GreyKinghtLord — Recon with the King of Martyrs

#cadian #guardsman #imperialguard #spacemarine #warhammer40k #chaptermaster
Published: 2015-12-20 03:12:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 1730; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 3
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Description "Night was approaching and Private Anton was on recon duty. A job in which the mortality rate match his home world recruitment rate. The Ork WAAGH they faced had grown to vast for the his regiment to handle by themselves.
"Infantry verse Looted tanks. Yeah, we got this one right?" Anton's said to himself.
His grim thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of metal striking rock. Anton thought it might be the Orks from over the rise, his resolve weakened fearing the source of the noise. Soon on his left fell a massive shadow and strange heat touched him. Anton turned and froze; his jaw dropped upon seeing a the towering Space Marine striding passed him marching up the rocks as they were nothing more than simple steps to him. 

From the stride he took the rocks it appeared as though the marine wanted to see the WAAGH for himself.
"When and where had the Emperor's Angels of Death come from?" Anton thought to himself frozen mid-step.
After taking two steps passed Anton the marine paused and turned back to face him. The two looked at one another before Anton realized the Angel of Death was waiting on him to continue forward. Anton began moving again, at a quickened pace, with the marine moving a "step" or two behind Anton.

Anton still felt the shadow of death loomed over him. But it was simply waited beside him; waiting for the chance to past him and greet the enemies of the Imperium and its Emperor."

It's been a long while since I posted but that should be changing soon. Many thanks to  blazbaros.deviantart.com/ for the commission of my personal space marine chapter's Chapter Master on patrol with a guardsmen.  
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Comments: 3

purpleshadowbooster [2015-12-20 03:58:19 +0000 UTC]

ohh nice bit of story to go along with it    i saw the pic from Blaz 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GreyKinghtLord In reply to purpleshadowbooster [2015-12-20 05:16:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I was really happy with this commission. Props to Blazbaro and his work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

purpleshadowbooster In reply to GreyKinghtLord [2015-12-20 05:17:26 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome.  Yes he does great work   

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