Inaros131 — Ultimasaurus

#jurassicworld #ultimasaurus #indominusrex
Published: 2018-06-25 14:25:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 36137; Favourites: 805; Downloads: 0
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Enigmus-288 [2025-03-05 21:11:25 +0000 UTC]

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TheJotunnMaster [2023-06-24 04:13:44 +0000 UTC]

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raptorrex07 [2022-12-02 20:51:22 +0000 UTC]

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bogminster [2022-08-21 20:41:08 +0000 UTC]

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AshDrake26 [2022-02-18 10:11:43 +0000 UTC]

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Anonimosx [2021-11-26 23:27:10 +0000 UTC]

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Rodan5693 [2021-11-04 16:28:05 +0000 UTC]

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Vikinghunte [2021-08-01 02:05:32 +0000 UTC]

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figged [2021-03-13 16:23:39 +0000 UTC]

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schorpioen007 [2021-03-03 20:36:57 +0000 UTC]

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ChaosLizord [2021-02-22 09:54:08 +0000 UTC]

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Mreowweq [2021-01-21 14:46:23 +0000 UTC]

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Inaros131 In reply to Mreowweq [2021-01-25 09:36:21 +0000 UTC]

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AjDrawer In reply to Inaros131 [2021-03-01 11:31:57 +0000 UTC]

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Inaros131 In reply to AjDrawer [2021-03-04 10:38:03 +0000 UTC]

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AjDrawer In reply to Inaros131 [2021-03-04 10:51:11 +0000 UTC]

Btw. Might you be interested in doing the other chaos theory dinosaurs...?

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Inaros131 In reply to AjDrawer [2021-03-04 14:04:16 +0000 UTC]

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AjDrawer In reply to Inaros131 [2021-03-05 14:45:08 +0000 UTC]

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Inaros131 In reply to AjDrawer [2021-03-06 10:06:16 +0000 UTC]

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AjDrawer In reply to Inaros131 [2021-03-06 16:34:48 +0000 UTC]

Thats a pity. The pictures in instagram are too small

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Inaros131 In reply to AjDrawer [2021-03-06 17:07:57 +0000 UTC]

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SkyCaptain91C [2020-08-16 03:03:26 +0000 UTC]

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Inaros131 In reply to SkyCaptain91C [2020-08-17 06:55:59 +0000 UTC]

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Revan005 [2020-01-10 18:56:38 +0000 UTC]


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Madaremi [2019-12-25 22:13:29 +0000 UTC]

Ultimasaurus is just RPG game hero  at max lv he got all the staff and now he jsut pawns some noobs for fun

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navyman20 [2019-10-27 20:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Talk about nature’s reject 😨
That thing is

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TheLegendaryHeroTheo In reply to navyman20 [2020-06-09 00:56:02 +0000 UTC]

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navyman20 In reply to TheLegendaryHeroTheo [2020-06-09 00:56:55 +0000 UTC]

Still uuugglllyyyyyyyyyy

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TheLegendaryHeroTheo In reply to navyman20 [2020-06-11 19:09:04 +0000 UTC]

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navyman20 In reply to TheLegendaryHeroTheo [2020-06-11 19:09:33 +0000 UTC]

One more so than the other

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UFO123456 [2019-08-21 17:26:24 +0000 UTC]

I almost feel sorry for Indominus-Rex. Ultimasaurus is not like Spino-Rex. He's a real overpowered killing machine that even I-Rex can't kill.

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Wolfdruid92 [2019-08-18 21:24:29 +0000 UTC]

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Son-of-Dromund-Kaas [2019-05-18 00:08:54 +0000 UTC]

The I-Rex, despite what many believe, was not Henry Wu's crowning achievement. In dark, hushed whispers, the name of his true Magnum Opus, the Ultimasaurus is said in fear. 

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MasteroMonsters [2019-04-21 05:19:19 +0000 UTC]

The I-Rex beats Ultimasaurus, they said...
Ya know what I said?

I didn't. I laughed.

Either way, I love this! All we need now is for this big brute to be in Evolution.

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ToonHolt [2019-04-05 04:47:39 +0000 UTC]

Battle of the Hybrids!

Who will win!?

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ashlaforce [2018-10-03 03:15:04 +0000 UTC]



Plus, I love... ABSOLUTELY LOVE... The alterations you made in the original concept design!!!

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Raptors0verlord [2018-09-29 13:12:58 +0000 UTC]

with the Ultimasaurus would show up in JW3, but according to sources, they aren't gana add hybrids in the movie -_-

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XenoTeeth3 [2018-09-24 20:54:06 +0000 UTC]

Now that would have been badass  

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YeenaDeena [2018-09-20 08:06:17 +0000 UTC]

abit fail.. Ultimasaurus takes no damage? You know that the Indominus isn't weak, right?

