JediSenshi β€” Religion is

Published: 2011-05-09 06:02:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2666; Favourites: 143; Downloads: 0
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wakaflockaflame1 [2016-02-28 00:55:56 +0000 UTC]

First, tell me what is your concept ofΒ "reality"......."reality" differs depending on mind. So maybe that is why your "reality" is so hateful...

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CSCoder4ever [2015-08-18 22:47:45 +0000 UTC]

Religious engineer's exist. And Engineer's tend to be the most realistic of people.

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starcatfri [2015-04-06 06:44:21 +0000 UTC]

I believe religion is infact very, very silly. But sadly sort of necessary in our society. Despite the fact we have scientific proof that life after death DOES in fact exist, and the consciousness is in fact real and not supernatural - many people are too dense to understand such a concept or read basic physics. Therefore they live in fear, and if they have a 'crutch' or something that gives them peace so be it. As long as you DO NOT hurt yourself OR HURT OTHERS. Example: Jews - Circumcision is NOT natural and damages the child permanently for life. No religion should alow you to cut off an ear, an arm, a leg, a penis, etcetera.
But if you DO NOT hurt other people and do not wish to see the real facts, if it makes you happy and keeps you working in society what ever.

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ilovewheatley [2015-01-31 23:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Look up Buddhism. Its main teaching is literally the acceptance of reality. I'm so sick of everybody just piling all religions into one big heap like they all teach the same thing.Β 

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Aph-Oliver-Kirkland [2014-09-22 20:30:37 +0000 UTC]

Though I can see where you're coming from, I'd have to disagree

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DigiquillDraws [2014-09-18 21:48:49 +0000 UTC]

Reality is just information gathered by your sensory organs filtered through your personal opinions about the world around you.

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PrincessElemix [2014-06-10 18:18:47 +0000 UTC]


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RekaTheAmazingTaco [2014-02-17 23:09:33 +0000 UTC]

I actually have an argument against this.

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine, Christian, mind you, and I should believe he agrees.

Religion is a use of faith to explain things we normally couldn't.Β 

One asks, "Who, or what, created the world?"

Another answers, "God did, of course."

By your logic, humans can't handle reality. This is true, in a way.

Let me explain.

Humans were not created to handle everything. This is why emotions exist. We feel guilty when we break a window because we can't handle that yes, you have to pay the possible punishment.

If we could handle reality, we could go around killing thousands and be 100% fine with it, because they most likely did something wrong in their lives and must PAY. Ridiculous as that sounds, that just might happen.


i think too much

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AClockworkKitten [2013-11-20 18:14:51 +0000 UTC]

You don't have to like the religion, but why be an ass to those that follow it?

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GamziMakr [2013-09-21 21:05:58 +0000 UTC]

Not really.Β 

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RollerTrack3 In reply to GamziMakr [2014-08-27 22:51:28 +0000 UTC]

Care to go into a bit more detail?

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StudioStone [2013-09-11 04:12:06 +0000 UTC]


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RollerTrack3 In reply to StudioStone [2014-08-27 22:51:43 +0000 UTC]

Ok, now you're just spamming.

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annoyedslendermanfan [2013-08-08 19:51:29 +0000 UTC]

Religion is sometimes scarier than reality though : |

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AClockworkKitten [2013-07-28 21:55:54 +0000 UTC]

What? Β No arguments as to why you feel that way? Β Try again!

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AClockworkKitten In reply to AClockworkKitten [2013-07-28 22:05:37 +0000 UTC]

And this is why we can't have nice things

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StudioStone [2013-07-21 01:25:05 +0000 UTC]


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Vvlad-vVolfen [2013-06-12 04:19:30 +0000 UTC]

What version of 'reality' are you talking about? Thats a pretty lose term... My reality is so vastly different from yours.
Just like you: I see things you dont, I read books you wont, I learn things you don't know, I understand things you can't, and interpret the truth in my own version 'just like you' and everybody else. This sets my/your reality far apart from any other version. You cannot compare them, they simply do not compare.
In my reality this stamp makes no sense at all... yet in yours it does... this seems so very odd to me.

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JediSenshi In reply to Vvlad-vVolfen [2013-06-12 23:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Reality that doesn't rely on a sky daddy.

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Vvlad-vVolfen In reply to JediSenshi [2013-06-13 06:27:32 +0000 UTC]

Well thats your limited perspective. However, I can really respect that point of view and have learned to respect others as well. The best way to understand other beliefs and point of view is to think of others as color blind. You can push it on them what the correct colors are in 'your reality' all you like but to them a Dandylion still looks blue. Insulting them because they have come from a different background and see the world differently wont make the color of the flower change. Its simply their reality and you'll find life easier if you simply respect that they are vastly different from you, and you cannot change them any more than you can change reality.

