Heavenbat — Giant OC Fanart Sketchdump

Published: 2012-07-17 21:06:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 830; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 9
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Description ohgod I've officially lost my mind

So. I don't usually do fanart, for many reasons--mostly that I'm kind of really terrified I'll accidentally offend the original owner somehow, and also because I'm worried I'll draw the character wrong, or that I'll portray them wrong, or... yeah. ANYWAYS.

I decided it was time to get over that fear, by posting fanart of not one, but 11 different OCs. And not just any OCs either.

The characters here, and their owners, are all inspirations to me. Each and every one. Some of them (Zerna, SkooIsCoo, Skarita, 3vil-at-H3art, Rhealm, etc) inspired me to join the IZ fandom in the first place. Others (FortheLoveofKei, RoboticMasterMind, InvaderVictoria, etc) have inspired me to keep trying to become an even better artist and strive to reach their level.

And all of these characters here are such wonderfully fun OCs, with so much personality and uniqueness and such awesome designs that I've long wanted to draw them, and many times have imagined interactions between them and my own characters--and it's helped me develop my own characters' personalities that much more.

To all of you here, I thank you from the bottom of my heart--you introduced me to a fandom that would, in turn, introduce me to two of the best friends I've ever had, and you've inspired me to become a better artist. I can't possibly express how much I look up to all of you.

Note: If you are not on this list, it does NOT mean that I don't look up to you or that I don't like your characters. It just means that I'm an extremely forgetful person--It was hard enough remembering this many people to start with |D And I KNOW for a fact that I've forgotten people. Curse this terrible memory of mine.

There's so many errors in this but I know if I don't make myself post this now It'll NEVER get posted ;A;

Tex belongs to
Queen belongs to
Monarch belongs to
Crome belongs to
Kei belongs to
Valn belongs to
Gif belongs to
Crudge belongs to
Core belongs to
Skoo belongs to
Victoria belongs to
so many icons XD
also there was abolutely no rhyme or reason behind the order I drew them in lol
now excuse me while I hide in terror
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Comments: 21

Zerna [2012-08-04 06:50:15 +0000 UTC]

Bwahh adorable. <3 and yay I know all of these characters! XD that made me happy.

Tex here is adorable. <3 that did make me feel better. Thank youuu

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Heavenbat In reply to Zerna [2012-08-04 07:07:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! ^^ It was my first time drawing Tex... kinda failed lol. Also, that hat is difficult to draw :I

Yay, I'm glad it could make you feel better! 8D I've kind of got a bit of a bleeding heart and can't stand seeing people upset
Besides, it was the least I could do--I really do feel like I owe you the most for getting me into the fandom, which eventually led me to befriend ~StaramarianQueen and =LonelyAardvark , because your IZ art was the first IZ-related art I saw on dA after first seeing the show.
tl;dr--Thank you for being awesome ^^

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Zerna In reply to Heavenbat [2012-08-06 21:09:02 +0000 UTC]

It is, really. I've been meaning to make a ref sheet of cowboy hats..

d'aw. <33 Now that's wonderful to know. ;w; My pleasure to help.

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InvaderVictoria [2012-07-20 23:49:51 +0000 UTC]

wow nice ^^

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Heavenbat In reply to InvaderVictoria [2012-07-21 05:42:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~ C:

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InvaderVictoria In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-21 10:32:23 +0000 UTC]


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RoboticMasterMind [2012-07-19 04:28:31 +0000 UTC]

I feel flattered

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Heavenbat In reply to RoboticMasterMind [2012-07-19 04:47:23 +0000 UTC]

Crome was fun to draw, though it took probably twenty tries to get his hands to look half decent >.< aaaaand I just realized I drew the symbol on his shirt wrong D: I apologize for that, my internet was down while I was drawing most of this and my phone isn't that great for looking up references on

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RoboticMasterMind In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-19 17:26:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I noticed it had the old symbol on there
It's cool though

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FortheLoveofKei [2012-07-18 01:27:43 +0000 UTC]

bwaaa there's a kei on there <3 I love youuuu!!!!

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Heavenbat In reply to FortheLoveofKei [2012-07-18 01:39:57 +0000 UTC]

That there is ^^ her antennae were fun to draw but I think I kinda failed on that top... ;_;

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FortheLoveofKei In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-18 01:41:31 +0000 UTC]

it looks fine >w< thank you so much!!

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Heavenbat In reply to FortheLoveofKei [2012-07-18 01:48:05 +0000 UTC]

D'aw and thank YOU ouo you were one of the artists that got me into the fandom, and you've been really nice several times to me. I really appreciate it ^^

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FortheLoveofKei In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-19 04:08:34 +0000 UTC]

bwaaaaah >w< thank youuuu~ You're so kind! <3

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Dragonious [2012-07-17 21:54:30 +0000 UTC]

and everyone that isn't in it is hiding off picture with angry faces and whatnot XD

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Heavenbat In reply to Dragonious [2012-07-17 22:01:20 +0000 UTC]

And shaking their fists at me and cursing my terrible memory, most likely. |D

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Dragonious In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-17 22:05:57 +0000 UTC]

yupyup....nowgettodrawing...or else mr fwuffy gets it *holds knife to adorable baby puppy*

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Heavenbat In reply to Dragonious [2012-07-17 22:10:03 +0000 UTC]

Haha I think I'll wait a while before posting another... if I ever do. I think I've had enough shoving myself way out of my comfort zone for quite a while lol
Besides I'm more of a cat person XD *shot*

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Dragonious In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-17 22:11:13 +0000 UTC]

then...then....dead kiitens!

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Heavenbat In reply to Dragonious [2012-07-17 22:17:21 +0000 UTC]

not teh kittenssssssss D:

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Dragonious In reply to Heavenbat [2012-07-17 22:39:23 +0000 UTC]

yush, fwuffy babeh kittens with big round eyes and little wet pink noses ;w;

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