IrenHorrors — Kali by-nc-nd

#creepy #darkart #fantasy #goddness #gothic #gothicart #hindu #hindumythology #illustration #kali #macabre #magic #witch #witchcraft #indianmythology #irenhorrors
Published: 2017-06-15 14:56:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 93489; Favourites: 3367; Downloads: 0
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(Music: Devilment – Mother Kali)
Kali, is a Hindu goddess of death, time, and doomsday and is often associated with sexuality and violence but is also considered a strong mother-figure and symbolic of motherly-love.

Pigmented ink fineliner, watercolor and  Photoshop
Art prints, T-shirts and other stuff with this piece available on society6

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Comments: 99

Harish942 [2022-12-28 08:32:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

greatwhiteshark1993 [2022-02-11 06:28:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ChelseaStawicki [2021-12-14 07:47:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

DumbledoreAskedCalm [2021-05-17 07:30:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

vsalekseevna [2019-12-21 01:43:53 +0000 UTC]

👍: 3 ⏩: 0

CrazedCatLady77 [2019-10-22 01:29:59 +0000 UTC]

Kali, my girl, scary as ever

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threedarkcircles [2019-04-30 19:38:37 +0000 UTC]


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Ravimishra085 [2019-04-23 04:49:31 +0000 UTC]

nice art sir .. please approve your to my group sent you the approval request


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MichaelJohnMorris [2019-03-18 02:33:28 +0000 UTC]

She's the kind of woman who would kick your ass if you gave her a good enough reason. Just ask the demon who's head she's carrying with him.

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PlagueKidd [2019-03-16 22:40:51 +0000 UTC]

Where do you buy such well made skull necklaces?

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Alomar3882 [2019-03-15 18:50:41 +0000 UTC]

Nealy danced the world to death.

👍: 3 ⏩: 0

Kishera [2018-12-13 16:30:39 +0000 UTC]

Love this song xD
Amazingly done as always keep them coming <3

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AutoBubbs [2018-05-30 05:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Don't fuck with mommy

👍: 3 ⏩: 0

TaintedArsenal85 [2018-01-25 05:56:42 +0000 UTC]

It's tough love.

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VicLiang [2017-12-19 06:08:40 +0000 UTC]

you are so cute( got beheaded but not dead )

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Shome1 [2017-12-13 13:00:31 +0000 UTC]


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Behemoth2785 [2017-10-03 13:55:27 +0000 UTC]

This is impressive!  

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MisterHix [2017-09-21 20:30:09 +0000 UTC]

I love this.
It's a great combination of the passive pose but the very active nature of the subject.

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kalibhakt [2017-08-24 05:14:55 +0000 UTC]


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KeplerNova [2017-08-04 14:49:31 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic work! I've always liked Kali. (And Durga, too.)

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Rexlare [2017-08-02 04:24:18 +0000 UTC]

I suppose this is the most appropriate time for me to say BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!
Honestly though, based off the description you gave alone, you've done this goddess figure great justice in being both sexy but the embodiment of what she represents.

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PMCSilva [2017-07-17 21:41:19 +0000 UTC]

Remebrances from The Temple of Doom.

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FinnishIceVodka [2017-06-25 09:45:50 +0000 UTC]

She will also end the world one day. By eating it.

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painted-bones [2017-06-23 21:09:46 +0000 UTC]

Love this. Oddly enough my sister is named Kalina and we call her Kali lol
I think this represents her well

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DQSanchez [2017-06-23 03:09:46 +0000 UTC]

so is this like hindu's version of satan?

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kaliayla In reply to DQSanchez [2019-12-13 13:45:20 +0000 UTC]

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ThunderGoku In reply to DQSanchez [2017-07-23 18:59:04 +0000 UTC]

No. The closest entities Hinduism has to Satan are the Asuras, which are demons. Kali is one of the forms of Parvati, a Deva. Deva are the gods and are good. 

