hama-chama — VolSa: Cihran

Published: 2011-01-10 23:43:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2235; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 0
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Name: Cihran

Age: 22

Gender: male

Species: white dragon

Job: any kind of odd job from mercenary/bodyguard to deliver/retrieval based on the request and revenue

*Fighting - he's very good at close range fighting, especially in area of the martial arts; he uses the knife only when necessary.
*Lying - Cihran is very good at lying and constructing web of lies.
*Research - he has book smart because he reads a lot and has a vast network in the society to easily find materials/people he need.

Personality: Cihran is a practical man who dislikes being clouded by emotions. He is extremely ambitious and will use nearly any means to achieve the result. Due to his countless attempts to please family members in his childhood years, Cihran became a pathological liar and now uses this to his advantage. For people that are important to him, he will consciously make an effort to tell the blunt truths. In general, he is fairly blasé but one never quite knows what is going on in his head.

Born as the fifth child of a noble family, Cihran's childhood life was not easy. His father was a black dragon and mother a white dragon. Supposedly, the black dragon have the dominant genes, as shown through the family's first four offspring. But not only did Cihran turned out to be the first white dragon to be born, he was born with deformed wings. His father was so furiously shamed and disappointed that he refused to acknowledge the relations between them. With the exception of his mother, the rest of the family soon followed suit and shunned him as well. Cihran spent his early childhood trying to please his siblings and especially his father, but no matter what he did, they were never willing to acknowledge him.

On his thirteenth birthday, his brothers played a trick on him; they said that they'd hidden some presents for him few miles into the Alave Forest. Naive as he were at the time and extremely happy about finally being recognize as one of them, he dashed off into the forest to the direction they'd pointed, heedless of the earlier warnings by his mother. When Cihran's mother found out, she rushed into the forest to discover an unconscious Cihran, his deformed wings were ripped off from his back and he was bleeding profusely. She nursed him back to health as best she could, for no one else had cared.

No one knew what happened in the forest, but after Cihran awakened, he ceased trying to please others and buried himself in the library all day. Infuriated to find they no longer have control over Cihran, the siblings began to bully him verbally and physically. His mother was not constantly by his side; there were many times when Cihran had to treat his own injuries. Knowing that he could not rely on his mother for protection much longer, he began to seek help from the outside. He was a very fast learner and achieved high recognition in area of martial arts after a few years of training.

As family tradition, Cihran's father had expected Cihran to follow four brothers' paths and serve in the army as well, despite the fact that he refused to claim Cihran as one of his own. He was utterly livid when Cihran explained that under no term would he partake in this "honorable" custom. His father threatened to cut ties with him completely if Cihran did not follow order. Completely unconcerned, Cihran simply packed his stuff, wrote a message for his mother and left.

Additional Info:
*His familiar is a winged snake named Rivatha.
*The tattoo on his left arm 白龍 means "White Dragon"; he got it done partly to uphold his mother's origin and partly to piss off the rest of his family members.
*He has a big appetite and can be quite grumpy/confrontational when hungry.
*Cihran is quite the hypocrite: despite his talent at lying, he despises liars and sycophants. He still beats himself over the fact he'd stooped to that level to gain recognition.
*He greatly dislikes whiners because he thinks the time can be better spent on doing something about it.
*He likes money and sees/uses it as a form of power.
*His deepest wish is to be accepted for who he is though he denies it even to himself.

(some info may change)
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Comments: 87

hama-chama In reply to ??? [2011-12-26 05:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Aww that would be great ^^
Good luck~

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StarScarredVixen In reply to hama-chama [2011-12-26 14:55:00 +0000 UTC]

Is he usually around a specific spot in Elavernis?

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hama-chama In reply to StarScarredVixen [2012-01-11 19:01:25 +0000 UTC]

mmm well he can be anywhere usually ^^ doing shady business/jkjk
but yea u can probably find him in restaurants too or anywhere ur oc is

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StarScarredVixen In reply to hama-chama [2012-01-11 19:56:30 +0000 UTC]

Aren't we all doing shady business? She's always running around in Risholi if he's interested in meeting her. She's not that hard to miss.

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novumorganum [2011-07-07 01:26:37 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh he looks awesome! I love his personality and the color scheme is lovely >v< Hope to rp with him sometime, he's really interesting~~

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hama-chama In reply to novumorganum [2011-07-12 00:34:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much~~~!
We can rp here if you like?