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Miguel-Sepulveda [2018-09-08 21:30:28 +0000 UTC]

Epic kaiju the see like kaiju off

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Yu-Gi-Nos [2018-07-07 15:53:05 +0000 UTC]

WOW! This is EXCELLENT!!!   Ultimasaurus has always been my favorite hybrid dinosaur!  I agree with you 100% here, Indominus rex is nothing but a meal for Ultimasaurus.  Your depiction of Ultimasaurus is not only the best, but also truly shows off how powerful this 'ultimate' dinosaur really is

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Inaros131 In reply to Yu-Gi-Nos [2018-07-13 12:00:36 +0000 UTC]

I also like Ultimasaurus the best of hybrid dinosaurs. But the design of the Kenner Chaos Ultimasaurus toy is somewhat lacking, so I designed it to look better!
Indominus is too weak to fight Ultimasaurus. She failed to kill an old T-rex and a fist-sized Raptor. Thank you for your comment!

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TheCrocodileLord In reply to Inaros131 [2019-04-04 02:14:06 +0000 UTC]

It was no where near fail
It's idiotic of you to say it failed to kill it
1st of all leading up to the fight it is an adolescent,captive breed(weaker than a wild born no adaptation to real world strnegths)
Was crushed by a huge stone wall,was shit by dozens of tranqs knocked over a tree,was shocked,successfully killed 1 ankylosaur and was directly hit in the face by the club with no sign of damage (would've killed a Tyrannosaurus) and proceeded to decapitate it.
Killed 6+apatosaurs (easily capable of crushing it). Ran threw an entire building demolishing it, was assulted by a turret attached to a helicopter, was assulted by dozens of assulted rifles and other high power guns, hit by a RPG and got up, then fought and killed 2 raptors fought a Trex and was about to kill it before it was distracted by blue and fought more until it was knocked over by a mosasaur aquarium and got up ready to finish rexy and blue of until it was grabbed and drowned by the mosasaur.

Yeah it's so weak it only went threw hell before fighting them and still was able to beat them (they only succeeded due to the mosasaur interferign)

Indominus is not weak, it's pretty danm tuff especially for a sub adult

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UFO123456 In reply to TheCrocodileLord [2019-08-21 17:31:56 +0000 UTC]

This discussion is not about I-Rex vs Spino-Rex. It's about I-Rex-Ultimasaurus. No matter how we put it, Ultimasaurus is the strongest hybrid. The food chain goes like this: Ultimasaurus>Indominus-Rex>Spino-Rex. Unfortunately, Ultimasaurus isn't canon. What could've been... 

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Yu-Gi-Nos In reply to Inaros131 [2018-07-14 21:04:45 +0000 UTC]

I have just rewatched the 1st Jurassic World to re-evaluate the Indominus rex, and I have some new thoughts to the fight between Ultimasaurus and Indominus rex...

Indom defeated an Ankylosaurus upon realizing that it's top armor was too strong for its t-rex level bite force, but its underbelly was as soft as any normal dino skin was.  Importantly, Indom took NO damage from an Ankylosaurus tail hit (and Ultimasaurus has an ANky + Stego tail, and neither of those tails could do much damage to Indom). 

Now Ultimasaurus' bite should be T-rex level, so it's bite damage would get through and hurt Indom some.  Indom does have better stealth in that she can camouflage and sneak up to Ultimasaurus.  Upon seeing what Ultimasaurus's anky armor, she'd aim at breaking Ulti's arms and/or aiming for the underbelly/under its neck to kill the Chaos Effect Dino.

Plus consider that Anky armor, in real life, is only pistol proof whereas Indom's whole skin is assault rifle proof, so Indom is a better hybrid at dealing with armed Marines than Ultimasuarus would be, in fact Ulti would be gunned down in seconds vs an assault rifle.

SO in a hybrid dino vs the modern marines/assault rifles Indom wins this... but 1 on 1 I think the two are close.  Remember that the Indom in the movie was only 40' long nad not fully grown while it's max size would be 50'.  A fully grown and more battle experienced INdom would be more dangerous that the not fully grown Indom from the JW 1 movie.

