Published: 2007-05-25 21:38:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 1391; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 28
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Pencil drawing of a great actor, Gerry Butler.Well, he is a kind of favorite for me, for one reason I love the musical Phantom of the Opera, and I first saw him as Erik. In my opinion, he is one of those, who doesn't get his roles only because he's is handsome. He has talent.
He took me almost 4 hours to draw, but I guess, it was worth it. ^^ Hope you like it. ^^
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Comments: 24
cplanetfan [2009-03-10 11:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Really great looking, truly a Master's work Mr Gerry is really talented
soon enough I'm gonna draw him ^^ He'll have to wait some time though,long line of portraits to be drawn before him ^^
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julialrose In reply to cplanetfan [2009-03-13 19:52:17 +0000 UTC]
Awh, thank you ^^ Yay, Gerry is awesome indeed. I'll drop by to see your work!
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cplanetfan In reply to julialrose [2009-03-13 19:54:57 +0000 UTC]
Anytime ^^ And thanks for being interested ^^
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stargate4ever23 [2008-10-09 16:57:36 +0000 UTC]
He does have alot of talent, and he's gorgeous to boot! Great job on this drawing!
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julialrose In reply to stargate4ever23 [2008-10-10 19:25:46 +0000 UTC]
Well said! Thanks for the fav
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fallensecrets [2008-06-02 08:22:24 +0000 UTC]
oh i loove him in phantom of the opera. heheh and you did an amazing job capturing him!!!!
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sk8gRgo [2007-05-26 09:38:25 +0000 UTC]
kurva jó lett nemtok mit hozzátenni az előttem kommentelők már jól megdícsértek
ja és én is szeretem gerard butlert
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julialrose In reply to sk8gRgo [2007-05-26 10:23:22 +0000 UTC]
xD Köszi Rómeó! Zsöri baby forever
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julialrose In reply to primedark [2007-05-26 10:22:14 +0000 UTC]
Gerhárd Butler :Đ Am köffi.
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julialrose In reply to robamphetamines [2007-05-26 10:21:05 +0000 UTC]
Waah, thank you so much your comment and the ! ^^ You have nice Gerry pics too!
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Naixoa [2007-05-26 00:03:28 +0000 UTC]
Jesus, what the first commenter said! thats freaking amazing, such detail x_x DAMN YOU!!
And I loved him in that movie too, it was so brilliant!
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Death-by-Clarinet [2007-05-25 21:41:43 +0000 UTC]
Whoa, that's so amazing. Fantastic shading, man.
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julialrose In reply to Death-by-Clarinet [2007-05-25 22:09:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Glad you like it. Also thank the fav!
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