jdtmart β€” Spawn by-nc-nd

#fanartdigital #imagecomics #mcfarlane #portrait #spawn #spawncomics
Published: 2017-04-05 19:36:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 12953; Favourites: 540; Downloads: 0
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Description Personal piece, trying some new things outΒ 
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Comments: 23

PrincessOfDarkness21 [2017-04-18 04:50:06 +0000 UTC]

I love Spawn! This is great work.

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Estonius [2017-04-14 03:33:10 +0000 UTC]

Wicked beautiful!

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tikitakodaayudan [2017-04-06 20:50:37 +0000 UTC]

Amazing! O.o

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Arthur-Ramsey [2017-04-06 19:03:30 +0000 UTC]

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Mrjimmadonna [2017-04-06 09:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Great character portrait!

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edsfox [2017-04-06 04:52:37 +0000 UTC]

This is outstanding!
I love spawn!! One of my favorite characters of all time!
Instant FAV!

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virdgil [2017-04-06 01:49:41 +0000 UTC]


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claudespeed121 [2017-04-06 00:04:08 +0000 UTC]


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Unkownbrony52 [2017-04-05 23:11:09 +0000 UTC]

This looks badass!

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CornelioBurris [2017-04-05 22:57:24 +0000 UTC]

Fear, that's what they will feel

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JoshVita [2017-04-05 21:53:07 +0000 UTC]


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ANARKYOFADOWN [2017-04-05 19:42:03 +0000 UTC]

Love this! especially that Bela Lugosi glare of light right on the eyes, awesome work!

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FabledHeroes [2017-04-05 19:39:10 +0000 UTC]

Wanna know something crazy I heard the Spawn movie it's not a superhero flick it's a horror flick

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trizero91489 In reply to FabledHeroes [2017-04-05 23:23:27 +0000 UTC]

of course, Spawn isn't supposed to be a superhero he is an anti-hero, before he died he was a mercenary serving a bad war criminal.

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FabledHeroes In reply to trizero91489 [2017-04-05 23:25:00 +0000 UTC]

I just hope they get the grittiness right

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trizero91489 In reply to FabledHeroes [2017-04-06 07:32:25 +0000 UTC]

well they don't have to be too gritty, Spawn's costume is good enough.

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FabledHeroes In reply to trizero91489 [2017-04-06 07:36:53 +0000 UTC]

Yeah hopefully they get it right this time also who's gonna play Spawn this time

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trizero91489 In reply to FabledHeroes [2017-04-06 22:00:58 +0000 UTC]

from my movie watching experience and watching movie reviews on youtube, it's not how they get it right, it's how they go about it to get it right because sometimes a movie can be a hit and miss but it's not the cliche elements that ruin a good movie it's how badly written it was. I'll watch any series of media new or old that exists even if the ideas used are old and cliche as long as it's written well.

For who's gonna play Spawn however, it can be any black male actor as long as he is written well for an R rated movie not a PG-13.

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FabledHeroes In reply to trizero91489 [2017-04-06 22:03:52 +0000 UTC]

Maybe it could Idris Alba

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trizero91489 In reply to FabledHeroes [2017-04-07 01:04:53 +0000 UTC]

idris alba?

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FabledHeroes In reply to trizero91489 [2017-04-07 01:06:21 +0000 UTC]

The black guy from Pacific Rim

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trizero91489 In reply to FabledHeroes [2017-04-07 03:08:57 +0000 UTC]

No, as far as I'm concerned even though he's popular he's not the actor I'm looking for You need to find someone at least 35 to 40 years younger to surpass Michael Jai White cause we are talking about a $40,000,000 budgeted movie earning over $80,000,000+ worldwide. if you want some ideas to explore carefully and patiently then try watching this it's not much but it's something, it even helps me watch movies I never seen before even though there not too good.


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FabledHeroes In reply to trizero91489 [2017-04-07 03:11:41 +0000 UTC]

Okey doke

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