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toxiccandymanson In reply to Vvlad-vVolfen [2013-11-03 05:38:47 +0000 UTC]

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Supportergirl777 [2013-05-07 01:22:51 +0000 UTC]

Don't you have it backwards?

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Thinker1988 In reply to Supportergirl777 [2013-08-06 18:55:39 +0000 UTC]

Religious get it backwards: just one way to think and many realities to choose between.

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JediSenshi In reply to Supportergirl777 [2013-05-07 01:30:45 +0000 UTC]


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Supportergirl777 In reply to JediSenshi [2013-05-07 01:35:18 +0000 UTC]

I think you do. If religion is a crutch, it's a crutch that I have. But you don't have to take it. It's okay if you don't like religion.

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SocraticPrince [2013-03-27 23:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Though I myself am somewhat religious, I agree wholeheartedly with this stamp.

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BlueLegend15 [2013-03-21 21:30:33 +0000 UTC]

This are exactly my thoughts! I'm dragged to church everyday, and when I look around seeing all these people with their arms up and praying and everything... I'm just like "wow".

I know the reason they have religion, they aren't perfect and they know it. So instead of living with this, they go crying to "God" thinking that everything will be better if they just "talk" to him and he'll protect and heal them... Now I know I'm not perfect, I make mistakes and I do things that are wrong, but I don't go crying to some fake being. I prefer to just get over it, move on, and be strong.

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Sqooshies In reply to BlueLegend15 [2013-05-08 18:11:57 +0000 UTC]

EXACTLY!!!!! I also think that they are so afraid of death that they believe in afterlife to have something to hold onto that they know prolly isnt true but they keep telling themselves that it is until they believ it. I also think that they hope for a better life and that's why they believe in heaven. But really I just think they can't handle death and the cruelties if THE REAL WORLD But what I hate the most is when they are like " your so going to hell" that is the invalid eat argument EVER!!

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BlueLegend15 In reply to Sqooshies [2013-05-09 22:56:49 +0000 UTC]

I know! Now my christian friends are always telling me "I know God is real because I feel his presence, I can hear his voice, I know he is there" But I think that ever since those people were born, Christianity was shoved down their throats until they believed it. Since they believe it, their mind tricks them into thinking something is there when it really isn't. I was born in a christian family, and for a while I did believe in God. But I never "felt his presence" or "heard his voice".

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AClockworkKitten In reply to BlueLegend15 [2013-07-28 22:00:40 +0000 UTC]

I honestly don't agree. Β There are plenty of Christian converts after all.

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Sqooshies In reply to BlueLegend15 [2013-05-10 12:05:27 +0000 UTC]

Yeah U v U

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InsaneNeko5 [2013-03-03 10:27:12 +0000 UTC]

I like it, I like it a lot!

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Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-14 00:44:42 +0000 UTC]

Religion is not a crutch for those who can't handle reality. It's for those who are willing to accept that they aren't perfect and need help. If anything it can be a stronghold depending on what you believe. It is not a crutch, it is a partnership and relationship with someone who is stronger that yourself and admitting you can't do it all.

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RollerTrack3 In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2014-08-27 22:54:37 +0000 UTC]

A crutch helps someone who needs help walking, by your specifications Religion helps those who need helping in a way only belief can help with, so in a sense, a crutch can be used as a metaphor for Religion, whether or not it blinds reality is up to serious debate, it's some pretty deep stuff.

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Sqooshies In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-05-08 17:51:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah we'll just cause we are not religious doesn't mean that we think we are perfect.

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-14 02:17:41 +0000 UTC]

I prefer to count on real human beings.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-14 03:06:51 +0000 UTC]

And what's that supposed to mean?

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-14 03:15:05 +0000 UTC]

I think you know.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-14 03:25:53 +0000 UTC]

What makes you think God isn't real?

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Sqooshies In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-05-08 18:06:34 +0000 UTC]

Well...the same person wrote the bible as the person who spread that the earth was flat... And also would you rather rely on a book written by some I don't even know who than science and experiments that show
For one that earth WASNt created 6000 years ago but MUCH MUCH longer ago than that.
For two...evolution.
And for three... I don't see any angels flying around inthe sky aAND every day I shout out aloud in my room holding my hands up saying " if there truly is a god hit me with lightning and prove me wrong." We'll I haven't been hit by lightning ever in my life now so... Just think bout that .

