HetteMaudit — Colorful

Published: 2014-08-03 00:17:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 7798; Favourites: 389; Downloads: 0
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Description My nameless character strikes again. I wish I have a hair like hers, is fu@#$ awesome

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Comments: 17

TheTwoSis [2015-05-02 19:35:15 +0000 UTC]

You have to give her a name!!! I like Valeria or....Celia

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HetteMaudit In reply to TheTwoSis [2015-05-14 04:39:19 +0000 UTC]

I think Celia would looks great on her , but she already have a name, i just forget of update xD, her name is April.

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TheTwoSis In reply to HetteMaudit [2015-05-14 15:07:38 +0000 UTC]


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piranyeah [2014-12-05 08:06:06 +0000 UTC]

That's my haircolor and -style! xD
Love it

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HetteMaudit In reply to piranyeah [2014-12-05 10:41:19 +0000 UTC]

Dont make me feel jealous xDDD.
My style is just a mix beetween kurt cobain and avril lavigne(in 2002) haha

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piranyeah In reply to HetteMaudit [2014-12-05 11:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Haha xD 
I think that sounds awesome, too! 
I change my haircolor every few months since I can never decide which I like best, I'm trying to stick with this one longer. x)

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HetteMaudit In reply to piranyeah [2014-12-05 11:29:12 +0000 UTC]

it's nott xDD, but at least is comfy.
I dye my hair tooo, but just the tips, i dont have courage enough : p

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piranyeah In reply to HetteMaudit [2014-12-05 11:39:48 +0000 UTC]

I thought I didn't have courage for that, too, but one day I just thought "to hell with it!" xD 

Thank you for the faves and the watch, btw! 
(I follow you on tumblr, too, now. I find it easier to share art there. )

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Thanathan [2014-08-11 21:16:02 +0000 UTC]

I like colourful hair too!

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berlikx [2014-08-07 15:28:52 +0000 UTC]

faz uma fanarte pra mim porfavor!
           AGUARDANDO RESPOSTAS <3-LINDO DESENHO(amei seu traço)

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HetteMaudit In reply to berlikx [2014-08-08 10:50:37 +0000 UTC]

Oi, eu não estou aceitando pedidos ainda. Mas em breve eu vou fazer um sorteio para as pessoas que me seguem, daí se você quiser depois eu te passo as informações.

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AlyFoxx [2014-08-04 03:59:07 +0000 UTC]

Adorei a expressão dela, passa a noção de ser uma pessoa muito descontraída e espontânea. Acho que os dedos precisam ser um pouco aperfeiçoados mas adorei o desenho como um todo!

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HetteMaudit In reply to AlyFoxx [2014-08-05 03:48:49 +0000 UTC]

Obrigada!! E Sobre as mãos, eu peco com elas ;.;, é a pior parte e eu acabo fazendo por ultimo, dai nunca ficam boas, coitadas  xDDDD

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DreamingCarol [2014-08-03 21:36:20 +0000 UTC]

O cabelo dela ficou lindão ♥ 

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MayFuckingFrost [2014-08-03 19:44:58 +0000 UTC]

this looks so fabulous.   

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Omnimon1996 [2014-08-03 08:10:37 +0000 UTC]


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fara71997 [2014-08-03 03:06:37 +0000 UTC]

Image absolutely fantastic like it

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