Graphite451 β€” Clover Paint Brushes #1

Published: 2014-04-26 11:51:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 3323; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 241
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Description I've been spending the last few days playing with the incredibly awesome Clover Paint on my tablet. There's not many custom brushes around yet, so I figured I'd share some of mine. They're designed for a pressure-sensitive stylus, so I'm not sure how well they'll work without one.

Hemiolan's awesome guide ( graphite451.deviantart.com/art… ) explains how to import them if you're having any difficulty.
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Comments: 17

lucak-desu [2016-04-07 21:29:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm trying to get a VERY simple brush just like in photoshop with a circle and opacity jitter and nothing else but idk why I can't even find how to controll the opacity in a brush, got any tips to make such a brush?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Graphite451 In reply to lucak-desu [2016-04-13 20:58:39 +0000 UTC]

I reckon (under brush settings): Per spot jitter (add new) > opacity(per spot) > perlin noise, but it's hard to give advice without knowing exactly what you mean. Those steps will give you a fixed-width brush that varies randomly in opacity, but I'm not sure that's what you're after.

More generally, my advice would be to spend an hour or two in the brush editor, just playing around and seeing what the various settings do, rather than trying to create one specific brush.

I'm assuming you're using a setup with pressure sensitivity?

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lucak-desu In reply to Graphite451 [2016-04-15 18:23:43 +0000 UTC]

I'm using a galaxy note 4, I figured out that some of the brushes that come already have this option, I picked a pencil brush and removed all the noise/texture to make it flat and I guess I got it to work now but I still couldnt find that opacity jitter

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Graphite451 In reply to lucak-desu [2016-04-16 00:59:08 +0000 UTC]

Without being able to play with your setup myself, it's hard to give any real advice: I'm not a tech expert, really. Again, I'd recommend just playing, and seeing what effects you can make, and which settings effect what.

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expertmosquito [2015-10-18 00:29:46 +0000 UTC]

I'm confused...how do I use these brushes?

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Graphite451 In reply to expertmosquito [2015-10-18 12:19:42 +0000 UTC]


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expertmosquito In reply to expertmosquito [2015-10-18 09:04:42 +0000 UTC]

Do I take small shots of the parts I want?

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Tetrodoxin [2015-05-04 15:13:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for sharing these! I'm new with clover paint, still trying to get familiar with it.

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Graphite451 In reply to Tetrodoxin [2015-05-04 16:53:58 +0000 UTC]

It manages to be even less intuitive than photoshop, but it's well worth sticking with it!

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jasondf2 [2015-01-17 20:07:07 +0000 UTC]

I accidentally deleted 1 of my brushes (Blur Hard), but when I try to import from CP's brushes file (that I got off their website), CP crashes every time.  I'm using a brand-new Samsung Galaxy Tab S.

Is there some other way I can get Blur Hard back?  Are there simple brush changes to Blur that I could make to re-create Blur Hard?

Re-arranging clovers in the clover window is implemented in a truly terrible, clumsy, error-prone way.

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Graphite451 In reply to jasondf2 [2015-02-22 00:53:49 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm... First thing I'd try is editing the website's brush file so that it only has the brush you want, could be that doing so many at once is confusing it.

Other than that, I'd backup any pics, and then re-install.

Agreed on the UI, but then I guess it's pretty hard to do stuff without requiring a keyboard. It's a pain in the arse, but till I can program better I'm not gonna complain too hard!

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jasondf2 In reply to Graphite451 [2015-02-23 17:01:05 +0000 UTC]

I did try importing just the 1 brush.  It turns out that the Clover guy had posted a bad file, the brush images were wrong, incompatible, and causing a crash.  I found another user who was willing to export their Blur Hard, and I could import that just fine.  I could also see that his brush image file looked different than the one from the Clover site.  So the file Clover posted was wrong.

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spiritspark [2014-08-07 05:14:09 +0000 UTC]

NICE! will be using these to study making clover paint brushes.. The app really needs more room for brush customization though.. 

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johnnygdev In reply to spiritspark [2015-03-10 15:33:48 +0000 UTC]

No sooner did I post, asking for help, than I solved it (sort of).

I find the work around clunky, so if you've got a more direct route, please let me know! Here's how I made it work (and it works well, it's just long):

1) Exported my photoshop abr pack with abrMate (free, google it) to a directory. This pulled all the png's I needed for the head, or 'unit'
2) Uploaded the folder to my trusty Google Drive.
3) In my Google Drive app on my tablet, I 'sent' one of the PNG's (unedited) to LayerPaint HD.
4) In LayerPaint HD, I exported the PNG again.
5) In Cloverpaint, I modified my brush shape to Square, and changed the brush Texture to a Custom. Hitting the Plus sign gave me the option of Gallery or Photo
6) I selected Gallery, went into the LayerPaint HD folder, and grabbed my PNG from abrMate (originally from Photoshop)
7) Saved out my new custom brush!

Works great, but like I said, long winded. I had a heck of a time, every time I tried to pull it from Photos, any PNG I'd 'sent' there was corrupt (yet, oddly, photos taken with the camera were just fine).

You only have the option to grab files from the Gallery or Photos, So I went to the Gallery. I originally tried this work around with Skitch, but that butchered my colours (giving me a dark green background every time, although I have no idea why).

LayerPaint HD works perfectly.

I should note I've got a full version of LayerPaint HD and I paid the extra $20 for the Tablet UI (which, btw, if you have a large format tablet, as I do at 13.5", the $20 investment is, and should be an absolute no brainer). I spend more than that on coffee in a week, don't be blinded by the economy scale of the app store, an app with this level of sophistication, wading in a sea of 'lite' or downright basic art apps on the Android platform, is worth every penny. I agree, the interface is strange and could use a helping hand, and it definitely needs some verbose documentation, but it's about time SOMEONE wrote a decent art app for Android.

When Adobe made noise about getting into the space, I had a little hope. What they released under the Photoshop name is truly half-assed and pathetic.

Anyway, I digress. Thought I'd share, and see if anyone else had a faster, more seamless work around, because this is clunky.

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Graphite451 In reply to spiritspark [2014-08-07 15:21:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I should probably add some more at some point, but recently I've not been using much other than pencil/g-pen/hard round.

My experience has been that CP has plenty enough customisation for my tastes, it's amazing what you can do by importing different 'heads' from image files!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

johnnygdev In reply to Graphite451 [2015-03-10 05:04:19 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for these, I just picked up Clover Paint for my recently acquired companion hybrid and, other than issues everyone seems to share with the interface, I'm astounded by the brute power of the brush engine, it puts all other android art apps to shame.

Can I ask you about your pipeline for bringing in units, or brush heads. I’m having trouble converting some of my fave Photoshop custom brushes.

I knock out the brush pngs with abrMate under windows and I scaled them to fit in the 256x256 default size. I've saved them as psd's and png's, moved them from OneDrive to the Gallery, but when I try to import them, it shows me 2 versions, one on dark gray, the other on dark green.

I’m probably missing something simple, but I've had a hell of a time finding any documentation, other than hem's guide.

Any help would be outstanding...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Graphite451 In reply to johnnygdev [2015-03-10 17:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, that's beyond my knowledge. Strange that a PSD isn't working. I'd recommend trying a simple setup, just 'one dot of [brush]', save as a png, and try that.

Just to be sure - the green/grey's not your background showing through, right? (I only ask because I've exported stuff making that mistake before!)

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