Johnny888845 β€” Margo, Lynn, and Paula watch Raging Bull

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Published: 2023-06-14 15:31:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 17503; Favourites: 92; Downloads: 12
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Description Margo: "Right. Where do I start. Let's see here. Oh right. After winning that soccer game with my two besties, with Paula nabbing the spotlight, we dropped by Burpin' Burger to celebrate our victory. Let's just skip to the part that's more interesting. I don't wanna drag this too long. Here's what happened: Days later I happened by a store that sells Blu-Rays. I found this movie from the 80s that caught my wide-eyed attention: Martin Scorsese's black and white Oscar winning movie, "Raging Bull", starring Robert de Niro. Granted I never saw this movie before, nor who this De Niro is, and I gave it a shot. What I saw was absolutely nothing before my life like any other sports movies. It was brutal. Of course, I asked myself: How would Lynn react to this?

A week later, I decided to drop by the Louds' place with Paula so I can exhibit this movie with Lynn's siblings barring her. After seeing it, they became increasingly worried if Lynn herself would see it, fearing it would break her motivation. But for me, I had other ideas. I realized this movie was a perfect way to teach Lynn about the harsh reality of life, and the cold hard notion that: sometimes, victory is meaningless. Especially when sports is concerned.

The next day, I dropped by the house and finally presented to Lynn for the first time, the film. Paula joined with me. For Lynn, naturally, all things considered, automatically assumed that Raging Bull would be yet another inspiring and kick-butt sports adventure movie about a boxer and his victories in his career. But the moment the movie runs halfway through the beginning, oh boy, this is gonna get ugly. The movie presented before Lynn something completely opposite of her buoyant expectations: the awful truth.

The movie is not really about those explosive boxing matches that result in a sure win for our a-hem, hero. No, it ain't like that. It was a brutally profuse and dispassionate deconstruction of the world of sports. You see, here's one thing, it doesn't matter how many trophies you win or-or how many opponents you beat down and eat for breakfast, without an, an anchor that keeps you in one place, you'll drift away to an uncertain doom.

Jake LaMotta, the Bronx Bull, the Raging Bull, was a very competitive boxer, son of a gun has a tough head, can take a beating, and scored numerous wins as a middleweight boxer, however, he was a hothead no different from Lynn, a nut job, a psycho, and an insecure wreck of a man whose mind can't go in one direction without suspecting anybody is after his wife. He also is attached to the Mob, whom his brother Joey is the manager until his retirement. And it gets worse from there.

This is when Lynn's cocky facade started turning to one of shock and stupor. As she saw Jake living a tumultuous, chaotic, destructive lifestyle that slowly drives him away from his family and culminating with his retirement and divorce from his fed up wife, Vikki, Lynn had no words to say as, you know what happens, Jake further doubling in his downward spiral.

I could see for the first time, and for the first time in her life, that Lynn's become so scared of the very thing she's so passionate about, right when Jake was pinched by the cops for bringing in minors in his joint, the poor guy punching and screaming in his cell, alone and broken. And I see in her eyes, as I looked at her face, on the verge of tears, hands shaking and trembling, that she began seeing a lot of herself in Jake LaMotta. A dark, twisted reflection of what would happen if she lets the sports judge her every direction in life, and the very same thing would come back to bite her in the behind, causing alienation from her family and everyone. She was afraid she would become the same paranoid monster that was Jake, someone that would lose everything and won't realize till it's too late. She feared of losing me, Paula, her family... well, everybody. I could do nothing but look at her with deep pity. Of course, I contemplated whether it was good or not to show the movie in the first place. Poor girl."

The Loud House, Β©Nickelodeon
Raging Bull, a Martin Scorsese picture, Β©MGM
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