Published: 2012-06-26 22:44:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 411; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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What the hell is wrong with me?! First I don't post anything in ages and then this?Hibari, because you know he's awesome in his TYL self. I didn't even like him until the TYL arc began xD
Somehow I can really imagin him living in a traditional Japanese mansion. Oo
I know the proportions of his body aren't correct, but I kind of like how the shading turned out. :3 Oh, and I don't really know where I got the brushes from, so I can't give credits, SORRY!
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Comments: 14
LeiteDestiny [2012-06-30 03:43:55 +0000 UTC]
Haha, this is surprising xD A friend has requested me to draw Hibari and I've been stuck on him for a bit, only to find this drawing in my subscriptions. ^^
I think you did a pretty good job with this. Like you said, I like how the shading is and it's interesting how you picked the traditional style with him, instead of a...office like his school office? xD I'm also liking the design of this room. Hibird (very cute ^^) is also included and even has his own bird cage. By the way, did you draw that cage? It looks really well done; the light reflections and symmetry is perfect!
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innes-chan In reply to LeiteDestiny [2012-06-30 23:29:49 +0000 UTC]
Really? That's an awesome coincidence.^^ Will you post your picture here once you're finished?
Haha yes, I was reading a fanfiction where his house was a traditional Japanese mansion and I thought that this setting would indeed fit him xD I can't help it, I just love yellow fluff balls. Oh, about the cage, I used a reference since I didn't really remember what a birdcage looks like
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midna-fan15 [2012-06-27 10:38:18 +0000 UTC]
Das is dlajflasjfldöafjldsjaflöjldfjkalsjfalö
Oh mein gott das is ja genial geworden! Ich kenn die serie oder den typen zwar nicht aber ich liebe es! Die Pose! Der Hintergrund!! Die Farbe!! Einfach nur alles perfekt wirklich!
Ha ha ich weiß hört sich vl ein bisschen schleimerisch an aber das ist sicher eines meiner lieblings Bilder die du bis jetzt gezeichnet hast.... Es passt einfach alles so gut zusammen!!
Wirklich klasse gemacht!
dawww...der kleine vogel im hintergrund
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innes-chan In reply to midna-fan15 [2012-06-27 10:55:23 +0000 UTC]
O.O dankeschön!!
Meinst du wirklich? Is es nicht irgendwie fragwürdig? Die serie heißt Katekyo Hitman Reborn, die is voll genial. Aber die pose is doch komisch oder? Ich mein sein Bein is viel zu lang geworden. (Endlich mal ein Bild mit einem Hintergrund xD)
Danke nochmal, das freut mich echt voll! :3
(Der kleine Vogel is Hibird )
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midna-fan15 In reply to innes-chan [2012-06-28 16:32:17 +0000 UTC]
Muss ich ma vl mal anschauen! Und hör auf dauernd an deinen Bildern herum zu kritisieren! Wenn ich finde das es supertoll is, is es das auch!!!
Kein problem!!
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innes-chan In reply to midna-fan15 [2012-06-28 17:02:14 +0000 UTC]
Ja die serie is einfach genial, nur die ersten 20 folgen sind entmutigend.. echt mies.. aber wenn man sich durch die gekämpft hat wirds weltklasse!
ok. wenn du das sagst. (xD)
(kommen da erinnerungen an einen gewissen anderen gelben vogel wieder? ABER NEEEEEEEIN xD)
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midna-fan15 In reply to innes-chan [2012-06-30 22:32:42 +0000 UTC]
wirklich? um was gehts da so grob? Wennst zeit hast zum erklären
( Gelber vogel? Ich weiß nicht was du meinst pff- ))
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innes-chan In reply to midna-fan15 [2012-06-30 23:20:11 +0000 UTC]
Der typische nette nichtsnutz von nebenan soll der nächste boss einer der größten mafia-familien italien werden, obwohl er das nicht mal will. Dabei hilf ihm ein kleines baby das eigentlich keins is. Dann hat er natürlich noch komische kräfte und gewinnrt mit der zeit ziemlich coole freunde, muss die welt retten usw. ^^ (also ein ziemlich typischer shounen-anime aber mit einer guten handlung. (wie gesagt , bis auf die ersten 20 folgen)
( )
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midna-fan15 In reply to innes-chan [2012-07-03 05:48:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey... hört sich echt interessant an...muss ich mir mal anschaun!
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innes-chan In reply to midna-fan15 [2012-07-03 19:48:13 +0000 UTC]
Ja solltest du wirklich mal machen ;D
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SamSaltheHero [2012-06-26 22:47:52 +0000 UTC]
I don't really know the series that this guy is from, but all I can say is... he looks really good! Seriously, the shading and everything is perfect, and I absolutely love the background, especially the window... and for some reason, I'm absolutely stuck on the curtain and throw-pillow. They look great! Everything, actually, looks pretty awesome. Great job!
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innes-chan In reply to SamSaltheHero [2012-06-26 23:01:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! I wasn't even sure if I should post this pic at first, because well... it's kinda weird to draw a guy in that pose while you see his leg sticking out of a kimono (God, I wish I had those legs!), but I'm feeling a lot better about it since you commented xD
Haha I also like how the curtain turned out.
He is one of the guys of the series I mentioned (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
Thanks again!
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SamSaltheHero In reply to innes-chan [2012-06-27 22:47:30 +0000 UTC]
It's fine, trust me, I've seen more revealing pictures than that... Besides, he really isn't showing all that much, just his leg, anyways. (And YES, leg envy).
Oh, seriously? I should probably definitely get around to looking it up, then.
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innes-chan In reply to SamSaltheHero [2012-06-29 20:15:47 +0000 UTC]
Well, if you say so, but it's still a weird feeling to upload such a pic oneself xD. That's true, haha.
If you have the time to watch 200 episodes, I'd recommend it ;D
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