do you know she has it all figured out before you could even think about it...
- Hoarder: Sage has a hard time getting rid of things she collects, even though they may have no use whatsoever.
Backstory: Born to a huntress and a warrior in a litter of five, Sage was the only female. Her father, due to this, had her as his favorite, and therefore spoiled her to an extent - more than the rest of her brothers. They noticed throughout their teenagehood and many times grumbled and complained about it, but no one seemed to be able to get mad at the green eyed female, for she was Always able to convince them otherwise... her mother was the first one to notice her gift of persuasion. She taught her more about it, and how she should be aware of it - but most importantly, her mother was the one who taught her to be passionate about the world, despite her tough attitude towards her pups, always requiring them to give out their best in every situation.
She is a great warrior, but has a passion for herbs and secretly wishes she had trained to be a shaman instead. She can also be extremely seductive.
Roleplaying Method: Skype, google notes.
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Comments: 3
JSixkool In reply to KaiKenNatsuki [2017-06-11 21:45:23 +0000 UTC]
Sweet I'll let them know if they decoide to offer ^^
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