Published: 2012-12-06 12:35:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 6756; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 2062
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jimmy-has-noface [2016-09-12 11:58:12 +0000 UTC]
hello. me and a friend are making a alien vs predator themed mod for the game ark survival evolved in which players will advance through different predator ranks competing with other predator tribes and human survivors(non pred players) which are pretty much in Adrian Brody'sΒ shoes(predators)Β only instead they are colonial marines that have crash landed on a hunter preserver planet. Β there will be some NPC predator referred toΒ as bad bloods due to the fact they are un-tameable and will attack any one nomatter who they are. they also wear the masks from the predators movie(berserker, falconer, tracker). human players will be able to retrieve broken pieces of Armour off bad bloods corpses and turn them into improvised predator gear like the Noland character did in predators.humans will also be able to build USCM gear there will also be alien AI including face hugger, chestburster, warrior, spitter, predalien, crusher, praetorian, queen and the empress(huge queen)
we need a engineer model to use i was curious if i could get a copy and a name to give credit to. using the mod in the servers we use we will place a structure that a NPC will commonly spawn at. for an alien it will be a hive node aliens will be able to place their own hive nodes to spawn others, for the bad blood predators we will have a crucified predator shrine surrounded by trophies. for the engineer we will have a crashed derelict ship(alien,aliens,prometheus)
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AG-sArt [2012-12-06 23:34:09 +0000 UTC]
Nice, I have no idea how such medium works, but this looks awesome Bra jobbet
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