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novumorganum In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-20 00:06:47 +0000 UTC]

Haha alright! ovo Sounds great! Script or literate? ^o^

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hama-chama In reply to novumorganum [2011-07-22 05:09:20 +0000 UTC]

mm descriptive script~~ 8D )

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novumorganum In reply to hama-chama [2011-08-07 01:31:29 +0000 UTC]

[I apologize heavily for such a late reply! ;v; I've been pretty busy lately and my messages have just PILED.. lol >v<;; ]

Alrighty, cool with me :'D
Should it take place in Elavernis or Risohli? ovo
Enyo can do either, though she'd more likely be in Risohli (she'd just be a grumpy pants in Elavernis is all XD)

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hama-chama In reply to novumorganum [2011-10-31 17:21:04 +0000 UTC]

(same here Q~Q I really dislike being in school sometimes...)

Whichever, because of Cihran's business he's pretty much all over the place ^^

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Bridsydr [2011-07-05 19:31:29 +0000 UTC]

His design looks great! Great backstory >U< Congratz on making it in and hope we can rp soon~ Welcome to Voleros~

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hama-chama In reply to Bridsydr [2011-07-06 00:43:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~ ^^
Sure we can rp here if you like? :3

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Bridsydr In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-06 02:29:19 +0000 UTC]

Sure ouo. I'll have to reply tomorrow since I'm a bit busy right now :'D

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hama-chama In reply to Bridsydr [2011-07-12 03:10:28 +0000 UTC]

No problem take your time. I'll probably reply slow as well ^^ but it's easier to keep tabs in comments so can always get back to rp.

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Snow-the-Wanderer [2011-07-05 16:24:25 +0000 UTC]

He's sooooo cute!!
His design is just so awesome~
Congrats on getting in!!

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hama-chama In reply to Snow-the-Wanderer [2011-07-06 00:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Heheh you're the first to describe him as such xDD
Aww thanks~

Thank youuu~~~

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Snow-the-Wanderer In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-06 09:55:54 +0000 UTC]

Reeeaaally~? XDDD But he totally is! <333
And no problem!!

Enoa: Hey, you there! *waves* Yes you!! You look a bit hungry, and boy! I have right here a tasty snack for the most unbelievable price!

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hama-chama In reply to Snow-the-Wanderer [2011-10-31 17:22:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! >///<

Cihran: *blinks when he hears it's free food but narrows his eyes slightly* .....oh?

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Snow-the-Wanderer In reply to hama-chama [2011-11-05 06:12:45 +0000 UTC]

Not at all! ;w;

Enoa: Of coooourse, why would I lie! *smiles* Check it out, this pie here is so tasty! Just smell! *produces a mini pie*

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hama-chama In reply to hama-chama [2011-10-31 17:25:10 +0000 UTC]

and sorry for the late reply )

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Usakan [2011-07-05 12:42:21 +0000 UTC]

I love his history oAo A white dragon
And lying is his talents? That's interesting.

Congrats on getting in~
Hope we will have to time RP soon

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hama-chama In reply to Usakan [2011-07-06 00:41:22 +0000 UTC]

QuQ sad..sad story
Haha yep more like he can't help it

Thank you!
if you like we can do it here

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Usakan In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-06 02:27:48 +0000 UTC]

epic lair then
I'm not very good at starting but... here goes nothing =v='
will it be ok with you if it's Lumeria??

Ira: *Sitting on a tree not far away from the border of the city, watching the people walking around and making sure that no harmful things will sneak into the city.*

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hama-chama In reply to Usakan [2011-10-31 17:24:39 +0000 UTC]

sorry for the late response Q-Q and yes it's perfectly ok xD)

Cihran: *trudging his way towards the gate to Lumeria witha a huge sack on his back, feeling irritated, cold and a bit hungry.* //Damn client have to request this last second// ...grrr...

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Usakan In reply to hama-chama [2011-11-07 14:59:34 +0000 UTC]

Ira: *A dragon carrying a huge sack visiting Lumeria don't happen everday, so he kept on watching the dragon up from the tree. Still clinging onto the tree branch, he calls down to the gijinka.* hey, needing any help over there?

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SymphKat [2011-07-05 03:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh I love this guy. CX

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hama-chama In reply to SymphKat [2011-07-06 00:40:30 +0000 UTC]

D'aww haha thank you~ <3

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SakuraTenshi101 [2011-07-05 03:20:40 +0000 UTC]

wow!! he's a very interesting character! can't wait to interact with him in Elavernis!

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hama-chama In reply to SakuraTenshi101 [2011-07-06 00:39:47 +0000 UTC]

You think so? xD
Thanks~ if you like we can rp here

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SakuraTenshi101 In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-06 04:19:09 +0000 UTC]

yeah! XD
oo! sounds fun! I say we shall! what form of rp do you do (literate/story, semi-literate/script, etc.?)

