InsignificantLolipop — Nathan Xenos (BIO/DESIGN REFERENCE SHEET)

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Published: 2019-04-01 12:47:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 308; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 2
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Name: Nathan Xenos (most call him Nate, and Nathan prefers this nickname too!)

Age: 18

Species: Oxcidion

Height: 171.4 cm

Weight: 56.3 kg

D.O.B: 16th July

Residence: Currently traveling around different worlds. He used to belong to a world called Oxcido where many Oxcidions like himself reside, but then he left (for reasons that will be explained in the backstory).

Sexual Orientation:

-Asexual (one that is not interested in sex)

Familial Relations:

-Mother (deceased)

-Father (deceased)

-Grandfather (deceased?)

Sexual Relations:


Personality and Behaviour:

He’s usually reclusive (as he’s often alone and was a single child), he’s also witty and usually cracks a stupid joke when he sees an opportunity. He’s generally helpful and obliging, he doesn’t wish to be a waste of space and wishes to contribute whenever he can. He has a lazy way of walking and usually has a bored expression, but this disappears when he does start talking to people. During interactions, he seems more livelier and joyful (to an extent of course). In addition to his walking manner, he also tends to slump and gaze at the ground while walking.

His most treasured item is a magic-laced pocket knife given to him by his grandfather while was trying out magic and trying to at least get to novice level (he sucks at magic).

His physical ability is about average among the people from Oxcido at least, but in his adventure to other worlds it seems that he is stronger than most species. However, this doesn't mean that he can beat down stronger people from other species. The average physical strength of an Oxcidion is just slightly higher than the average physical strength of other species.

Side Stuff:
-A dull yellow represents Nathan the best, as the general yellow colour symbolises him as pretty interactive and humorous inside (he tries to be funny at least). However, the dullness in the yellow represents how Nathan doesn't stand out much on the outside, his outfit is plain and his behaviour and lazy looking posture shows the boring side of him.
-He's pretty passionate about the number 16.


1. Looking up at the blue sky as Oxcido never had clear blue skies. And fluffy clouds too. And then sometimes he doesn’t look where he’s walking and trips over something or runs into a wall.


1. He actually dislikes the appearance of food in other worlds. They just look really different from the food made in Oxcido, but they are edible, and the taste is fine, it just looks unappetizing to him.

2. He hates it when bugs crawl on him. If it’s just on his clothing it’s fine, but when they are crawling on his bare skin, he gets a lot of shivers and tingles and goosebumps. It’s not because they look creepy or scary, but because he doesn’t want to feel a sudden touch on his skin (and potentially sudden bites). So usually when he sees a bug getting too near to him, he buries his hands in his pockets and backs away slowly.




-He wears a black white hoodie that has ears. By the way he doesn’t actually have special features that are discerning or visible at first, the hoodie just has a design like that.

-Grey track pants.

-Brown running boots.

-A sword back sling.

Facial features:

-Messy brown hair which has a slight golden glow on the end of the locks of hair that covers his forehead.

-Deep lime green eyes.

-Dark circles under his eyes since it’s been awhile that he’s been able to sleep properly.

-Tends to have a plain and dead-inside expression.

Note: Clothing in Oxcido is made of stronger material that are fire resistant (will make sense later) but appears normal.


1. Short distance teleportation - a few metres only. So far his teleportation is only strong enough to teleport himself. When he gets stronger, he will be able to teleport a heavier amount of weight and teleport to a further destination. This ability was taught to him by his grandfather, Nathan is still a beginner and is not able to use this ability very easily. Nathan also refers to this ability as “T-power”.

Firstly a glow will start to appear when he attempts to use this power, as his vision focuses on the destination he wishes to go to lines will start to appear. These glowing lines are like connectors they can shorten or extend depending on how he moves his fingers. If the distance between his fingers is lesser, the aim will be better (but usually Nathan makes the aim circle big, so he gets injured sometimes). When his heartbeat is high (probably from panicking), the glow on the aim circle will get increasingly bright, interfering with Nathan’s aim even more. When he manages to teleport away, it’s a simple zip to the other location.

2. He has a sword slung behind his back. He got this sword in the first few days of the start of his adventure.

3. Keeps a pocket knife in his pocket (again, this knife is made out of materials that come from Oxcido). This knife is also magic bound, so the damage it creates is more lethal than an ordinary blade.

Oxcido’s History (you need to read this for Nathan’s backstory to make sense):

First of all, Oxcido is a world where Oxcidions reside. These Oxcidions are more resistant to high temperatures and are less prone to fire as Oxcido has a higher climate temperature and most light sources (which are literally everywhere) in that world are usually made using fire or high amounts of heat, so Oxcidions have evolved to make use of fire to their everyday lives. The sky of Oxcido is dull and gray, most of the time it’s dark it has a vague tint of red, but when it’s yellow instead, it means good luck to the Oxcidions.