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TomboyVampire In reply to DQSanchez [2017-06-26 04:28:45 +0000 UTC]

Nope! She's an incarnation of a goddess (Hindus have a lot of those). She was created to stop a demon and did so by draining him of blood. However as a consequence of drinking the blood, she became drunk and went on a rampage. It wasn't until her husband threw himself at her feet, causing her to accidentally step on him and allowing her to calm down. Because of this, she is normally depicted with him at her feet with her tongue sticking out (a sign of expressing guilt)

Sorry about the wordy words. Am from a Hindu family (though not one myself) and thought I could explain to the best of my ability

Edit: To Hindus, to point your feet at or touch someone (especially a loved one) with your feet is a great show of disrespect

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DQSanchez In reply to TomboyVampire [2017-06-27 19:11:04 +0000 UTC]

out of the 300 million god/goddesses, who is the evil demon or the antagonist in hindu religion? I mean if there's heroes in hinduism, there should also be villains too right? So tell me, if christian's enemy is satan, greek mythology is hades, luke sky walker's enemy is darth vader (not a religion) who's the ultimate bad guy in the hindu faith? Please tell me, i would like to know.

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twinfryes In reply to DQSanchez [2017-12-28 01:34:39 +0000 UTC]

DQSanchez , There doesn't have to be a big bad in every religion.  Hinduism has many antagonistic Asuras (Demons), but no equivalent to Satan; some asuras are more powerful than others, but they all exist within only their selection of stories, not as overarching villains for the whole religion.  While some asuras are kings in charge of demonic followers, there's no one super-demon in charge of all the others.

Greek mythology is similar, in that the antagonists tend to be monsters or titans, though gods do sometimes serve as antagonists (see Eris in the story of the Trojan War).  That being said, there isn't one big-bad in Greek mythology, and if there were, it definitely wouldn't be Hades.  Hades is probably the least depraved god in Greek mythology; the worst thing he did was kidnap Persephone, but even in that case it's questionable whether she had an issue with it.  Compare that to Zeus and Poseidon, a pair of serial rapists who caused storms/killed people whenever they got angry.

  The only reason people think of Hades as a Satan figure is because later Christians associated the Underworld with hell, and Hades was the king of the underworld.  This is REALLY far off, since the underworld was a varied place, which included nice areas as well as bad ones, and was the final destination for literally everyone who died, according to Greek mythology.  It was more like Heaven and Hell rolled into one than anything.  Even so, its association with the underground led Christians to viewing it as a Hell analogue, so Hades was mis-characterized as the Devil.  

Disney's "Hercules" is not even remotely accurate to mythology; the whole story was made up by Disney writers, not taken from Greek sources.  They took the later Christian villainization of Hades and ran with it.

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DQSanchez In reply to twinfryes [2018-01-27 15:18:16 +0000 UTC]

So you're telling be that Hades is the protagonist that tried to prevent his brothers to stop being idiots and listen to reasons with the order of the greek council? And that hercules was rescued NOT takin into hostage into Hades' abyss? Wow the western media has really gone total BS with this whole religion drama excuse. So Because christianity doesn't like to tolerate with other faiths, they make Hades look bad by portraying him as an evil horned devilish looking monster with fire coming out of his head because they just want christians to be considered the "good" guys by bringing every other faith down? Man that's low and just plain childish. And to tell you the truth i'm not a christian myself. Because why would a man that is god have a physical appearance to people and why did a god DIE?? Gods can't die that's why they're called a God. So if Jesus died than he's not God and it doesn't matter if he had a resurrection, he still died in the first place. So christianity to me and to most people in the world that have sense knows that christianity is just an oxymoronic load of baloney. A god to me is a unseen supernatural spiritual being with no form at all that can't be touched or heard or feel. God can't ever take on a physical body cause why would an infinite god take on something that's not infinite like a human body. That to me is just stupid. God will never lower himself to take on human form, NEVER! If God is infinite than he has to stay that way. Jesus just says i'm god because he wants attention and wants to start a circus act and make himself a foolish clown.

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twinfryes In reply to DQSanchez [2018-01-27 21:54:06 +0000 UTC]

Oooookay, that went in a weird direction but, no, Hades wasn't really a protagonist of anything, he was just a god.  He didn't try to talk sense into his brothers, he just wasn't a serial rapist like the two of them.  Nope, Hercules (or rather, Heracles; Hercules is his roman name, disney just used it because it was more culturally recognisable) never had any major interactions with Hades.  Disney's Hercules was not based on any actual myths; the creators have admitted that they actually pitched a superhero movie, but were turned down because disney only really made adaptations at that point, so they turned their superhero movie into a superhero movie with greek characters.