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hama-chama In reply to SakuraTenshi101 [2011-07-12 02:21:15 +0000 UTC]

I do script rp~
Would you like to start?

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SakuraTenshi101 In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-12 02:25:36 +0000 UTC]

alright! and sure!

Aysu: *going about another day, performing a new dance routine in front of a fountain for a small crowd*

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hama-chama In reply to SakuraTenshi101 [2011-10-31 17:26:14 +0000 UTC]

sorry for the late response!)
Cihran: *waiting for a client nearby on a bench not paying much attention*

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SakuraTenshi101 In reply to hama-chama [2011-11-01 23:55:20 +0000 UTC]

(oh, it's ok! I've been busy myself with college XD)

Aysu: *finishes her dance, the crowd claps and she decides to rest a bit, looks around for a place to sit and spots Cihran on the bench*

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hama-chama In reply to SakuraTenshi101 [2011-11-03 01:51:59 +0000 UTC]

(same herrrr ;3; )
Ci: *frowns to himself* //It's 15 min past the time we've agreed upon...what the hell's taking him so long! D

(btw //text// is his thoughts ^^)

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SakuraTenshi101 In reply to hama-chama [2011-11-03 15:09:49 +0000 UTC]

(it's so time consuming, isn't it??? ;A; and ok, thanks for letting me know! )

Aysu: Um... excuse me? *looks over at him curiously*

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orotea [2011-07-05 02:27:43 +0000 UTC]

Grats on getting in! Welcome to Elavernis~~ He sounds like a well thought out, pragmatic character =w=b

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hama-chama In reply to orotea [2011-07-06 00:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Aww well thank you very much!! >~Haha yea he's the first such oc I've created heh...might be bit hard to rp but I'd like to try :>

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orotea In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-07 13:21:22 +0000 UTC]

|D welcome.

Is he? oAo Niiiice. He sounds like he might be quite a challenge to rp, but could be satisfying |D He has his complexities and contradicting thoughts vs. action/habit, which is actually pretty realistic. Would love to see him in action. Any preferred method yet? |D

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hama-chama In reply to orotea [2011-07-12 00:40:41 +0000 UTC]

That's very true xD
I'd love to as well. I think atm the best way is to rp here, as I probably live in different timezone from most people right now ^^
Once I'm back to US though..do you have other preferred method?

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orotea In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-19 07:52:08 +0000 UTC]

((Oh, what timeline are you on right now?

Hm, I rp the most through skype, but pretty much use comments and chats as well. Since you're fine with comments, we can stick to this. Sorry for the late reply! ))

Kelaros: He frowned, pursing his lips at what the client had conveniently neglected to mention til now. The job required him to pair up with someone though it was a bodyguard job, escorting the merchant from Risohli to Elavernis. And to find a willing/bearable partner on such a short notice.. He growled.

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hama-chama In reply to orotea [2011-07-19 10:52:39 +0000 UTC]

(my timezone atm is UTC+08:00
If you like to rp through skype that's fine as well, just note me your username and I'll add you.
It'll probably be better to rp here right now during the summer though, as the time I can go online may vary)

Cihran: He bangs against the table with his drink. "Damn it! How long does it take for you to cook goddamn gyoza?!" He'd just finished a transporting job and is extremely ravenous so he wandered hoping he could grab something quick before heading back but was delayed but the horrible service. Thoroughly annoyed, he pushes the seat back and begins to make his way out of the restaurant, shoving past whoever was in his way.

(Also, I usually script rp, but if you prefer I can continue to do what I did above)

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orotea In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-21 13:14:46 +0000 UTC]

((Oh, wow. That's about.. 20 hours difference from my current place. Actually, that isn't too bad in time (of the day) difference. I do use skype as a "personal forum" thing as well. I'll note it nonetheless (:
Yep, no worries. I'm fine with continuing RP here. Oh, and feel free to use script! It's just easier for me to RP in lit format, since Kel doesn't talk much))

Kelaros: Already in a considerably irritated mood, it didn't help when someone got knocked into his table and started to make a din, further messing with his meal. He growled and shot his hand forward to grab the noisy man, hauling him over the table before tossing him into the other dragon's path. "Your trash," he said.

