#pokemon #pokemonfanart #pokemontrainer #fraxure #aromatisse #sirfetchd #inteleon #coalossal
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*After putting Vira behind bars and running into Sura, he and Eddie were getting into a battle so he could show how strong he's gotten.*Eddie: Alright…let’s see what you can do…
Sura: Ready!
*Eddie starts the battle by sending out a Trevenant, a ghostly tree Pokémon. Sura sends out his first Pokémon. A Coalossal. A stone Pokémon with flaming coals on its back.*
Trevenant: Naaaaaant!!
Coalossal: COOOOAL!!
Martha: Heh. remember Eddie, it's okay to lose.
Eddie: I know. I'm just not going to.
*Eddie then switches Trevanant out for Swampert, immediately noticing the type disadvantage. However, he lost his turn for doing so.*
Sura: Coalossal, Heat Crash!
*Coalossal imbues its body in flame, before jumping up and crashing down at Swampert, dealing moderate damage despite it being water type.*
Martha: Oh, maybe that wasn't a wise move Ed.
Eddie: Tch, Swampert, Muddy Water!
*Swampert charges an orb of dirty water before firing it at Coalossal, dealing big damage, and lowering its accuracy by one stage. Martha and Oliver only watch Eddie as he makes a recovery during the battle.*
Martha: Not bad there Ed.
Sura: Hmm...Coalossal, return!
*Sura switches out Coalossal for a Sirfetch'd.*
Martha: Wow, Sura has quite the team.
Eddie: A brid huh? Okay, Rock Slide!
*Swampert then charges another orb and fires it in the air. This time, jagged stones rain down from it on top of Sirfetch'd.*
Sura: Dodge it and use Leaf Blade!
*Sirfetch'd dodges past the rockslide attack and slices Swampert with its leek sword, KO'ing it with massive damage.*
Martha: Oh...Nice moves on that Sirfetch'd.
*Eddie returns Swampert and sends out a Noibat.*
Noibat: Noooooi!
Martha: Hmm...Who do you think is gonna win this Oliver?
Oliver: Statistically speaking, Eddie has the advantage here because Noibat's a Dragon/Flying type.
Mia: Really? But it's so tiny!
Oliver: Noivern, it's evolution is one of the strongest Pokémon from Kalos. So it'd be best not to underestimate it.
Sura: Sirfetch'd! Steel Wing!
Eddie: Noibat! Air Slash!
*Sirfetch'd jumps up at Noibat and goes to attack with one of its wings coated in steel, but Noibat whips up a gust of wind and fires arcs of energy at Sirfetch'd, dealing massive damage back in return.*
Martha: Okay, not bad. You're doing well Eddie.
Eddie: Alright, use Super Fang!
*CRUNCH! Noibat bites down on Sirfetch'd, cutting its HP in half as it takes a Brick Break back in return.*
Sura: Now go for another Leaf Blade!
Eddie: Air Slash!
*BOOM!! Sirfetch'd tried slashing through the blasts but they were just too much for it, and it was KO'ed by the flying type attack.*
Martha: Okay, clearly Eddie here has been putting in the hours with his team.
*Sura sends out an Aromatisse, and as he did, Eddie switched Trevenant back out.*
Sura: Aromatisse! Moonblast!
*Aromatisse chimes as she charges up a blast of fairy energy before firing it at Trevenant.*
Eddie: Dodge it and use Wood Hammer!
*Trevanant jumps over the incoming attack and forms one of its arms into a wooden mallet before bonking Aromatisse on the head for big damage. However, Trevenant took a fair bit of recoil damage in return.*
Martha: Both are pretty good...But it takes one mistake to pivot everything.
Sura: Use Gyro Ball!
*Aromatisse takes a running start before spinning, charging at Trevenant.*
Eddie: Dodge it! Then use Poison Jab!
*Trevenant vanishes from view, then reappears in front of Aromatisse and jabs it repeatedly with roots drenched in poison, dealing massive damage, resulting in a KO.*
Martha: Hmm, not a bad play there Eddie.
*Sura then sends Coalossal back out into the battle.*
Sura: Alright, Heat Crash again!
