Published: 2009-03-28 01:34:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 21473; Favourites: 1091; Downloads: 3673
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SkittyEneko [JP] Skitty [Eng/Fra]
Name - Skitty [Skitty-chu, Skitty-chan, Skitt']
Type - Normal
Gender - Female
Partner/Trainer - Sarha
Skitty was in her egg when Sarha found her, during her travel around Hoenn. She was taking care of this egg day and night for a long time, and when Skitty finally born, she considered Sarha as her real mother. Skitty is just a baby, everything she likes is play and sleep. She can sleep a very long time in Sarha's hoodie, and then wake up and run and play non stop, all day or all night long, teasing the other Pokemon, playing with their ears, tail... But Skitty is so adorable ! How could you be mad at her ? When she's awake, she always like a big hug from her "mom" and all her friends too ! Like all the kitties, she would do anything for some cuddles~
Since she's just a baby, Skitty doesn't fight, she's scared of danger and usually climb on Sarha's head when something afraid her. And whatever Sarha can do when she's out : run, jump, fall, Skitty will always keep her paws on her hoodie, she will never let go of her little place where she likes to sleep !
Skitty has a little yellow star on her head, it's a "lucky-charm" that Skitty will never leave.
Pokemon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, Satoshi Tajiri, Ken Sugimori...
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Comments: 81
zim82697 [2011-01-15 14:34:15 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KaSahi [2010-04-09 20:43:58 +0000 UTC]
aahh..! she's so cute pink puff>! she makes me wanna hug her *w*
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HikaruJen In reply to InactiveColor [2009-09-16 04:29:02 +0000 UTC]
Hehe XD Skitty thanks you :3 lol !
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mimineko828 [2009-05-25 17:51:30 +0000 UTC]
One of my fav Pokemon!!! You did a beautiful job on Skitty!!!
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sideshowbobfanatic [2009-05-19 03:43:42 +0000 UTC]
Aw, I love Skitties.
Skitty and Pikachu are tied as my two favorite Pokemon.
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blackberrystar25 [2009-04-01 23:47:42 +0000 UTC]
wow! i think that skitty is really cute especially with its "lucky charm"!
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blackberrystar25 In reply to HikaruJen [2009-04-04 23:48:16 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome!by the way, do you do requests?
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xSkyeCrystalx [2009-03-30 23:50:45 +0000 UTC]
La petite Skitty !! je l'aime d'autant plus que je connais la vraie (qui a failli m'étouffer en s'endormant sur ma tête lol)
Elles sont pareilles, c'est le petit bébé de Sarha, qui dort toujours tout contre elle et fait la fofolle en courant partout !!
J'imagine bien Pyroli jouer avec elle et en prendre soin, comme une maman, une grande soeur, comme Sarha en somme ! Et Satoshi, plutôt comme un frère un peu plus âgé avec qui elle se chamaillerait, toujours à lui sauter dessus pour l'attiser, pour qu'il lui court après hihi^^ Mais comment lui en vouloir? Il suffit qu'elle vous regarde et on fond ! Et cette petite étoile a son oreille ne fait que renforcer cette envie de la caliner, ça la rend unique, encore plus !!
(dis tu n'as jamais trouvé ça bizarre que les Pokémon "mammifères" naissent dans des oeufs, toi? O///o )
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HikaruJen In reply to xSkyeCrystalx [2009-04-04 00:28:49 +0000 UTC]
Hi~ ouip, c'est l'attaque gros câlin de Skitty !! >3< (qui a fait vraiment n'importe quoi hier, il faudra vraiment que je te dise XD)
Tu les connais tous bien mes compagnons ! ^o^ Leur réactions et tout, vi tu les connais parfaitement !!
C'est vrai, au début ça m'a fait bizarre que les Pokemon naissent tous dans des Oeufs, même les "mammifères" justement, comme Skitty OxO Mais quand on imagine un bébé Skitty sortir de son oeuf, avec une petite bouche et des petites oreilles et des petites papattes, nyaa *gaga* XD c'est trop mignon, non ?
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xSkyeCrystalx In reply to HikaruJen [2009-04-04 16:02:43 +0000 UTC]
oui, un chaton dans un oeuf, ça doit etre chuu !! Oh un oeuf de Skitty !! [link]
(bouh et en cherchant je suis tombée sur la photo d'un chat qui ressemble trait pour trait à mon Tiboo... ;_; )
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FEuJenny07 [2009-03-29 18:15:31 +0000 UTC]
She considers Sarha as her mum?? You know, it's curious to read that, 'cause when I saw this pic I though: "oh, a star behind her ear... Dunno why, but it makees me think about Sarha, it's really her pokemon version! ^^"
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HikaruJen In reply to FEuJenny07 [2009-04-04 00:29:22 +0000 UTC]
Hehehe, so, mother and daughter are the same XD
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Linkdezelda [2009-03-29 09:58:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh! trop chou *regard mignon*, j'aime beaucoup la petite étoile qu'elle a sur la tête^^. Elle est vraiment trognonne.
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PsychicSkitty [2009-03-29 00:31:00 +0000 UTC]
This thing is just completely adorable!
The story is cute as well. ^^
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ExoToxicImpulse [2009-03-28 17:09:07 +0000 UTC]
nya... meow... nice!! what a cutey XD
i wish u could do... Charizard.. or Tododile....*day dreamin*
great job keep it up ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HarukaTheMeowth [2009-03-28 13:03:47 +0000 UTC]
God, It's really really adorable, good job!!
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ZackTheInkling [2009-03-28 12:17:34 +0000 UTC]
Your pokemons look so cute. This on however is my favourite.
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Evanna-chan [2009-03-28 12:07:07 +0000 UTC]
Aww.... skitty's so cute=3 👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Spark: Pika, Pikachu.
HikaruJen In reply to Evanna-chan [2009-04-04 00:30:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ^^
Skitty : Nyaa -w-
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Evanna-chan In reply to HikaruJen [2009-04-04 12:09:25 +0000 UTC]
YOur welcome^w^
Spark: (plays with Skitty) Pika pi, pikachu?
Nicoldrin-7 [2009-03-28 10:43:46 +0000 UTC]
she's so cute, and so adorable
the very fact she sleeps in Sarha's hood makes her even cuter ~
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