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hama-chama In reply to orotea [2011-07-22 02:26:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha really? o3o Well when I go back to US in mid August, my timezone will change to GMT -4.00 I believe... I hope that'll be easier for us to chat on skype then. If you want to note me that later it's fine too ^^b
I'm all right. Maybe when we use skype I'll revert to that we'll see xD)

Cihran: As the man came tumbling into his path, Cihran reacts on reflex and anger and simply uses his foot to trip the poor man and slice of his palm to knock him dead unconscious onto the group with two clean moves that was over in a second. He spits at the unconscious body without remorse. "Fucking idiot, hope you think twice before blocking me again." He steps over the slumped body, not caring the idignant growls from the man's three buddies. They come over, trying to intimidate him with their height but it has absolutely no effect on him. "You guys have a death wish or what? Get out of my way now unless you wish to become like that shit of a man down there." The biggest man snarls, beginning to pull back for a powerful punch while the other two start to restrain him. The moment their hands clamp onto his arms, however, Cihran drops like a sac of potato on purpose and does a back flip, easily extricating himself from their holds and making them bang their heads against one another in the process, knocking them out cold with pressure points from their necks. The big guy blinks at his downed comrades in confusion before giving Cihran a hateful glare. Cihran smirked, "What, I didn't do much to them, you know..they just kinda suck. Like, real bad." He chuckles maliciously and brushes imaginary folds from his clothes before going around the unconsious bodies and starts to move past the big guy when the guy tries to punch him from behind. He tilts his head just in time and reaches up with his hands, grabs at the thick wrist and gave a quick twist. The sound of cracking was heard clearly through the restaurant as was the man's howl of pain. He lets go of the broken wrist and without a word left the restaurant, his stomach unfulfilled. "Che...I'm not going to come back to this ratty place anymore."

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orotea In reply to hama-chama [2011-07-24 05:39:47 +0000 UTC]

((Ahh, sure. |D we can make it work anyhow. Summer break, hm?))

Kelaros: He stood up from his table, closing his eyes with an annoyed breath at the thought that his day was ruined, and reopened them at sensing a few people surrounding him with malicious intent. His stunt with manhandling that man had not gone unnoticed, and some people just needed the slightest reason to start a fight, especially in places such as this.

"Fools." he intoned, and it was all that was needed to push them into action. With a loud angry cry, the one to his right sailed towards him, and he took a step back at the last moment, bringing his hand down onto him, and knocked him out without breaking his neck. Knowing that one was coming up behind him, he swung his armoured tail in a hard blow, hard enough to break a few ribs and send him crashing through the door. Even before the man landed he had caught the last man by his neck, claws digging into the tender flesh as he raised the man to dangle off ground, and the man's hands immediately dropped the bottle he had intended to use to grip futilely at his hand. It would be far too easy to snap his neck, or crush his windpipe as he stared back at the struggling man impassively, eyes unblinking, and he tightened his grip. For a moment, it looked like he was actually going to do it, but he abruptly let the man drop to the ground, wheezing and fearful.

With a silent scoff, he walked towards the shop counter and dropped his payment for his ruined meal before exiting the shop, stepping over the fallen men, just in time to hear the other dragon's words. Huffing a breath out in a "hmph", agreeing, he commented, "Where the worthless gather." His only consolation was that the food hadn't been anywhere close to good.

((>A> wall of text))

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hama-chama In reply to orotea [2011-10-31 17:52:20 +0000 UTC]

(So sorry such a long time and no response Q-Q...shall we continue? I have skype now sometimes in the weekend. Or msn. Can you note me yours so I can add you?)

Cihran: He grumbles as he leaves the establishment, turning towards the direction back to Elavernis. He sighs to himself in frustration. 'I can't continue my work on an empty stomach but waiting is such nuisance..'

A flutter of wings alert him and he glances to his right to see his familiar land on his shoulder. Her tongue peaks out as though to kiss him teasingly on the cheek, making a hissing noise. He gives her an irritated glance.

"Hmph! No need to rub it in, Ri. Besides, rodents are not exactly my taste." He wrinkles his nose in distaste. Rivatha hisses back and whacks the side of his face with her tail as she takes off again, not willing to deal with him until he's improved his mood and manner. He rubs his cheek and glares after her figure before continuing down the street. Eyes darting here and there, he looks for another restaurant, vaguely noting another being who has been behind him for awhile.

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OrchidRaindrops [2011-07-05 02:21:18 +0000 UTC]

wow he looks really cool!

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hama-chama In reply to OrchidRaindrops [2011-07-05 18:45:22 +0000 UTC]

Aw thanks! ^^

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vixiebee [2011-07-04 18:12:57 +0000 UTC]

Dragoooooooon!!!! Awesome L <3333 Love him

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hama-chama In reply to vixiebee [2011-07-05 18:43:37 +0000 UTC]

only his tail QuQ....<333
D'aww haha he lavs u too really/not ;;
Thanks mys~~~

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