Comments: 20
madre-superiora [2012-12-25 17:49:55 +0000 UTC]
wyglada troche jak wiatr a troche jak energia uchwycona na kliszy...
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tamara69b [2011-09-19 02:18:05 +0000 UTC]
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ladyestera [2011-09-13 21:15:04 +0000 UTC]
eh, staΔ CiΔ na wiΔcej, takie zwykΕe zdjΔcie robione przez szybΔ samochodu.
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musetta30 In reply to Greyguardian [2011-09-14 04:33:42 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes I think that may be that is our task: to reech that inner peace by choosing it. Dont know if trees have the freeedom to choose between peace and war.
I am sending you a poem of RubΓ©n DarΓo. It has not beauty translated, without rhyme, but the concept is this more or less:
Happy the tree that can barely feel,
and happier the hard stone because it does not feel at all,
for there is no greater grief than the grief of being alive,
and no greater affliction than conscious life.
To be and to know nothing, and to be without fixed course,
and the fear of having been and a future terror
and the certain terror of being dead tomorrow,
and to suffer for life and for the shadow
and for what we do not know and hardly suspect,
and for the flesh that tempts with its fresh grapes
and the tomb that waits with its funeral branches,
and not to know where we go
or from where we come!...
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partiallyHere [2011-09-13 11:20:51 +0000 UTC]
maybe they hold their breath for a long long time. longer than human time.
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Greyguardian In reply to partiallyHere [2011-09-13 15:30:45 +0000 UTC]
and, hopefuly, - they will take another one long time after we will be gone
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