Published: 2003-05-30 14:53:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 26087; Favourites: 646; Downloads: 2522
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This is actually quite old, but I was inspired by a recent fav to put up my own ALIENS fan art. ALIENS, by far, is my favorite movie of ALL TIME. it is the origin of my profound obsession with science fiction, I mean it has to be! C'mon, you can't lose with directors like Ridley motherfucking Scott and James Holyshit Cameron (We will erase from our memories the names of the directors from 3 and Resurrection, God help their damned souls). I am also an avid fan of the comics... because they are created with freelance artists and writers, it's a real rarity for quality to apply to both of these factors, but when two talented people do team up (Labyrinth, Music of the Spears and AvP to name a few, if you know what I'm talking about) the outcome is awesome.So... yeah. This is a picture of my interpretation of a xenomorph. Mine are a bit more lithe and spindlier than the ones in the movies, but really it's just a concoction of all my favorite ALIENS interpretations from the movies and comics rolled into one. I really want to work on an ALIENS comic, but I think it's illegal if I'm not doing it for DarkHorse...
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Comments: 99
JoshuaGrabinski [2014-05-04 17:27:26 +0000 UTC]
WOW! This is old... I remember looking at this on ElfWood like 12 years ago. I didn't realize this was you. Your new stuff looks a bit different, but I love all of it.
Keep up the good work!
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Gorrem In reply to JoshuaGrabinski [2014-05-05 04:14:12 +0000 UTC]
lol... man that is old, you're dating me. Thanks for remembering!
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PenRunner [2010-01-20 04:40:59 +0000 UTC]
I love the "more lithe and spindlier" xenomorphs, great job! Fave'ing this for sure!
...What medium did you use?
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ephemerallife [2008-06-29 21:58:55 +0000 UTC]
I had a card with an alien in a similar position. I always admired that interesting pose. Great work here, and I agree 100% with you about Movies 3 and up.
I own most of the ALIENS comics by dark horse. Awesome stuff. Hardcore alien fans unite!
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confusedkitten0854 [2008-03-01 02:05:21 +0000 UTC]
Ok like this would make a really awesome Clock, just seeing the detail and now you drew him.
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Aigua In reply to confusedkitten0854 [2008-05-19 00:01:26 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it would. Like a Cafepress sort of thing?
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confusedkitten0854 In reply to Aigua [2008-06-08 03:22:31 +0000 UTC]
Cafepress might work. I was thinking more of craftsmanship stuff with metal or ceramic.
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Anasilen [2008-02-25 04:24:28 +0000 UTC]
I don't know why, but when it's in that pose like that, with its back leg tucked in under its body, it kinda reminds me of a dog. A very... very weird looking, spindly dog. XD
I love it.
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bitterius [2007-10-18 14:54:57 +0000 UTC]
well it`s your own design of muscle structure and its cool,very good concept. why dont try to draw alien quien that will be very nice.
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SoraQuasar [2007-10-09 08:39:32 +0000 UTC]
omg... you did a great job with it. usualy ppl just make him look ugly, but this one is perfect XD
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jonito [2007-10-09 06:25:04 +0000 UTC]
I love this style....you definetly have a unique perspective on the alien....very different...AMAZING!
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Imnurhest [2007-09-07 19:50:56 +0000 UTC]
Geez, I wish I can draw like that! you make my aliens look like they were from little kid movies!
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thephoenixfirewings [2007-09-06 13:19:01 +0000 UTC]
Love how you mentioned the directors but not H.R Giger the true genious. Even so brilliant art.
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red82590 [2007-09-01 04:30:33 +0000 UTC]
xenomorphs rule. i love the tail and the legs alot. and the face and the position and the coloring. its awesome.
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Carcharadon [2007-03-28 12:51:09 +0000 UTC]
Elegant, really beautiful lines. The flow is fantastic. This reminds me very much of Killian Plunketts work on Aliens: Labyrinth. Its a great style.
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van-goghbutterflies [2007-02-13 05:23:09 +0000 UTC]
That is basically very, VERY cool. Aliens...
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izu3000 [2006-12-06 10:24:51 +0000 UTC]
this is beautifully, elegantly, wonderfully, inspiringly made. wonderful job on this.
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SilvahScales [2006-11-15 19:51:33 +0000 UTC]
i like this xenomorph...it's very thin and has feminine qualities to it
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Spawnminion [2006-10-27 19:44:00 +0000 UTC]
it looks like a alienoid (alien/droid ) I love it
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milestsang [2006-08-19 06:15:49 +0000 UTC]
Aliens is one of the most recognized sci-fi icons of all time and still it doesn't get enough love. You've done the creature great justice here. Looks more akin to Plunkett's version than any of the others. Music of the Spears sucked, though. As did the AvP movie (not the comic). Great work.
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KreepingSpawn [2005-11-10 19:09:27 +0000 UTC]
i like 1 and 3 best....
i like the stark graphic composition, and the leaned-down interpretation of Giger's beast. well done.
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WarriorAlien [2005-10-01 02:12:57 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful structure!! I like how it's a little bit lanky compared to the regular xeno, it adds character. *insta-fav*
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MarsW [2005-03-20 16:50:22 +0000 UTC]
Your vision of Xenomorphs it's so tylish, so gracile... and so killer looking!! I've to fave it! ALIEN and ALIENS are my faves in the saga!
You liked Alien vs. Predator?
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Gorrem In reply to MarsW [2005-03-24 21:53:38 +0000 UTC]
I saw AvP but I hated it. Actually, to be more specific, I hate Paul Anderson. I hope he gets crucified.
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matteviL [2005-01-20 10:51:42 +0000 UTC]
Tre cool! the tail frames it sooooo well and the mouth n' teeth are sweet
fav. also love the fingers on the left hand
but yeah i rather disliked 3 and 4 T_T too bad but oh well.
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Rebel-Onion [2004-09-18 18:41:23 +0000 UTC]
It's so adorable!!! I've always been an aliens fan... Wow... This is magnificent. I've been meaning to do an aliens piece myself. They are so adorable!!! ^_^
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wolfgangh [2004-07-24 09:15:03 +0000 UTC]
Hey don't knock David Fincher, I mean he did Fight Club, he did se7en, and James Cameron not only did Titanic but he directed Pirahans 2: The Spawning.. so he isn't exactly without fault.
Oh yeah awsome pic by the way
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corrodedsoul [2004-05-05 12:31:00 +0000 UTC]
may seem lithe and weaker but i think that makes its spookier! Cool rendition. The white background reminds me of Travis Charests wildcats covers.
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ixat [2004-02-21 19:41:23 +0000 UTC]
Holy shizit, this is amazing study... +fav...
Only thing I can ask is that you don't erase David Fincher's or Jean-Pierre Jeunet's names from your memory I mean sure, 3 and Resurrection sucked, but think "Fight Club" and "Amelie"...
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martinhoulden [2004-02-01 17:30:58 +0000 UTC]
cool concept and take on a cliched theme ! great job
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