Published: 2016-03-06 04:27:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 440; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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This is Ruby Rose's Beast Form, which made it's debut in RWBY Future AU: Toxin Blood PT 7. A Link to the stories page will be bellow.Sorry I'm uploading this so long after the fic piece it goes with was uploaded. I was extremely tired and on top of that, my phone was taking forever to charge, so I just said " Screw it! " and went to sleep, saying I'd upload it when I got up. Which I am, so no harm, no foul, right?
For this image, I used the following:
One sheet of a Strathmore Sketch pad (14 in. X 17 in.), hence why I took a picture of it instead of scanning it.
One Dixon Ticonderoga Black HB2 pencil, sharpened at regular intervals.
One H4 shading pencil (exact series unknown)
and finally, One Pental Mechanical Pencil.
Intro - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part One - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Two - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Three - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Four - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Five - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Six - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Part Seven - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Epilogue - grimsoldier001.deviantart.com/…
Though this version of her was my idea, I still don't own Ruby Rose.
As I'm sure you all are aware, Ruby Rose (the fictional character) was created by Monty Oum (RIP) and is currently owned by Roosterteeth.
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Comments: 23
slshimerdla [2016-07-29 06:18:34 +0000 UTC]
Gorgeous! I love this style of yours. Really nice work.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to slshimerdla [2016-07-29 15:15:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you, I'm glad you like it ^^
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WOLFBLADE111 [2016-03-06 13:40:13 +0000 UTC]
0.0 Damn Ruby you look pissed. XD
Awesome as always man keep it up. ;D
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2016-03-07 11:41:41 +0000 UTC]
Well, if you looked liked that and had such odd teeth to keep up with, you would be pissed too. add to that ruining your favorite outfit everytime you want to use those wings and well... you have quite the problem.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-07 11:42:11 +0000 UTC]
Yes. not an exact recreation of the canon appearence of her, but this IS her future self so...
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-07 12:04:55 +0000 UTC]
Yeah she would look like Raiden meets venom, I get it.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-07 16:59:02 +0000 UTC]
haha. you know, funny enough, I originally had that idea planned for a story, but it kinda fell through.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-07 17:30:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh really.
Just wondering but how depressing you plan on making this story?
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-07 17:57:17 +0000 UTC]
RWBY or Dead Fantasy?
RWBY Toxic blood is almost over, just one last upload and that's it.
Dead Fantasy is going to pick back up again one week after next Saturday, and that's going to get depressing and death stricken as F***.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-07 18:18:02 +0000 UTC]
I was referring to RWBY but I have to ask.
Are you killing off characters in your DF series because it enhances the plot, or is it just for shock value.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-07 18:31:08 +0000 UTC]
I honestly haven't killed that many people off in RWBY, truth be told. Adam and Azlean are fairly... average in their retrospective fanbases and thus, killing them off opened up opportunities and closed off potential troubles I may have faced.
As for Dead Fantasy? both reasons, actually. quite a few of the characters that have been introduced into Dead Fantasy have played parts in the story, both minor and major, in the past and to REALLY hit home the kind of enemy my trio of Venom, Raiden and Aden are facing, they need to suffer a great loss.
They need to understand the kind of war their waging with Fratricide.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-07 19:06:13 +0000 UTC]
Glad it was minor characters since I forgot about them and Ren most of the time.
Yes I can understand that, but I find that when likable characters start dying off left and right, it becomes more draining than entertainment to push through. Heck that is the reason proudly left Game of Thrones, along with how the writers were so caught up with shock value that they forgot you need likable characters to tell a story in the first place.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-07 19:30:20 +0000 UTC]
Well, I wanted to add a level of realism to my stories, and DF was one of the more... involved stories I started doing, followed up by RWBY. I wanted to show that even these characters, whom seem like "A-list" or even "B-list" at times, are not immune to being killed off.
But your right, it helps to have likable characters whom we grow connected too, so if they do die, we feel that loss along with everyone else. we cry, get angry. that kind of thing.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-07 19:45:31 +0000 UTC]
Well for me I always feel it is more like "Fandoms have a panache for romanticizing misery". I certainly can't enjoy anything that is relentlessly miserable, there needs to be humor to lighten the mood.
Yeah P's death was REALLY the first time I felt grief for a characters demise in a series.
Although it makes me wonder the idea of all the trials leave the hero a broken shell at the end of it.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-08 06:37:42 +0000 UTC]
Not broken, cracked. if a hero can't survive one act of loss, than are they really a hero?
But you make a fair point. to romanticize the concept of misery is... not something that will be left unnoticed by the readers. most people won't enjoy so many people dying. but for my, having these characters die is important. this enemy Trinity is facing, it's unlike ALL those that came before it and they need to understand just what is they stand to lose should they fail.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-08 12:43:19 +0000 UTC]
That struggle makes sense, with a great example being Arrow season 2 where Team Arrow is facing a villain who's goal is to destroy everything he loves, drive him to despair then killing him. Doesn't help that the villain can out think the hero at every turn.
I developed this dislike from my mom because EVERY film or Tv show she chooses to watch is absolutely miserable to watch. Although I have now come to understand her argument of enjoying complex characters with complicated struggles.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-09 07:39:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh god, I know the feeling all to well.
complex characters, motivations and struggles are all well and good if done right, but actively trying to make them more complex by basically making a mess of the plot and character development? that's something else. and as hard as I'm trying, I'm not doing so well with that.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-09 11:28:44 +0000 UTC]
Then DON'T because that is when the story gets into Convoluted territory, which would very hard to follow.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-09 19:44:17 +0000 UTC]
Which I am doing. I'm trying to reign myself in and not explode things. I know that my readers are by no means stupid or lacking in concentration, but even they have their limits.
Having like a hundred people on paper doing things, bouncing in and around PoV's will get very confusing. and if I can't keep up with anything, neither will they.
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bruiser128 In reply to GrimSoldier001 [2016-03-09 22:19:12 +0000 UTC]
Glad you are considerate of these things.
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GrimSoldier001 In reply to bruiser128 [2016-03-10 07:29:26 +0000 UTC]
I try to be, even if I don't always succeed.
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