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DQSanchez In reply to twinfryes [2018-01-27 22:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Hey who you calling weird? Saying kali isn’t evil even thou she has people limbs chopped off as clothing is not only weird but stupid. Like you know anything about mythology. Hades doesn’t even exist and neither does your gods do. Because they’re all man made full of crap. If you’re gonna call anyone weird say it to the Christians who worship a god that’s not even immortal. Now that’s a weirdo right there. It seems like you're being a smart a$$ on me on mythology. Ok Einstein if you're just gonna be here to lecture me or re defining on greek gods than you're just a waste of my time.

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twinfryes In reply to DQSanchez [2018-01-28 01:36:32 +0000 UTC]

No need to get hostile, I wasn't calling you weird, I was saying that the tangent you went on was a bit weird, since you went several steps removed from what we were talking about, and went on a long rant about it.  I was clarifying some information, because you expressed that your understanding of Greek mythology was based on Disney movies, then you extrapolated some things from my comment, and I clarified.  That's not "being a smart-ass", it's just how conversations work.  And, oh yeah, Kali isn't evil, she's a protector who happens to be a bit scary and violent, like Sekhmet, or Thor.  I don't have any gods, but nice try at insulting me, Mr. "God Bless Israel, God's Holy Nation".

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twinfryes In reply to twinfryes [2018-01-28 03:56:32 +0000 UTC]

lol he blocked me

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DQSanchez In reply to twinfryes [2018-01-28 02:09:22 +0000 UTC]

Why would god bless one country? What's so special about israel? I'm not a christian or any of the abrahamic faiths, You're religion is just a Mr. Know it all bigot. You clearly don't know jack about mythology? And kali is a deranged bloodthirsty animal that uses body parts as clothing. If you saw that kind of person you would be scared to death and be calling the police. NOT "Oh nice to meet you please come in and have dinner with me" NO Only morons would do that. The only other person who uses body parts for clothing is Leatherface. He uses a chainsaw and chops people up like a thanksgiving turkey. So leave me alone turkey! And FYI, those pro-israel pictures were given to me by my pen pal from Jerusalem. 

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Kinecelefan In reply to DQSanchez [2018-01-28 04:13:05 +0000 UTC]

Uh, twinfryes just called you "Mr. (The title and image text of one of your deviations)", which I would assume to be a play on how you just said something about all gods being fake; so, uh, you're the one who suggested there was something special about israel, not them. And, um, you know that by insulting mother Kali you're kind of disrespecting Hindus, right?  So, you just called twinfryes a bigot for no apparent reason, while saying bigoted things yourself.  And, uh, you thought that Hades was evil, and are still insisting that Kali, one of the most beloved goddesses of Hinduism, is evil, yet you're telling someone they "clearly don't know jack about mythology", even though they were just correcting your own poor knowledge of mythology?  That's like if you thought Australia was an icy continent in the Northern Hemisphere, and told someone they "didn't know jack" about geography when they told you it was a hot one in the southern.

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FriedrichWilhem In reply to Kinecelefan [2019-01-19 21:09:14 +0000 UTC]

Clearly most of the people that first ignore, then ask, and later of being answered get insulted due their own personal issues (not by the answer itself), are the reason of why a big proportion of the human kind is decadent. All of that as a result of a poor or nor even existent spiritual lifestyle. As always: God is the answer to all. The Alfa & the Omega.

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TomboyVampire In reply to DQSanchez [2017-06-28 02:02:51 +0000 UTC]

We do have a number of demons, but as far as I know (and according to my mom) no, we don't have a 'Satan.' The closest thing that I can think of is a sort of grim reaper-like figure whose name escapes me at the moment, but he's more like Hades
As a side note, in Greek mythology Hades was not a Satan figure, he simply had the underworld as his domain, like Zeus had the sky and Poseidon the sea,and his job was to prevent the dead from joining with the living. Arguably Zeus and Poseidon are more evil considered the amount of people they kidnapped and raped. Hades only screwed over two people in all the the available mythos (trust me they deserved it). 

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DQSanchez In reply to TomboyVampire [2017-06-28 02:58:46 +0000 UTC]

i know that but every religion is going to have an enemy because what good is it to have faith without seduction and bringing torment and chaos to the highest bitter without any justice? it wouldn't be a religion at all. the only ones i think of that have zero enemies is wicca and maybe taoism because those are for more meditating on good things without the fear of any conflict battling within you. Probably buddha would be a good example too.