Eddie: Use Destiny Bond!
*A purple wisp flies around Trevenant and Coalossal, and Trevenant inevitably takes massive damage from Heat Crash and gets KO'ed. But in exchange, Coalossal was KO'ed too.*
Mia: Wait! What just happened?! Trevenant didn't do anything?!
Oliver: That's the effect of Destiny Bond. From when the user uses the move, if their Pokémon is KO'ed, it takes the attacker down with it. It's kinda like Perish Song but unavoidable by switching.
Mia: Oh!
Martha: Okay, I'll also have to be on the lookout for that.
*Sura then sends out a Fraxure, that roars loudly once it's on the field.*
Fraxure: RAAAAAXX!!
Eddie: Okay...Hmm...
*Eddie sends out Noibat again. It seems like it was his only viable counter to it.*
Eddie: Noibat, use Dragon Claw!
Sura: Fraxure, use Draco Meteor!
*As Noibat chirps and flies at Fraxure to scratch at it, Fraxure charges an orb of energy in its mouth before firing it in the air, before it rains down a meteor shower, bombarding Noibat high damaging meteors. Despite being small, they were enough to KO the small bat Pokémon.*
Martha: Uh-oh...I think Eddie's in trouble here.
Oliver: According to his team, I'm thinking so...
*Eddie then sends out his next Pokémon, a Reuniclus, a floating entity in a green jelly-like substance.*
Reuniclus: Niclus!
Mia: Aww! Cute!
Martha: Something tells me that GG and Reuniclus would be great pals.
Oliver: We'd better see what it can do first. Because other than being goo buddies, I ain’t so sure.
Eddie: Use Psychic!
*Reuniclus levitates Fraxure into the air before slamming it into the ground, but it gets up and shrugs off the attack.*
Sura: Use Crunch!
*CRUNCH!! Fraxure bites down on Reuniclus, dealing massive damage to it.*
Martha: So Eddie...Still thinking about winning this fight? If it was me, I'd admit defeat.
Eddie: Use Zen Headbutt!
*Reuniclus winds up a Headbutt charged with psychic energy before smashing into Fraxure, dealing moderate damage, but not enough to secure a KO.*
Sura: Fraxure, Shadow Claw!
*SLASH!! Fraxure slashes Reuniclus with a hazy shadow coming from its claws, KO’ing it. Eddie only had two Pokémon left while Sura had three.*
Martha: There's still time to just step away Ed. Or does your ego wanna keep going?
Eddie: *grumble*
*Eddie then sends out his next Pokémon. A Rotom. However, it seemed to be the Rotom from his phone.*
Mia: What?!
Oliver: You can do that….?
Eddie: Rotom, Electro Ball!
*Since Rotom was faster, it managed to land Electro Ball on Fraxure. However, it was resistant to the attack, and shook it off like it was nothing.*
Sura: Shadow Claw!
*Fraxure rushes in and uses Shadow Claw again on Rotom, dealing massive damage.*
Eddie: Use Confuse Ray!
*A multi coloured orb gets fired at Fraxure, it then flashes in its face, causing it to go into a confused state.*
Eddie: Now use Thunderbolt, and follow up by using Poltergeist!
*Rotom sparks with blue electricity and shocks Fraxure, before glowing purple and firing a large purple ghostly ball at Fraxure, dealing moderate damage, leaving it low on HP. However, Rotom was the same.*
Sura: Fraxure, snap out of it! And go for another Shadow Claw!
*…Fraxure breaks out of the confusion and barrels toward Rotom and lands a nasty critical hit on it, KO’ing it, and sending it straight back into Eddie’s phone. But then, Fraxure fainted due to lack of energy.*
Sura: You did good Fraxure. Return.
*Sura returns Fraxure, and each trainer has one Pokémon left.*
Oliver: Oooh…That Trevenant Destiny bond bit him in the butt…
Mia: Hmm? Why?
Oliver: Just watch.
Martha: I'm actually curious to see who wins here.
Oliver; There’s only one Pokémon we haven’t seen from Sura yet. And I’ve got a good feeling on who it is.
