#colourful #connection #consciousness #cosmos #eyes #spirals #swirls #thirdeye #vibrant #females #psychedelicart #visionaryart
Published: 2015-11-05 06:32:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 1392; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 0
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In today's busy society it is easy to become lost in the stress and pressures of everyday normality, easy to feel separated from the cosmos, from nature, from each other.So many of us seem to feel we are not part of nature, that we are not part of the greater picture, the greater whole, the greater being, we have forgotten our connection to the universe and to nature, and most of all to one another, to humanity.
The world has become so impersonal and separated.
So many do not see the way everything and everyone is interconnected to one another.
We are, after all born from the cosmos, from the stars themselves, we are part of the cosmic frequency, we share the very same elements as all creatures and all celestial objects within our universal realm.
Our personal energies are interwoven and intertwined with the energetic frequency of the cosmos, the great tapestry of life!
We, like the universe are infinite.
So in saying all this I suppose this is my reminder to you all of this great cosmic, primordial and energetic connection we all have to each other and to absolutely everything within our universe,
YOU are the universe and the universe is YOU.
We are all children of the cosmos.
Thank you all for looking, and I will thank you in advance for any favourites you may grant me, I am very grateful to you all for your support and appreciation of my work!
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Comments: 22
poca2hontas [2015-11-11 22:32:49 +0000 UTC]
This is fantastic my dear and you know I love spirals, so great seeing them incorporated here
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ChasMandala [2015-11-10 03:20:56 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely exquisite work Crystal - the union of worlds and philosophies is so well portrayed in your work and your writing, and this piece, for me, is among your best. The patterning is particularly stunning, with the "eye chains" and multicolored flames intertwining with each other... and the human elements as well - it speaks to me of the "duality of humanity", where we encounter both good and evil, left and right, out and in, and so forth. An all-encompassing masterpiece, my dear friend - spectacular work as always!
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icemaidenArt In reply to ChasMandala [2015-11-10 05:09:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you so much you dear sweet person you!
You have such a way with words, I feel honored that this piece has touched you so, and as always you flatter me, thank you my dear friend!
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ChasMandala In reply to icemaidenArt [2015-11-10 14:46:51 +0000 UTC]
Aw, of course my dear friend! Well, I try - and it's beautiful work like yours that bring out those words. You are always welcome!
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PrimateMind [2015-11-06 09:57:09 +0000 UTC]
I'm loving the eyeball clusters in this one especially... Something about it reminds me of art from places like Thailand and such. Beautiful faces and bald heads with that signature blue. Great work, my friend, I love it.
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icemaidenArt In reply to PrimateMind [2015-11-07 02:47:09 +0000 UTC]
Many thanks my friend, yes you're right this blue is becoming my signature, I find it serine and somewhat ethereal! Thanks for your thoughts! Hope all is well in your world!
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tsahel [2015-11-05 21:39:57 +0000 UTC]
it's magnificent as alwayq !
I will try to explain what I think (sorry for my bad english)
I think that the universe is only concrete and material but I think also that all the living beings are interconnected in ecosystem and we, humans, are interconnected too, with the others humans, but also with the nature. I think also that we are just animals, with culture, yes, but not so different from other animals.
I know that we are dust of stars (as all the earth), and I know that what I do has repercussion to others.
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icemaidenArt In reply to tsahel [2015-11-06 01:18:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you my dear friend, I always appreciate your thoughts, I understand you perfectly, I believe something quite similar, yes we are indeed animals to, but I believe we have the power to become higher beings to be able to unleash the chains of evolutionary habits and become more then just physical creatures, I believe everything carries it's own energy and some more then others are in tune with the energy of the universe, some of us feel this connection stronger then others.
Thanks again my friend, great to hear from you, I hope you and your family are all well and happy!
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tsahel In reply to icemaidenArt [2015-11-07 01:31:16 +0000 UTC]
I am happy that we can understand each other so well !
And I hope the same for you and your family !
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Clamdiggy [2015-11-05 10:31:45 +0000 UTC]
It is strange to me, indeed, how so many people long to connect with others....feeling isolated, misunderstood, taken for granted. This tells me that, for the most part, we have an instinct or predisposition to being part of a collective or community or relationship....why does the opposite seem to prevail these days? Sometimes it is great, sometimes it is terrible....but how far would the human race have developed without some sort of connection to each other? Look what we accomplish as part of a sea...we have ancient architecture that still stands, we have found ways to travel long distances, we have technology.....My point is that none of this would have happened if we were naturally solitary creatures. I do believe that we are all connected, woven into something bigger....perhaps that is why so many religions were born. We have an instinct to look to something greater. Some argue that ancient civilizations created religion as a way to explain the universe and the world around them...but I do not see any other organism on this earth gathering to pay homage to a higher power. Not advocating any particular religion here....just noting a trend that we have as human beings. As always, you have a way of provoking thought through your art, Crystal! This one in particular is extraordinary....I love the colors, the composition, and the concept. Well done, my friend!
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icemaidenArt In reply to Clamdiggy [2015-11-06 01:11:32 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Carol, it gives me great pleasure to know I have ignited the sparks of contemplation in others, I greatly appreciate your thoughts on my work and I agree with you, the human race would be nothing today if we didn't work together, most of my work and in particular this one is trying to show a spiritual connection to each other and everything rather than a physical one, I believe everything carries it's own energies and some of us more then others are in tune with the energetic frequency of the universe, life and nature. We are spiritual creatures inside physical vessels and yes sometimes we fall back into or older instincts, the collective unconscious, the strings and habits of our evolution, a lot of the common traits we all share are handed down from our ancestry, that is why we are almost programmed if you like to follow the same patterns ie: religion, wanting to fit in, fear of what is different, but being the some what "intelligent" creatures that we are, some have evolved to be able to want and reach for a higher consciousness to break free from or old unconscious ways to realize we have the power to change our selves for the better. Thank you again for your thoughts I do so enjoy an open minded conversation with like minded people, like your self!!
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Clamdiggy In reply to icemaidenArt [2015-11-06 08:24:00 +0000 UTC]
It is always a pleasure!
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LordFrankeh [2015-11-05 06:39:29 +0000 UTC]
the transfers of one being to another. I feel unity in this. too much ego and hatred in the world,
when we are all of divine descent, just cursed with genes and the inability to choose yourself.
this makes me think a lot and i really enjoyed your message you attached to this piece, great to catch your stuff :>
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icemaidenArt In reply to LordFrankeh [2015-11-05 06:44:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, I always love to hear your deeply thoughtful comments and interpretations, they really mean a lot and make it all feel worth while! Thank you so much my friend!
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