Published: 2016-06-22 21:24:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 226; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Guess a new ID couldn't hurtRelated content
Comments: 29
DomesticMaid [2016-06-23 23:07:25 +0000 UTC]
Cool picture. I like the fan you are holding haha. You look nice though
Also, I'm trying to keep up with your deviations. Do you post mutiple posts everyday? Just wondering.
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-23 23:10:54 +0000 UTC]
Ah thanks (: just your average everyday dork!
and I actually do have a habit of posting like one thing a day at least . But I try to make it all 'quality' type pictures as to not annoy my followers when they are bombarded hahaheheheehhhh.Β
But yes. Somewhat. Today I just found a bunch of old art I liked so I decided to just upload them
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-26 07:19:24 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome ^^ oh I see now. It's no wonder you post more often
It's cool. I ised to actually post 10 pictures every weekend. XD Mainly because I did not had internet at home back then and spent my week drawing requests. And they were kinda easy since it's from ms paint. Now I'm curious, what kind of software do you use for drawing? :0
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-26 16:28:04 +0000 UTC]
Lol yeah kind of the same boat. EVERYTHING is done on my phone and when I run out of data because no wifi, activity drops.Β
I draw raw on my iPhone 5s using Medibang Paint for iOS :>Β
thanks for asking!
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-28 00:19:14 +0000 UTC]
No problem. ^^ Oh! We are definitely on the same boat. I use my phone for internet now. I haven't had internet at home Β and I mostly draw on my computer in Sai and then transfer it on my phone to submit. And when the data runs out it's impossible to watch youtube videos in peace. You gotta wait till next month. So I know what you're going through. I think it's pretty cool that you draw on your phone! I can't even do that. My lines are all wobbly XD Mmmmaybe I'm doing it wrong how do you draw in it? Is it like a free app?Β
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-28 00:48:08 +0000 UTC]
Whoa you're seriously the first person I've met that shares in my tech pain xDΒ
and yes! It is free of course! Medibang can be downloaded on both iOS, android, and PC for free. It has this thing called 'cloud' where it's similar to the iPhone's cloud. You can draw on your phone and store the picture into the cloud then later, go on your PC and pull the picture from the cloud you saved from your phone, up onto the computer to finish it or post it to sites. It's really great, I draw everything on it. My sister has the PC version but she doesn't use it much until she can get a tablet. Me on the other hand, everything I draw from a messy sketch to the full out color comes from my Medibang iOS app
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-28 01:59:07 +0000 UTC]
Haha really? Well I have that for so long. People who have wifi at home are lucky. It kinda sucks for us doesnt it? Xp
Oh that's so cool! I'll be sure to try it when I have data on my phone again. I think I know what you're talking about the cloud. Β How do you draw the lineart in the phone?:0 And how do you color it? Do you use a stylus to draw on the phone? Becauae you draw it like if you drew it straight from the computer! O.o
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-28 02:08:42 +0000 UTC]
It's either not supplied in myΒ rural area or it's too expensive :c
And you should! It's totally worth checking out ^_^
You make me smile very much, thank you. And I do. Well, it varies really. I hate smudges on my phone so I use a stylus sometimes. Most stylus' however have different tip hardnesses, not that it effects the 'pressure' you draw with it really effects how well it glides across the screen so I only have one stylus I really like but keep loosing....go figure. Lol so when I loose it, I just use my finger but I try to make it so that people can't tell wether I use both Β
And as for the outlining? If you are familiar with layers and such on computer programs, this is no different, just, smaller.Β
There are two methods. One is one I use to do, sketch traditional. Then take a picture and add it into the app, (upload via camera roll) it was cool but people couldn't see the playbacks. So my current method is just sketching in the app and using my finger to veeerrrryyyy precisely outline the sketch :>Β
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-28 02:22:37 +0000 UTC]
Ah I see. My situation is because it's so expensive but having internet on the phone is better than nothing to say the least.Β
I will be sure to try it and you're welcome. Keep it up. ^^ Oh yeah the smuges just messes it up doesn't it. I actually have a stylus pen with a round tip and tried drawing it the tablet buuuut the lines are all wobbly and it made me hate my drawing so bad XD That's why I want to know how you do it. And yes I'm familiar with separating layers. I do that a lot in sai c: So you usually use the finger to carefully draw the lineart in most of your drawings?Β
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-28 02:56:17 +0000 UTC]
I agree completely! If is better than nothing
i do! Sometimes I get pretty lazy and just WheeeRE EVER THe lines feel to gO I Let them gooooo!Β
On normal curcumstances though I do try to be very specific with outlining. A lot of zooming to erase extra stray lines or zooming to keep my lines straight since I don't have a 'simplify' tool.Β
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-28 06:22:02 +0000 UTC]
Hehe yeah
That's amazing that you draw it without the stylus! I gotta try that out soon. It's making me more eager to try. The way tou said on how you are lazy to do the linea reminds me that do the same. I just go for it at times. The lineart is my least favorite thing to draw during the process. The fun part is coloring it. I remember getting collabs before and I was the one who had to do the lineart. They got all the fun -u-; What's your favorite part in drawing? Sketching it, lineart, or coloring it? C:
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-28 15:04:53 +0000 UTC]
I feel you. Whenever I did collabs I was always stuck with everything but coloring ugh.Β
I actually like to sketch mostly but coloring is pretty cool!Β
The parts I hate is linearting and then going around the edges after I've colored it and cleaning up the outer edges. Thats such a pain lol
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-29 20:57:14 +0000 UTC]
Haha I know right? I couldn't agree more with that! I also think sketching it and coloring is better than anything else. It's a pain doing the lineart and there are times that I give the lineart a different color just so I can like it a little more XD
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-29 21:02:15 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes! Outlines other than black do throw a fun spin to such a horrid job<3Β
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-30 02:18:43 +0000 UTC]
I know right? Oh I forgot to ask you what shading style do you mostly like doing for your drawings. And also, your commission is uploaded.
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-06-30 04:10:56 +0000 UTC]
Usually I like to try to upload as many complex type coloring pictures as I can but I don't always feel up to that so maybe just simple coloring c:
and yes yes I saw!! It's really great thank you!!
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-30 23:45:00 +0000 UTC]
I don't blame you. I'm the same lol
I am very glad you like the sketch by the way.
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to DomesticMaid [2016-07-01 00:36:18 +0000 UTC]
I really love it so much!! Thank you again!!!
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DomesticMaid In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-07-11 21:45:50 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome! ^^
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PersonMan718 [2016-06-22 21:33:40 +0000 UTC]
Well aren't you pretty. XD Chicken with your number one fan. XD
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to PersonMan718 [2016-06-22 21:40:23 +0000 UTC]
Off nah man. I'm like 5'3 or 5'4. I'm really short and it makes my face look weird but thanks xD
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PersonMan718 In reply to jaggerjo-12 [2016-06-22 21:42:27 +0000 UTC]
Well my girlfriend is about that same size. I think it's cute. X3
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to PersonMan718 [2016-06-22 21:51:35 +0000 UTC]
Ah, haha well cool. How tall are you?
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jaggerjo-12 In reply to PersonMan718 [2016-06-22 21:56:33 +0000 UTC]
Ah, that's cool. (:
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