However, there is another ability that Oxidions can possess. If they do learn it, Oxcidions can possess magic which can do many things. For example, magic can be used to  make light sources brighter. At first, when magic was discovered, it brought many benefits to the Oxcidions, but after years, magic became something very dangerous. Many were using magic for horrible reasons, like killing and stealing. Those were just minor crimes. Oxcidions gathered together to rebel against the enforced laws using magic and it got to a point where the entire community of Oxcido was nearly destroyed. Fortunately the Oxcidion kingdom managed to hold up until the situation was resolved. In the end, the magic usage in Oxcido dropped severely when the Oxcidion king finally decided to take action. Any Oxcidion that was found to be capable of using magic was to be captured and and executed. When the Oxcidion king couldn’t get any more desperate, he made the order to execute anyone who was also related to powerful Oxcidion wizards, whether old or young, good or bad, innocent or suspicious.

 Nathan’s backstory:

Following from the previous paragraph, in Nathan’s case, his family was in danger due to the same reason. His grandfather, who practiced magic to improve Oxcido’s future, was captured by the guards. Rumors say that he was one of the most well-known and strongest Oxcidion wizard, so there could be a possibility that he managed to flee before his execution. Nathan’s grandfather was a very ambitious person as well, and knew a lot, much more than what the Oxcidion king even knew.

When Nathan’s family heard the news about his grandfather’s ‘death’. Knowing what was coming for them, they had to hide, so they left their home to take shelter in a remote place in Oxcido. In the end, it was impossible to outrun the guards, they were everywhere, it was only a matter of time. Nathan, his mother and father, were taken to the royal prison.

On the day before their execution, Nathan’s mother and father managed to break free from their cells and released Nathan from his. They were going to sneak out but were caught doing so because they weren’t quiet enough. Nathan’s parents had to hold back the guards to buy some time for Nathan to flee before more guards were alerted of their escape.

Regretfully, Nathan kept running, as far as he could, with guards on his tail. Nathan was faster though, and sprinted across fields and climbed over walls to try and lose the guards. The guard’s shouting and hollering and the sounds of their blades and spears scraping against each other only made Nathan even more afraid, leading to him moving faster than he’d ever had before.

When the guards lost him, Nathan took cover in a small, abandoned and decaying shack. The shack was located on a very difficult and complicated area to reach, like on the edge of a cliff, but whatever below was covered in jagged and sharp rocks and surfaces. It did look like it would stand out too, but surprisingly Nathan nearly overlooked and ran past it. The shack was on higher ground, and there was no real way up. Nathan resorted to using his short distance teleportation. He wasn’t accurate with it, and it was energy draining, but if he stood where he was for a long time he’d get spotted. So he decided to just wing it. It hurt so bad and he was almost about to fall over and pass out.

When he entered the shack the flooring creaked so badly that it sounded like it was going to collapse. Why did it feel hollow underneath the flooring? Nathan decided to rest there for the night, but he needed to make or find himself an escape route and think about the possible scenarios that could put him in danger before he hit the hay. He slumped in the corner and just gazed around the shack’s interior.

When he finally did drift off to sleep, he woke up not a long after to feel slight warmth and brightness on his face. Sunlight was pouring through the window. But Oxcidion has never experienced any natural light....Nathan was still in the rickety shack, but everything outside the shack was entirely different. That’s when Nathan knew he was not in Oxcidion anymore.

Note: So basically the shack has transported him into another world, and that’s where his adventure would begin.


1. A little naive/innocent - He may be on his own venturing around the world, but he’s quite oblivious to the ethnics and culture of the different communities he stumbles upon, so who knows what kind of trouble and danger he could get into. Since he’s also pretty likely to help out anyone (because he’s helpful and obliging), this could increase the chances of him getting into more trouble and be taken advantage of.

2. He becomes soft when it comes to people he cares about - For example, a friend. He’s reclusive (which was mentioned just now) resulting in him not having many friends. Worst of all he lost his family and entered a whole different world alone, so he treasures whoever he gets close to. Bad thing about this is because he can make irrational decisions because of the people he cares about, and he won’t be able to argue too much with his loved ones. He tends to be the one to back down first when it comes to his loved ones.


1. Great problem solver - He is great at solving disputes between two separate parties. He can also get to the root of problems fairly easily so issues could get resolved cleanly.

2. He gets stronger everyday - He’s training his physical and magical strength often and is discovering new moves and tricks that he could use to his advantage. This way he would he able to defend himself better.





1. "Hey, you know I think I can help you with that."
2. "Aw man I'm already getting tired, is it just me or what?" *slumps even more*
3. "That long bug over there better stay where it is." *glare*
4. "Ew this tastes weird, why's it so chewy ugh." *spits out*

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Comments: 4

mysterika18 [2019-04-11 10:48:39 +0000 UTC]

*le gasp*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsignificantLolipop In reply to mysterika18 [2019-04-14 13:39:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ProxyBecca [2019-04-03 04:25:38 +0000 UTC]

!!♡   ahhh, your son is such an amazing character     ♡!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InsignificantLolipop In reply to ProxyBecca [2019-04-03 07:06:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeth my boiii !!!!!!👌👌👌 thank you so much!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0