HanuWabbit — ToDA: NPC - Runeth

Published: 2012-06-16 19:34:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 932; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description "I'm disgusted by the way I look. I'm a product of a disgusting human. I pity my mother who fell for a man like him."
"You think it's nice to be stared at?"

Name: Runeth
Nickname(s)*: Runy, Rune, Annoying Guy, Broccoli Monster
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Race: Human-Krialty (50/50)

Hometown: ?????
Current residence: Around Gru-Savis, Nidus

Class: Magic Knight
Weapon: Silver Moon (sword) and Starlight Gem (dagger)

Cavea-Sveltis Type: None
Cavea-Sveltis Element: Light and Fire


    - Quiet by nature but gets talkative upon hearing something that sparks his interest. He is never shy to tell people how he gets awkward when they stare at him (people rarely sees a human-krialty and are always giving these curious face) . He enjoys seeing and giving pain to Toris.


    - Nothing much is known about him but he travels around Rier and Nidus. He pretty much enjoy traveling to hone his fighting skills.


    - He never mentions any relatives


    Toris Earnscliffe - Trevor (Toris' grampa) said he was out there to keep an eye on him. He randomly pops up around Toris' and gives him training but it was only an excuse to beat him up. He gave a secret information to Toris way back while he was in Nido and it was the reason why Toris went to travel to Nidus.
    Florian Gilchrist - He's a shadow to Florian. He gives him vital information about his parent's murderer but keeps it off from Toris. Florian doubts the first time but after he confirms things he started to listen.

Other Information:

    - He can be calm and friendly, but in reality he has a hatred towards humans.
    - He loves to glide over the plains and forests and tend to fall off.
    - He says he can hear faint voices but it wasn't clear to him who or what they are.
    - He loves broccoli and tortures Toris because of it.

Nicknames given by Toris
He's based off a Snow Leopard hence cat-ish round ears and dirty-white to gray colors.

My comment: Worse skit faces I ever made.

Update Log:
- updated the app, new outfit
- updated info; height

Trivia: Runeth is the same Runeth OC I have except it's an older version.

SAI + PS + bamboo
Runeth © =Riyunah
NPC template by ~Lunna-Souhait
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Comments: 21

Youkai-Meimi [2013-10-06 04:28:50 +0000 UTC]

Ama: *tweeks his ears* >w<

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CaphireDream [2013-03-04 04:49:34 +0000 UTC]


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iCraveChocolate [2013-03-04 04:46:26 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjk dam i love all your characters =w=
Saphire: *eyes sparkle and glomp/tackles Runeth*

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Youkai-Meimi [2013-03-04 03:00:29 +0000 UTC]

Awwww look how cuteee!!! *tweeks ears*

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Maxichan [2012-06-19 06:46:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh goodness Ase would be all over him....

He's adorable!!

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HanuWabbit In reply to Maxichan [2012-06-22 01:30:21 +0000 UTC]

Ahh interesting~! o3o
I wonder how he'll react to that XD

Thank you!

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benwolf0 [2012-06-17 04:57:19 +0000 UTC]


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HanuWabbit In reply to benwolf0 [2012-06-22 01:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you owo!

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benwolf0 In reply to HanuWabbit [2012-06-22 01:34:06 +0000 UTC]


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iCraveChocolate [2012-06-17 01:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Pain revolves around Toris LOL is there a story for why he hates humans ; w;

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HanuWabbit In reply to iCraveChocolate [2012-06-17 20:07:08 +0000 UTC]

Haha toris = pain
I'll spoil it to you when you have time XD

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Daiasita [2012-06-16 22:43:51 +0000 UTC]

yay runeth i love how you made his app and the face expressions too. i hope to have more rps with him soon.

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IFMComics [2012-06-16 20:56:05 +0000 UTC]

officially a male...
i figured as much.

also, looks like he's gotten a bit... hairier than last time.

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HanuWabbit In reply to IFMComics [2012-06-16 21:09:46 +0000 UTC]

XD haha I trolled you guys for a long time XD

Ahh he's partly beastmen in this RP group, I just had to make him like that to keep his angel wings but the normal Runeth is the first ones I made and this has nothing to do with it.

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IFMComics In reply to HanuWabbit [2012-06-16 21:42:43 +0000 UTC]

normal Runeth could still be female then

oh, that's cool~

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awisha-teh-ninja [2012-06-16 20:12:17 +0000 UTC]

baaah! He is waaay cute, and pretty, and amazing

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HanuWabbit In reply to awisha-teh-ninja [2012-07-03 03:57:53 +0000 UTC]

Lol thank you~!
I dunno about the amazing part though...he's such a whack kid XD

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awisha-teh-ninja In reply to HanuWabbit [2012-07-05 04:14:44 +0000 UTC]

He may be whack, maybe even a hack, and i'm not sure about weak, but he looks cute I wanna know more about him eventually.

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VivaciousVonny [2012-06-16 20:04:48 +0000 UTC]

So it was male!

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HanuWabbit In reply to VivaciousVonny [2012-07-03 03:58:43 +0000 UTC]

I think I trolled you guys for a long time...and funny because I think I did say he was a 'he' in one of my comments XD

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VivaciousVonny In reply to HanuWabbit [2012-07-03 04:40:25 +0000 UTC]

XD I don't remember that.

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