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Pendragon276 In reply to Yu-Gi-Nos [2019-02-14 07:40:29 +0000 UTC]

The skin of the indominus is not “rifle proof” you can clearly see every bullet pierce her skin and leave an entry point wound the only reason she didn’t die is because they never hit her in her vital organs for a proper kill shot they pierced her skin and it hurt but it wasn’t enough to be fatal, the same way the first few rounds fired from the F8C-5 Helldiver Navy planes in King Kong weren’t enough to kill kong immediately and they had to keep assaulting him again and again landing hits on his back before he died and collapsed. You can actually see the gunshot wounds across its body in several scenes throughout the movie if you’re attentive enough (including one of the gifs below) I’m not sure where you picked up the notion that the indominus has superior armor to protect against gunfire than an ankylosaurus, that makes NO sense whatsoever especially if you actually look at the latters actual armor. All the indominus has are abelisaurid osteoderms and scutes lining its back in a smaller more sparse fashion. An ankylosaurus’s whole body is not only lined with much larger , tougher , and FUSED osteoderms but full on solid bone armor plating all across its body. Even modern Crocodillians can withstand mild machine-gun Fire with the type of skin they have (example being the giant Nile croc Gustave) and their scutes/osteoderms arent even as tough or rugose was that of ankylosaurians, the hide of an Anky is easily enough to withstand that much damage by comparison. The ultimasaurus clearly has superior armor to the indominus making it far more durable in relation to weaponsgire since instead of having abelisaurid/ceratosauroid osteoderms that are more sparse/small it’s entire back/upper body is covered in bone plated-osteodermic armor akin to an ankylosaurus meaning it’s armor would be even more effective at resisting conventional weaponry than the indominus as a result. I cannot fathom how you conclouded the ultima would be gunned down faster than the indominus especially since most of the people shooting her were incompetent to begin with. The weapons she was assaulted with in the film were all UTAS UTS 415s, DRD tactical paratus , FN M249 SAW Paratrooper and a Marlin Model 1895SBL. Like I said each time she gets shot you can mostly see the bullets penetrating even if we grant she has slightly greater durability than a normal dinosaur if she was durable enough to tank ALL of those weapons easily and never take damage no matter how much she’s shot she probably wouldn’t have tried to escape so quickly when they found her in the jungle at night so no she’s not immune to gunfire she’s just not going to die if you A) don’t shoot her in the right place or B) don’t have a high enough caliber weapon to kill it immediately. Her skin isn’t that special , even here in this scene you can clearly see the raptors slashing at her neck (drawing blood) , biting in between the osteoderm row on her back at 1:59 (see first YouTube clip below) and Owen repeatedly shooting her with his rifle with visible entry points. The fact is the indominus really isn’t as “bulletproof” as people her out to be it’s just that with the bulk of shots fired at her they either weren’t shooting major arteries/weak spots that would lead to immediate death , even the GE M134 Minigun fired from the helicopter as she fled to the aviary didn’t land a single shot on her , if the guy could actually aim properly the indominus would be dead plain and simple. It’s the same thing with the Saab Bofors Dynamics AT4 Rocket Launcher it completely missed her entirely , it was the blast force itself that “knocked” her backwards if that thing hit her square in the face , leg or even just her tail she’d be dead meat. All in all just based on the type of epidermal protection each dinosaur has the ultimasaurus has the obvious advantage in durability (at least on her back anyway).

Final fight scene by the lagoon :


Jungle Tracking scene :

The ultimasaurus does indeed have a combination of an Anky + Stego tail , know what that means? It means spikes capable of stabbing into flesh , even if I were to entertain the idea that the indominus could take a full blown Anky hit with no issue to imply its somehow immune to being literally stabbed is absolutely preposterous and there’s nothing in the movie that implies it. We literally see her being impaled by building debris in the ending fight.....I’m sorry but you pulled that one straight out of thin air.

It’s true that The indom got hit in the face with the Ankys club but honestly the swing itself looks rather weak had it been more powerful a more devastating blow could have been inflicted. Just because she survived that specific hit from the ankybin the movie doesn’t mean she would be unaffected by an even more powerful and well thrust blow basically compare these two instances you can see the difference in how much force goes into the fully body swing :



As for just a straight up fight between the two there’s not many ways for the indominus to “break the arms” of the ultima in an effective way other than primarily attempting to bite and twist , it doesn’t matter if she has raptor level intelligence she’s a dinosaur not a kung fu master. Even if we grant that they’d be relatively the same “length” if the indominus was an adult the ultima is better armed in every way, stronger and more durable than she is. The weakest areas on ultima are indeed the underbelly and neck but unlike the ankylosaur ultima isn’t an animal you can just “flip over and twist its neck” let alone the type of creature who’s just going to hold still and let you attack said weak areas. I’m not saying the indominus couldn’t put up a fight against such a creature temporarily or that the underdog doesn’t have a hope in high heaven of coming out on top but fighting against a creature like ultimasaurus who’s essentially superior in every way other than camouflage? Nah sorry the odds are stacked way against her for me

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GojiHouse [2018-06-28 00:00:56 +0000 UTC]

Indominus looks like she's gonna die😢

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renacer87 [2018-06-26 04:13:50 +0000 UTC]

EXcellent work

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Inaros131 In reply to renacer87 [2018-06-27 16:09:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you !

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