HekimaTheWhiteLion — YCHS: Easter Edition (OPEN) - UNLIMITED SLOTS!

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Published: 2023-04-07 22:43:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 2974; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description Hello guys! Soo, easter is coming and i've decided to create 2 new YCHS based on it! I hope you guys like it

Price: $10 or 1000 Points

PS: If your character is too complex, +$1/100 points will be added.

The shadowing comes as a courtesy ^u^

 R U L E S 

1.- Paypal and Points ONLY at the moment.

2.- This YCH is UNLIMITED! So you can grab how much slots you want to.

3.- No TRADES.

4.- If you can't pay it right now I can reserve one slot, but only for a short period of time!

5.- DON'T STEAL!!! 


Also, please be PATIENT. I have a life outside DA and you don't need to rush, your commission will be sent to you anyways.

Thanks for reading! Have a nice day <3

Credits for OneTLKArtist for the reference used for the cub one! :3

PING LIST: Azerae  Heera29  Roiinverie  Sapphic-Lioness  lilghostie2  IndagoSparten  Cusackanne  DaggerAdopts  JenxDoodles  zideck  AmiciArt  SoldierYena  StarWSG  Hodari12  AviZara77  Annu-Adopts  Sunfire34  8XxVitanixX8  ReddRedPanda  KiaraXKovu27  DarkAngelStorm12  LumaTheDragonQueen  Blitztheshpeherd  Sikudhanii  DawnSpark-15  InkyPrinceRick  Russmindjk  Swag-Moon  WolvesandDogs4  xWeedthewolf14  HarmonyHarp  PANTHERALE0  anteabelle  XxSanyuxX  Opaltrix  Animalover99  ZivaTheLioness  Aight4rt  AngelDalet    Lady-Razza  0-Fern-0  Caesliot  NovaTheLion97  xMiss-Murder  AshesToAshkar  Grazellious  Firehart95  Twitterlu  SilverWolfMom33  HeadlessLioness  SimbaDoodles  DawnMoonArts  xAnonymousWhisper  AngelWolfRose  Nebcifer  Redliondog  Scytoo  yoggio24  BloodClawFireSpirit  krizma03tales  GamerX69  adamant101  thereal-K9DJ  SouthernCryptid       

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Comments: 2

Swag-Moon [2023-04-07 22:43:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

HekimaTheWhiteLion In reply to Swag-Moon [2023-04-07 22:46:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0