Eddie: Centiskorch, let’s go!
*Eddie sent out Centiskorch, it hisses as it stands up.*
Sura: Inteleon, go!
*With Sura’s last Pokémon, Eddie was taken aback. The Sobble he neglected back at the start of the journey was looking at him, and Centiskorch dead in the face. He stood with a hand on its hip as it was waiting to fight.*
Mia: Ooh! Is that what Sobble’s final evolution looks like?
Oliver: Yep.
*Oliver’s Rotom-Phone takes a Pokédex Entry.*
Rotom-Phone: Inteleon, the Secret Agent Pokémon. It has many hidden capabilities, such as fingertips that can shoot water and a membrane on its back that it can use to glide through the air. Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes' weak points so it can precisely blast them with water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3.
Martha: Heh...Someone looks a bit stupid now. Shouldn't have given up on Sobble that easily in the beginning.
Eddie: Thunder Fang!
*Centiskorch hisses as it skitters after Inteleon. But it looks at the fire centipede Pokémon unfazed as it jumps up to bite.*
Sura: Use Snipe Shot!
*With a flick of its fingers, Centiskorch got stopped in its tracks before being sent tumbling at high speed backwards through the dirt past Eddie. It was a one hit KO, and Sura took the win.*
Mia: Whoa!
Oliver: Just from the flick of its fingers…
Martha: Ah...Well, you can't always win...Just like you can't always brag about winning too. Because once you lose, it makes it worse. Right Ed?
*Martha looks smug as Eddie bites his tongue on his defeat.*
Eddie: Yeah, sure.
Sura: Hey, umm. This is probably a good time, but this is where things can get a little awkward. See, Galar technically has ten Gyms. There's an alternate Gym at the fourth and sixth Gym. You CAN go to the fifth now, or go take on the alternate fourth gym, and the same goes between the sixth and seventh.
Oliver: Okay...that's different to the Avalon region.
Eddie: Okay, thanks for that. Seeya.
*Eddie grabs his bike and takes off in a hurry, leaving Sura at a loss for words, while Inteleon simply crosses his arms and shakes his head before patting Sura on the shoulder.*
Oliver: Eh...Sorry about that you two. He's always like this. But the one who deserves the biggest apology is Inteleon here.
Sura: U-Umm...why?
Mia: I've not been with these guys long, but I heard it was because he wasn't the starter that Eddie wanted.
Oliver: Well that's his own fault. If he really objected so much he should have said something. Not treated Inteleon the way he did. But I must say...
*Oliver walks up to Inteleon.*
Oliver: That finger gun thing is awesome! So much so, ya scared Eddie into place!
*Inteleon takes a moment, before nodding and shaking Oliver's hand.*
Oliver: O-Oh, uhh, thanks! *Thinking: Man, his hands are huge!*
Martha: Yeah. If I was your trainer from the beginning, I would treat you with the utmost care and respect. Like I do with all my Pokemon. Again, sorry that Eddie wasn't nice to you earlier. But hey, you showed him how strong you really are.
*Inteleon nods and walks over to Martha and shakes her hands too.*
Martha: Heh. Wow you're pretty big...And strong too. You showed Ed how strong Pokémon can be.
*Inteleon gives Martha a thumbs up before patting Sura on the head.*
Sura: Eheh…thanks.
Oliver: So what’s next for you guys?
Mia: I actually might go with them to take on this alternate fourth Gym. Since back in my adventure in Kanto and Johto, I had to beat sixteen Gym’s altogether, plus a REALLY strong trainer who was standing alone on a snowy mountain for some reason!
Sura: And I wanna experience all Galar has to offer!
Oliver: Fair enough. Well, it looks like it is just me and Martha heading to the fifth Gym then.
Martha: Alright...May the best of luck to you Sura. You too Inteleon.
*Inteleon nodded and looked happier before Sura returned him to his ball. Before him and Mia decided to head to fight the alternate Gym, leaving Oliver and Martha alone.*
Sura belongs to me.
Inteleon, Sirfetch'd, Fraxure, Aromatisse, and Coalossal belong to Nintendo and Game Freak.