#abstract #abstractart #digitalart #fractal #fractalart #spirals #colorful #flame #rainbow #jwildfire
Published: 2021-06-16 17:59:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1647; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 0
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jwildfireCreated for A NEW SPIRAL Contest for Summer!This contest begins TODAY! You may submit FOUR fractals, but they must be created on four different software programs...your choice! The folder will close on JUNE 20, 2021. Prizes will include points, badges, bragging rights and a bit of showcasing too! I hope everyone will participate, because spirals can be so cool, beautiful, awesome, magnificent,...etc. I wouldreally hope to offer some of them to the Daily Deviation sponsors to look over too! (no guarantees).Please include the name of your software program in the description.Any questions? Just ask!!Lady-CompassionLady InnacLady WolfepawChief DsyneGrafix at