jayshree — Katanga

Published: 2008-06-21 22:23:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 994; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 10
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Description This is the beautiful gorilla I had such a nice encounter with at the zoo. She came right up to the glass and interacted with us so much. I had such a hard time picking a photo to post of her, because if i made her coat darker, you couldn't see her eyes and if you could see her eyes, her coat looks so light and she looks a little old. But here she is. She and her mate Lamydoc are the parents of the female gorillas and grandparents to all the babies in Gladys Porter Zoo. What a beautiful legacy......

Submitted to *Wonderful-World and *Zoo-photographers
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Comments: 23

cleopatrark [2009-02-03 07:21:29 +0000 UTC]

I collect stuffed gorillas for 25 years ans she is a beaut

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jayshree In reply to cleopatrark [2009-02-03 07:23:43 +0000 UTC]

She interacted with me for a really long time. I totally fell in love with her.

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cleopatrark In reply to jayshree [2009-02-03 07:30:38 +0000 UTC]

Look into those eyes and who wouldn't be

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jayshree In reply to cleopatrark [2009-02-03 07:40:37 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree.

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rustyshutter [2008-11-17 13:17:06 +0000 UTC]

I use to date a girl who looked just like her ? haha Great shot !

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jayshree In reply to rustyshutter [2008-11-17 20:25:14 +0000 UTC]

lol. maybe i dated her too cuz she reminds me of one of my exes.

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AdamsWife [2008-07-05 10:42:03 +0000 UTC]

They are wonderful creatures, I would love to see one in real life. Our zoo doesn't have them.

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jayshree In reply to AdamsWife [2008-07-05 18:49:32 +0000 UTC]

really? what a bummer. katanga and her mate were actually seperated from the rest of the gorillas. i think its because they are older and there is a younger silverback so they need to keep them seperated i'm sure. they are huge. the male was amazing. he climbed up onto this thing in his enclosure and he sat down with his back facing me. he looked so regal and magestic. i've not posted that shot because i didn't think the sky came out that well. and in the main enclosure, it was nice watching them. they are actually very playful creatures. it was nice seeing all the babies playing with each other and their moms. i hope you are able to see a family sometime soon. you will really enjoy it i'm sure.

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kkart [2008-06-28 10:25:25 +0000 UTC]

heheheh my self portrait! Damn you! I said don't share it! lol

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jayshree In reply to kkart [2008-06-28 21:29:35 +0000 UTC]

sorry, i just couldn't resist. i was meaning to talk to you about some hair removal creme btw.....

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kkart In reply to jayshree [2008-06-29 10:33:48 +0000 UTC]


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georgia-conroy [2008-06-24 13:02:27 +0000 UTC]

Hey send me the large pic and i can darken her coat if you want?

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jayshree In reply to georgia-conroy [2008-06-24 16:19:57 +0000 UTC]

k. i'm gonna have to send you the original untouched one cuz the edited one is not on this computer. o and thanks for the .

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georgia-conroy In reply to jayshree [2008-06-26 10:52:30 +0000 UTC]

no problem hun, i loves your work!

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jayshree In reply to georgia-conroy [2008-06-26 13:24:18 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much, thats so sweet.

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vixenELECTRIC [2008-06-23 13:29:33 +0000 UTC]

so awesome..I think an amazing photo would be a close up of her eyezz... Lol. This is an amazing photo in itself. yeap.. ^.^ great job

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jayshree In reply to vixenELECTRIC [2008-06-23 13:52:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you. i was amazed by her. i took a million pics and i didn't even care if they came out, i was just so happy to be having that moment with her.

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PaulMcKinnon [2008-06-23 02:34:40 +0000 UTC]

Great capture

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jayshree In reply to PaulMcKinnon [2008-06-23 03:24:38 +0000 UTC]

thank you. i fell in love with her! and thanks for ing.

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tammyins [2008-06-22 23:28:51 +0000 UTC]

She has such an expressive face.

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jayshree In reply to tammyins [2008-06-23 00:50:29 +0000 UTC]

she does. her personality was amazing! i fell in love with her. (but not in a gay way) lol.

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eskimoblueboy [2008-06-21 22:41:04 +0000 UTC]

She is a beauty.

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jayshree In reply to eskimoblueboy [2008-06-21 23:00:12 +0000 UTC]

isn't she?

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