Jasper-19 — * WON * Another Night Adventure

#dressage #horse #inhand #show #paroverian
Published: 2016-05-13 08:30:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 983; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Description  Won 1st place  
Basic info                                                                                                      For  Oak Brooke's Third Annual Dressage Show  
Horse name:  Arizona Bay  
Horse age: 5 yo
Rider name: Margo
Rider age: 21
Stables:  Establos de Apollonia
Class: In-Hand Dressage (class six)

Demands                                                                                                      full body 
full background 
casual clothes 
6+ yo horse 
previous experience √ (color rain  )
no polo wraps 
double reins 
music √ (Warriors )


I was truly stressed about the result of our performance. There have been many even better presentations. But now, it’s Margo with Arizona’s turn. I need to encourage them both.

“Do you think the judges wouldn’t mind my outfit?” She asked.

“For God’s sake! NO! It is stated in the rules you can be dressed casually.”

“That’s good. It’s getting colder and colder. But I hope I won’t be too warm in this jumper.”

“Gosh, I wish I had your problems when we performed this morning.” I laughed. She smiled.

“Margo, you are always worried. And then it always ends up great. So don’t be. Ok?” Her smile widened.

“We’ve never done in-hand before, you know that, right?”

“I do, but I have never tried liberty with Marleen before and we placed second. I believe it is not about the experience that much but about your relationship with Arizona.”

She thought about it and their spooky adventure came to my mind. Even though Arizona was mad at her, she made fun of her and had the best Halloween costume in the show. I put my arm around Margo’s shoulders.

“Just look at her,” I insisted, “she trusts you. You have already participated so many competitions I highly doubt this will be a failure.”

In the meantime, Arizona was chatting with Marleen.

The landscape is really wonderful. Miraculous even. Are you listening to me, Arizona?

Hmm… Hmm?!

I was just talking about the landscape. Is something bothering you?

No, nothing, Leen. I’m just tired. That’s all.

I see. But you need to overcome it. Just for little bit longer.

I will. I promise.

Good. Cause Margo and Jasper count on you.

How did you do in the morning anyways?

I don’t even know. I just enjoyed the view. It is amazing!!

Oh, okay. Then I will probably try to do the same.

You know it’s night, right? You will probably see none of that. But maybe tomorrow. We are going to stay here for two more days till the end of the show.

Somewhere in the middle of the last sentence Arizona stopped listening. She felt somehow exhausted. The waiting was long, the anxiety got deeper and she started to doubt herself. She went to Margo and tried to show her she doesn’t feel good. Margo understood perfectly and started to stroke her.  She led Arizona back to the stables where they lay down and cuddled. Margo started softly whistling a song she knew from her childhood to calm Arizona down. She fell asleep and breathed peacefully. In some time, Margo fell asleep, too.

“Wake up you two! It’s your turn now, hurry.” I was relieved when I finally found them and urged them to go to the arena. They were drowsy, Margo couldn’t open her eyes for a long time, but they looked more relaxed than before. That was a good sign.

“I believe the nap did you both good.” I smiled. Margo tried to smile back, but she only succeeded at contorting her face a little. They went into the arena and started their performance. I bet they didn’t even know what they were doing in there, but it seemed to be enough to please the jury. And when the epic music started, it gave me goosebumps. It is true they looked a bit funny, Margo with closed eyes and Arizona with her lax posture like she was about to fall asleep again any minute, trying to do the right steps in the right time to fit in the rhythm of the music. But in the end they did a great job and I believe they both enjoyed it. Now, they are already deeply sleeping in the stables again.   



 6 points story (620 words)
 4 points 
full body show image
 3 points1st place
 1 point simple background
 1 point detailed shading

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Comments: 11

BUGHS-22 [2016-05-29 15:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Ona je na prodej?? Že se mi to objevilo v Horse-Market groupě?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jasper-19 In reply to BUGHS-22 [2016-05-29 15:58:02 +0000 UTC]

nope, briss to hodila do feature, nevím ani proč

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BUGHS-22 In reply to Jasper-19 [2016-05-29 16:06:17 +0000 UTC]

Jo tak

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

markytanka [2016-05-29 08:03:54 +0000 UTC]

Obrázek vypadaný kreslený trochu ve spěchu, ale i tak je super a co oceňuji nejvíc, je příběh. Je hezky plynulý a akorát tak dlouhý, aby člověka neodradila zeď textu a přitom si pěkně početl

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jasper-19 In reply to markytanka [2016-05-29 08:07:55 +0000 UTC]

moc díky za kritiku jo, byl kreslený hodně ve spěchu, ale jak tak vidím opět s tím hodnocením, jak dlouho jí to trvá, mohla jsem si dát více záležet Ale ta škola mi momentálně bere všechen čas a vůbec mě to už nebaví ale musím to dodělat A jsem ráda, že sis opět početla něco  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

markytanka In reply to Jasper-19 [2016-05-29 17:42:56 +0000 UTC]

Držím palce, ať se ti se školou daří Jak jsem psala výše, obrázek vypadá dobře, i když jsi mu nemohla věnovat tolik času

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EndingStories [2016-05-24 11:42:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jasper-19 In reply to EndingStories [2016-05-24 15:07:36 +0000 UTC]

oh glad you send me those hearts

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LysallArt [2016-05-24 10:23:41 +0000 UTC]

Uzasne .3 mam Arizonku strasne rada

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jasper-19 In reply to LysallArt [2016-05-24 10:26:07 +0000 UTC]

no ten obrázek je dost odfláklý... takže nic úžasného se nekoná. hlavně jsem to chtěla stihnout

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LysallArt In reply to Jasper-19 [2016-05-24 12:02:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0