Hypnolion ā€” Space pirate

#alien #pirate #skull #space #stars #aliengirl #cleavage #cuttlefish #glow #glowing #greenskin #helmet #lazer #pirategirl #spacepirate #spacesuit #tentacles #alien_girl #greenskinnedgirl #space_suit #pirate_girl #spacesuitgirl
Published: 2018-05-02 16:51:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 6379; Favourites: 82; Downloads: 0
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Description I wanted to make a character for this month's (last month actually) character design challenge with the theme "space pirates".
I came up with this idea after watching a video about cuttlefishes and mixed it a bit with an angler fish.

The result of this is an alien that can change colour at will, squirt ink out of her pectoral sacs (because why would a cuttlefish need boobs ?) and that can hypnotize her victims using both her glowing tentacles (like an angler fish) and by creating hypnotic paterns with her skin (like a cuttlefish, yeah, that's a thing apparently).

I came up with the hypnotic part while drawing her and I might add her to my character list if I want to do some sexy space hypno stuff ^^
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Comments: 11

zencookies [2019-08-04 21:16:46 +0000 UTC]

She reminds me of a firefly squid with her facial appendages and bioluminecence

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Hypnolion In reply to zencookies [2019-08-04 22:45:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I didn't know that species. It looks similar to the cuttlefish's glow ^^

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zencookies In reply to Hypnolion [2019-08-06 22:23:18 +0000 UTC]

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Seelenernter [2018-05-12 12:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Hope to see more of her in the future. Lovely concept!
Also that cleavage explanation by matching non-mammal traits... ^^ Cool idea!
Regarding that I had another one... As a lot of similar species use poison and pheromones, how about using that as a reason to make her able to "sweat". Would also fit the deceiving pirate nature, for example as an excuse to cool off remove a part of the suit as a procedure to use said pheromones against someone. To pass an authority check for example.
Just what came to my mind.

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Hypnolion In reply to Seelenernter [2018-05-12 13:17:24 +0000 UTC]

First, Thanks, I'm really glad to see how much people like her and it motivates me to do more with her ^^

Regarding pheromones, I like the idea but this particular species don't need it.
Like angler fishes, they lure-in their victims using the fluorescent ends of their tentacles. After that they mesmerize their prey by quickly changing their skin patterns in a hypnotic way. But of course, this second part works better the more skin they show

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Seelenernter In reply to Hypnolion [2018-05-12 14:08:47 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I know that the reference, so to say, doesn't. Was just what crossed my mind when I read that strange yet cool transition for her appearance. And as it's fiction... yay for imagination.

edit: and hey, and additional "ace up the sleeve" never hurts ^^

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Hypnolion In reply to Seelenernter [2018-05-12 19:56:36 +0000 UTC]

True, plus if this type of alien can exist then why not one with pheromone sweat ^^

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PolManning [2018-05-02 22:06:46 +0000 UTC]

I had a similar idea with cuttlefish inspired bio-luminescence and hypnotism once. Glad to see you thought along the same path and implemented it so well. A+.

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Hypnolion In reply to PolManning [2018-05-02 23:46:06 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know much about cuttlefish, but I follow the Animalogic chanel on youtube and their last video gave me the idea ^^"
Glad you enjoy it.

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masterjim8 [2018-05-02 19:50:23 +0000 UTC]

Ya Iā€™d love to see your trio run into her while stuck in space hehe~

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Hypnolion In reply to masterjim8 [2018-05-02 23:40:42 +0000 UTC]

Not impossible, I liked drawing her

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