Published: 2014-11-15 21:15:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 1220; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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As some know I am 1/4 Native American. (Apache) This was a design that was inked by a very dear friend of mine named Terry. He is the owner as well as a tattoo artist at Wildcard Studios here in Wilmington, DE (USA) Now this was a piece that was NOT designed by me or him. He was kind enough to ink it for me, and he is part Native American himself. Terry is part Navajo. I found the design while going through pictures a long time ago (at least the original design. I had the design changed a little to how I wanted it.) The feathers are in a circle around a Native American shield design. Behind the blue, aquamarine, and gold, shield design in red is one of the Native American designs for the sun. The red lines of the sun normally connect to a circle, but I had it put as the background. I love how it turned out, and is the start of the sleeve that I am getting done on my left arm. So for those who are wondering here is some of the reasons I got this particular piece, and what some of the pieces of the tattoo means or represent. (I like there to be meaning behind the pieces I get, and yes that includes my One Piece tattoos) Here is what the red sun symbol that is behind the blue and gold shield I chose looks like. ( image4.spreadshirt.com/image-s… )The feathers symbolized honor & connected the user with the Creator.
Sun symbolizes:
*the four points of the compass (north, south, east, and west);
*the four seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter);
*the four periods of each day (morning, noon, evening and night);
*the four seasons of life (childhood, youth, middle years and old age)
*the four sacred obligations one must develop (a strong body, a clear mind, a pure spirit, and a devotion to the welfare of others) in some tribes beliefs.
Again I do not own the original design, I just found it and fell in love with it. If I knew who it belonged to I would credit them.
Tattooing credit: Terry Manning, Wildcard Studios www.facebook.com/wildcardstudi…
Hope you like.
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Comments: 15
PowderKatze [2022-02-22 04:52:18 +0000 UTC]
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PirateKingMarco [2014-12-16 01:27:36 +0000 UTC]
Hey beautiful you designed my first tattoo could you please do another for me
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Koza-Kun [2014-11-23 19:38:17 +0000 UTC]
Your tattoo looks really amazing, big sis!!
I really adore the beautiful feathers and it's also interesting to know the meaning behind all the symbols, specially the sun symbol which symbolizes so much different things
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uncle-bilbo [2014-11-16 21:43:39 +0000 UTC]
Funny that I happened across this by chance, but I was at the Autumn Ceremonies on the Mescalero Apache Reservation last weekend (I’m actually Cherokee, married an Apache veterinarian and became one by default) There was a visitor, a Hopi who makes Kachinas, who has a tattoo almost just like this one. I don’t have a photo, but I recall that the feathers were more pointed and white with dark tips.
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HellsOriginalAngel In reply to uncle-bilbo [2014-11-16 22:00:16 +0000 UTC]
I haven't had the chance to go to any of the ceremonies, or make it to the Reservations yet. I want to so bad. I saw this tattoo design online with this exact coloring a long time ago and feel in love with it. I saved it but then lost it and couldn't find it online after that. I finally found it 4 days before my tattoo appointment saved in my photos somewhere on my computer. I love hearing that someone has a similar design to this. I also love learning about my Native American background, as well as meeting others who are Native American. So i am glad you came across this by chance. I hope you liked it.
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uncle-bilbo In reply to HellsOriginalAngel [2014-11-21 08:05:51 +0000 UTC]
Do you know which band of the Apache you’re descended from? I grew up speaking Tsa-la-ghi (the Cherokee language) while Melinda (my veterinarian) is Mescalero/Chiricahua (I can actually claim Geronimo as a distant in-law - how scary is that?) and I became fluent in Mescalero from her. She was named a Medicine Woman about six years ago, and I was surprised when the Elders named me kha’diyin, the Shaman of Ceremonies, a couple of years ago, the first non-Apache medicine man in the history of the tribe. It keeps us busy, since our real duties these days mostly involve preparing the ceremonies, teaching language and customs and helping members preparing traditional costumes and artifacts. I sometimes feel like the joke is on me - I was a professional SF/Fantasy writer earlier in my career and I really didn’t have a lot to do with ‘Indian Stuff’ for some time.
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the-ocean-sings In reply to HellsOriginalAngel [2014-11-22 07:48:55 +0000 UTC]
How are you doing?
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XfangheartX [2014-11-15 21:18:39 +0000 UTC]
By the way, it's been a while since I last heard from you! How've you been?
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HellsOriginalAngel In reply to XfangheartX [2014-11-22 06:22:24 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I know it has been a long while. I missed you so much. I missed you all. I've been doing ok. I am finally back to work, but this past year has been a very rocky one. For one, on July 3rd Bubba (along with my parents and their other dog Bubba's best friend Bailey) had a tree come through the house and missed landing on my dad and bailey by less than 2 feet. The house was nearly destroyed but repairable, and Bubba, Bailey, and my parents were living in a hotel for 3 1/2 months. There are a few other things, but I am going to save that for a private message. But here is the best news......I FINALLY GOT MARRIED!!!!! I am an old married lady now.
Everyone is doing very well. I am trying to find time for my art. But that is kind of hard with work and doctors appointments. That and my Paint tool SAI got wiped off of my old computer due to a virus and I have to put it on my new computer. But I will post some wedding pics on here that my hubby took. We got a video of the wedding done so I will see what I can do about sending you a copy or some of the really nice photos at least so you can see.
I missed you bunches. I hope all has been well with you. How have you been? Sorry for talking your ear off. lol.
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XfangheartX In reply to HellsOriginalAngel [2014-11-22 06:26:25 +0000 UTC]
You kidding? I'm glad to hear from you!
Right now, I'm currently living with my Grandma. A lot of stuff happened.
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HellsOriginalAngel In reply to XfangheartX [2014-11-22 06:35:40 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks. I hope all is well. I'm here if you need me. I can understand a lot going on. But again I just hope you are ok, and hope you are doing well.
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XfangheartX In reply to HellsOriginalAngel [2014-11-22 06:37:51 +0000 UTC]
I'm doing just fine! Planning on taking art classes in the spring next year, as well as take Japanese language courses!
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