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-14 04:45:02 +0000 UTC]

What make you think he is? Just because he is a character in a book doesn't make him any more real than Harry Potter.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-14 21:47:33 +0000 UTC]

That book hasn't been proven wrong yet. Ancient inscriptions describe many of the events that were described in the Bible. For example; written on the tomb of a very wealthy woman's grave was a depiction of her telling her servant to go to Egypt and get some grain from Joseph, pharaoh's second-in-command at the time. It was during the time of seven years of plenty and then the seven years of famine. That woman died of starvation. Now tell me, what are the odds of a very wealthy woman dying of starvation and then having inscriptions on her tomb saying that her servant went to go get grain from someone mentioned in the Bible? Or how do you explain how Jericho was found? With one of its walls fallen outwards, not inwards, as walls usually fall when they're being broken down? Or the tower of Babel? In the EXACT dimensions and materials and shape as the Bible described it too be? How do you argue against proven facts?

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-15 00:58:20 +0000 UTC]

I didn't say the bible was fiction but that god was. Some of the stuff in the bible probably did happen but some stories came from other sources. The wondering 40 years in the desert, parting the red sea (or sea of reeds), the flood was probably based on real life events but were embellished to sound more grandiose, mis-translated, or taken from the original storyteller or converted for the religion's purposes.

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JediSenshi In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-16 02:50:14 +0000 UTC]

In Nostradamus's Prophecies some particular predictions refer, for example, to the French Revolution, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, both world wars, and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is also an evident consensus among popular authors that he predicted whatever major event had just happened at the time of each book's publication, from the Apollo moon landings, through the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997, and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986, to the events of 9/11: this 'movable feast' aspect appears to be characteristic of the genre.

There are some people that believe Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens are purported intelligent extraterrestrial beings said to have visited Earth in antiquity or prehistory and made contact with humans. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human cultures, technologies and religions. A common variant of the idea is that deities from most, if not all, religions are actually extraterrestrials, and their advanced technologies were wrongly understood by primitive men as evidence of their divine status.

Right now some people believe that the Sandy Hook tragedy was a revenge killing in the U.S., sponsored by Israel, because Israel just lost their bid to thwart Palestine from being recognized by the United Nations. Or some believe last month’s mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., was a hoax.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-15 01:30:16 +0000 UTC]

Then tell me, why were there chariots found at the bottom of the Red Sea hm? How did they get there? Also, these events weren't recorded through oral tradition, they were recorded through manuscripts and inscriptions by eye witnesses. And there were THOUSANDS of people who witnesses these events. So you're telling me all these people were crazy and somehow witnesses the EXACT same miraculous signs? And SOMEHOW EVERYONE experienced the EXACT same experience? (Well I shouldn't say EXACT, the Egyptians riding in the chariots probably had a different experience than the Israelites). Not to mention these people believed what they had seen and witnesses and experienced. So when these writings were either transferred onto something else or translated (later on) if so much as ONE TINY word was changed that person was stoned. Wanna rethink your theory?

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Sqooshies In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-05-08 18:04:07 +0000 UTC]

Well the Red Sea did part but not by Moses superpowers or whatnot stupid thing but by drought that has also been proven. And that's how they could go through it .

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-15 01:52:56 +0000 UTC]

Nope. Just because there are chariots there doesn't neccessry mean Moses did it. BTW; The Red Sea is a mis-translation from the sea of reeds. Humans are fallible.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-15 03:44:08 +0000 UTC]

Who would be stupid enough to drive an entire army of their best chariots and warriors into water at least fifty feet deep (or more)? And you have NO PROOF or reliable source to back up your theory on the so-called "sea of reeds". Or did you forget that people that change so much as ONE SINGLE WORD in the Scriptures they were stoned or fed to the lions or whatnot. Yes, humans made mistakes, but they generally don't purposely rewrite a passage in the Scriptures from "Parting the Red Sea" to "Parting the sea of red reeds". Otherwise they get stoned to death, and last time I checked people don't generally like being stoned or flogged to death.

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JediSenshi In reply to Kitsune-Craft [2013-01-15 04:03:59 +0000 UTC]

The writing of the bible was done by many authors & there have been many revisions. As well some of the revisions happened long after stoning was no longer a threat. King James bible for example.

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Kitsune-Craft In reply to JediSenshi [2013-01-15 04:55:45 +0000 UTC]

But the general story wasn't changed. And every author of the Bible was inspired by God. Want proof? Look in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Take the fiftieth letter (like after you hit the first 50th letter from the beginning of the Bible, then take the next 50th letter and continue until you reach the end of the Bible) and it will say over, and over, and over again "Yeshua is his name" "Yeshua is his name" "Yeshua is his name" over and over and over again. What are the odds that over 20+ authors, none of whom corresponded with each other on the writing of the Bible write something so elaborate, still have the passages make sense, and TRY to do that. Odds are they didn't even know they were doing it, they were simply writing down what God told them to write down. If you look at the ORIGINAL HEBREW (and it has to be in the Hebrew language, it doesn't work in English) you'll find this pattern. What the odds of such a miraculous pattern? Unless it inspired by a higher, greater, and all-knowing being? Answer me that.

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