And for the recored i may not know much about greek mythology but hades is such a total diva and a jerk. Hello!! he kidnapped hercules and attempted to kill him by poising him to become mortal. That's why he's a demigod instead a full god. I've seen the movie before. Hades is WAYYY worse than zeus and Poseidon. He also released the titans and try to take over the universe including mt olympus. Hades is a greedy selfish know it all brat that deserved to get his butt kicked in the river of styx. And that's how hercules regained his godhood back because the curse that hades gave to hercules has been broken. i might of got this from walt disney but it's true according to greek legends. because if it wasn't true, disney would've never made the movie. disney just can't take something that was historical and just throw in a bunch of lies and nonsense. it's like the law.

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KeplerNova In reply to DQSanchez [2017-08-04 14:47:21 +0000 UTC]

"disney just can't take something that was historical and just throw in a bunch of lies and nonsense. it's like the law."

Tell that to their Pocahontas movie. Ugh.

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DQSanchez In reply to KeplerNova [2017-08-04 17:36:15 +0000 UTC]

RIGHT!!! And Star Wars should be owned by Lucas Films again!! 

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KeplerNova In reply to DQSanchez [2017-08-04 18:48:52 +0000 UTC]

What does that have to do with anything?

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DQSanchez In reply to KeplerNova [2017-08-04 20:15:03 +0000 UTC]

because star wars is owned by disney and we were talking about disney movies that are historical like greek mythology. So when we start talking about disney, it made me wonder about star wars and that star wars should go back to being part of lucas films.

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KeplerNova In reply to DQSanchez [2017-08-04 20:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Star Wars isn't historical, though, so it seems a bit of a false equivalence.

However, I'm curious as to why you'd like to see Star Wars go back to Lucasfilm. I know a lot of people are angry about Disney's acquisition of the franchise because of the Star Wars Expanded Universe being declared at least partially non-canon (I can't really say I have an opinion on that, myself, since I know very little about the Expanded Universe/Legends), but I did like both The Force Awakens and Rogue One.

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DQSanchez In reply to KeplerNova [2017-08-04 20:52:07 +0000 UTC]

i know it's not historical but sadly it's part of disney

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KeplerNova In reply to DQSanchez [2017-08-04 21:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Why don't you like it being part of Disney? I'm curious.

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DQSanchez In reply to KeplerNova [2017-08-04 21:56:57 +0000 UTC]

no not really. star wars is too violent and it shows a lot of killing like grand theft auto. When most people think of disney they think of toy story, finding nemo, the little mermaid, and snow white which are all for kids to watch that's more age appropriate. A violent show that has people's heads chopped off in a lightsaber fight seems a bit too graphic. Rumor says that harry potter is going to be part of a christian network. Plus, and i'm NOT joking but Hobby Lobby that was founded by christians are now allowing Harry Potter books AND Ouija Boards into the store!!!! OMG!! I'm not joking, this is serious!! Occultism is becoming more and more acceptable to to christianity basically because Wicca and Paganism came out of the catholic church in the early AD century. They both have a lot in common cause they celebrate the same holidays like christmas was actually invented by pagans of worshipping the earth goddess gaia and the trees that produces divine spiritual power.

(Back to Star Wars)
So having a movie with killing, cussing, wars, and a lot of violence in my opinion is not suitable for little 8 year olds to be watching. It's just like Hobby Lobby accepting Ouija Boards into their stores. It's unfitting and unacceptable.

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KeplerNova In reply to DQSanchez [2017-08-04 23:44:19 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I can see that we have VERY different values regarding what is "appropriate" for children. I don't think we'll be able to reach a consensus here.

Though I will at least mention that although some of Wicca is derived from ancient pagan practices, Wicca as a religion in and of itself was actually founded in about the 1940s. My grandma is older than Wicca.

I will also mention that I hate Grand Theft Auto.

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TomboyVampire In reply to DQSanchez [2017-06-28 03:55:43 +0000 UTC]

In my opinion, Hinduism and Wicca have a lot in common.

The disney movie does a poor job of representing the myth of Hercules. This is not the first time they had changed a story to be more 'kid friendly' (see their version of Pocahontas). In the original myth, it is Hera who curses Hercules, because Zeus cheated on her with another woman and makes his life a living hell (including driving him into a madness that leads him to murdering his wife and children). The only part in the disney movie that actually happened in the myth was Hercules strangling the snakes and the fight against the titans. In the original myth, Hades even helps Hercules gain his freedom from his 12 labours.

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