Jin-Saotome β€” All Hail SHOCKWAVE

Published: 2011-07-16 07:35:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 13723; Favourites: 388; Downloads: 697
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Description So, I heard you all wanted a Shockwave with a yellow eye, left handed gun, bigger shoulders, 10 different metallic colors, ball jointed wrists and head, and a new tank mode? The eye can be changed out for red and the arms swapped as well for a true movie-style look. Tank turret now sits in the middle, no more 'training wheels', and has a full front end.

I used metallic Testors One Coat Lacquer purple-licious (which by the way works exactly like Tamiya lacquers! Buy them!) in combination with Tamiya Gunmetal, silver leaf, mithril silver, brass, copper, bronze, boltmetal, and a few other mixes of color. Every angled section of his sculpt has been lined-over with scuff/scratch marks and then buffed to polish them in. Added oil splatters and dust/debris specks, also black blast streaks. Whew!
More pics to come!
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Comments: 42

ZackWriter23 [2021-12-13 06:56:30 +0000 UTC]

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NO-SoupForYou [2021-08-21 08:47:31 +0000 UTC]

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Unkownbrony52 [2017-02-09 03:25:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank god you put the gun on the left arm. That annoyed me in the film.

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xaviir20 [2015-12-06 16:54:34 +0000 UTC]


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Notros [2015-09-29 04:47:48 +0000 UTC]


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115spartan [2012-09-17 11:20:13 +0000 UTC]

kinda reminds me of him TFP

yea he is in it but in flashback

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GaiaTheHedgehog15 [2012-09-11 09:23:19 +0000 UTC]

Y-you . . . made . . . You m-MADE THAT!?!?

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Jin-Saotome In reply to GaiaTheHedgehog15 [2012-09-13 14:47:40 +0000 UTC]

Yep! Now check out my End of the Road Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack

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duallygirl178 [2012-07-30 21:53:27 +0000 UTC]

he's so cool the most badass decepticon robot in the movie ^^

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chaos-sandwhich In reply to duallygirl178 [2012-09-06 10:31:48 +0000 UTC]

they should have killed off megatron and set up shockwave as the new decipticon leader,
or better yet shockwave takes over by force and kills starscreem just to make a point

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GaiaTheHedgehog15 In reply to chaos-sandwhich [2012-09-11 09:32:29 +0000 UTC]

Somebody actually did make that happen.
Her name is whatayamacholit.
She writes stories, alt stories. You'll have to read the entire section of her "Transformers *Rough*" section for it all to make sense.
Then you'll have to read "To The Moon And Beyond". That section is still being written, but by the time you've caught up, It'll be almost halfway to the end already.
And for all those who are thinkin' "Oh no! Not a BOOK! Not READING! :horror:", just trust me when I say, it is frickn' ADDICTIVE.

[link] Start with chapter one.
[link] Read this after *Rough*

I promise you, If you love Transformer fanfiction that STILL sticks with the storyline, you GOTTA give this chick's work worth a shot.

I love Shockwave. He's such a badass. XD

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duallygirl178 In reply to chaos-sandwhich [2012-09-06 23:36:45 +0000 UTC]


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blackcayman [2012-02-03 20:20:49 +0000 UTC]

WOW. I love the colours you used on him. It makes him look more G1.

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ArtDoge [2011-11-23 04:14:09 +0000 UTC]

Dude I was totally hoping you would be on to doing more of the mod kits for DotM

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Howlgram [2011-08-25 05:59:36 +0000 UTC]

That is fucking awesome!!!!!
GOOD JOB!!! >: D

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Shane-Sky-Walker [2011-08-03 02:33:00 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job! Love the detail and the paint choice!

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ThePlasmod [2011-07-31 20:49:17 +0000 UTC]

wow thas great it's so cool

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XxHandDrawnxX [2011-07-29 02:11:51 +0000 UTC]


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vincymon [2011-07-28 01:41:58 +0000 UTC]

Rattid !

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generalbrievous [2011-07-27 11:19:55 +0000 UTC]

Incredible! So much detail. Man, I want this Shockwave on my shelf

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DesignsByFro [2011-07-17 17:37:02 +0000 UTC]

This is one of my favorites of your work. Impressive.

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gigasteam [2011-07-17 03:57:07 +0000 UTC]


nah, just kidding. looking really good, the way light hits the figure is amazing. 10 points!

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RedWingsDragon [2011-07-17 02:26:27 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work here this looks fantastic

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RobotMaster3 [2011-07-17 00:36:20 +0000 UTC]

I can already hear Corey Burton's voice coming from it. It looks amazing, Jin.

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NikolaiMcFist [2011-07-16 22:55:41 +0000 UTC]

Idk about you guys, but this looks so badass it's like a mini robot. It doesn't even look like a toy anymore (which I'd consider to be a great compliment), amazing, amazing work as always, Jin.

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Maiden-Of-The-Maggot [2011-07-16 20:51:49 +0000 UTC]

Too awesome for words!

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msilvestre [2011-07-16 19:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Well done!

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Vadrigos [2011-07-16 18:02:40 +0000 UTC]

Cool, the antognist for my prequel story in all his glory.

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felixneko7 [2011-07-16 18:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Shockwave is superior, all others inferior ...other than Jin...

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PD-Black-Dragon [2011-07-16 17:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Looks Amazing! I'd LOVE to see your version of Soundwave (one of my all time favorite TF characters).

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DrunkenWolfie [2011-07-16 16:05:39 +0000 UTC]

Just a Nerd moment here, The worm we all saw under Soundwave's control was a Cybertronian Driller, if you had played War for Cybertron then you'd get the chance to ride one lol....

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DragonLizardJareth [2011-07-16 15:38:51 +0000 UTC]

HELLZ YEAH! He should have had a bigger part in the movie.

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Kal-aMari [2011-07-16 14:47:20 +0000 UTC]

Fixes every complaint I have about the original toy. Awesome!

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onilili [2011-07-16 14:00:32 +0000 UTC]

Awesome stuff. Now where's the worm thing?

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prfctcellrulz [2011-07-16 13:53:04 +0000 UTC]

If you ask me, the chest plate just screams "Lord Zedd".

I'm Primus in the Transformers-Crew!
I'm Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode in the Duel-Monsters Club!
VIVA NO MA'AM! JOIN THE National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood!
"Please put down your weapon! You have 20 SECONDS to comply!" -ED 209, RoboCop
97% of teens only see the Transformers franchise because of Shia La Beouf or Megan Fox/Rosie Huntington-Whitely. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the other 3% that goes to see things explode and robots beating the crap outta each other!
Please check my Journal for my Yu-Gi-Oh! card wantlist!

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JWBeyond [2011-07-16 12:12:19 +0000 UTC]

N'ucking F'uts Thats your best work Yet!!! You ROCK!!!!!

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tyu237 [2011-07-16 10:23:53 +0000 UTC]

it is only logical that I favourite this!
Top job! the new eye looks awsome

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reddragon162 [2011-07-16 09:46:11 +0000 UTC]

I think it blew ass that he didn't say a single word in the whole movie and didn't even play any sort of major plot role either.

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REVULSIVE [2011-07-16 08:04:36 +0000 UTC]

Holy crap, man! That looks so good. Fantastic work.

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tumamaesjoto12 [2011-07-16 07:57:00 +0000 UTC]

wooow!!!! great work!!

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BighairyTauren [2011-07-16 07:44:34 +0000 UTC]

God damm!!!!

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Travtron7000 [2011-07-16 07:39:08 +0000 UTC]

much better than the movie edition! I still have no idea what his worm-like vehicle thing was all about..

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