Gone-Batty — An Unfortunate Man

Published: 2010-10-29 09:00:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 3172; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 33
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Description A little bit of story time, since I can't seem to draw anything worthwhile lately!

As some of you know, I have a lot of work in here based around a Star Wars AU (Alternate Universe) that I have been working on- on and off- since I was a young teen.

Since then the story has obviously grown up with me, parts have been rewritten and characters reshaped. However the one character that I am most interested in, the one that is going to offer the most 'challenge' when it comes to writing is probably going to be Darth Maul.

I know I know, lots of people have written fiction about Maul, and lots of people have done a really good job capturing the essence of this antagonist as he was represented in the movie/books, and some have done a really awesome job COMPLETELY slaughtering him and turning him into this... lovey dovey romance for their Mary-Sue self insertion character.

I'm trying- VERY HARD not to become the latter, but to also add something to this greatly under appreciated and underdeveloped Star Wars villain. So, bear with me for a moment while I try and explain (if you're interested).

Darth Maul, as we know him- is a highly skilled, single minded killing machine. His only purpose for being is to be the tool which Sidious will use to defeat the Jedi and take over the galaxy. He has endured physical and mental abuse for probably as long as he can remember, and is now seemingly devoid of all emotion save hatred and hubris. Darth Maul is, in all likelihood, a very unstable very TRAUMATIZED individual with literally NO social skills and ZERO capacity for love. I don't care HOW bad you want him to be this animalistic killer with a soft side- it's just plain unrealistic.

So, the questions I want to answer through this story- the things I want to learn about this character are: how would Darth Maul react if suddenly he was no longer Sidious's apprentice? What sort of mental hurdles would he have to struggle with if he were suddenly severed from his old life? What if he realized the things he had learned, the only truths he knew, were actually false? What would his reaction be if he were presented opportunities to become more powerful by making his own path? Let's add in that a woman is the catalyst for all of these changes, a woman that he respects, but also hates? A woman that unknowingly holds the key to everything. Not to mention putting the poor chap in unfamiliar social situations. What would Darth Maul do if someone tried to become his friend? If someone wanted to be close to him? If he needed someone's help to accomplish a task?

And the dialog.. what would he say if someone asked him something important or personal or even tried to converse with him casually? And then I realized.. he probably wouldn't say anything at all, not unless it was beneficial to him. If I end up putting this is comic form, I am probably going to need to blend it with paragraphs of written story, for one because I am too damn lazy to illustrate the technical garbage (space ships and cityscapes yadda yadda) and also because there may be points where Maul's perspective is CRUCIAL but he isn't the type to sit there and babble to himself.

And last- how could Darth Maul BELIEVABLY be in a relationship with someone? How would someone who is so messed up and innately BAD show affection? If you could even call it affection. How would he interact with that person? What would his reaction be if they were in danger? If they were upset? If they were to die? If he had to kill them?

I'm interested to see how well I stick to his basic personality. My interpretation may be different from others, but I have no doubt that I will enjoy writing him, and that others may enjoy it. I warn you though, he is in all likelihood going to be a COMPLETE asshole, unstable and uncooperative and ruthless. There is going to be DRAMA and action and dysfunction and its going to be AWESOME. All in all he is going to be a very unfortunate man... to start with anyway. xD

Anyway that was kind of a giant RAMBLE but I wanted to touch on some stuff- as I am seriously considering trying to plot out this story and get it rolling. Sadly, my love affair with Mass Effect is on the back burner now- I am finding myself becoming more disenchanted with the attention it has been getting.. and the fact that every time I look in my deviation stacks it's nothing but soft-core porno... Bleah.
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Comments: 16

tashag6 [2012-05-24 07:34:42 +0000 UTC]

he may look like a monster but he is not, he is a man that went through pain
I dont think he is evil at all just misunderstood he doesn't know he was being used as a tool
he is a typed a guy you feel really sorry for him.
awwwwwwww he looks like a sad mad love this pic

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camrd18 [2011-06-27 09:46:57 +0000 UTC]

I hope you stick with this idea it sounds simply EPIC!

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EntertheBuritsu [2010-10-30 05:16:53 +0000 UTC]

It looks like your on a good start ;3
Well rather it be Mass Effect or Star Wars fan
Fics, I will be here reading and learning from you :3

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Gone-Batty In reply to EntertheBuritsu [2010-10-30 07:57:41 +0000 UTC]

<3 Yaaay!

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iralovesart [2010-10-29 17:28:50 +0000 UTC]

yup. Maul would be an interesting character (too bad he didn't get 'looked into', so to speak, in the movie)
hey, if you have fun writing it, I think others who enjoyed your previous work would like it too. I know I already feel interested simply because of all the questions you asked.

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Gone-Batty In reply to iralovesart [2010-10-30 07:58:46 +0000 UTC]

Good deal! I am seriously pondering it but it would be a massive understaking.. not sure how to go about it- and I still need to finish poor EQ X-X

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iralovesart In reply to Gone-Batty [2010-10-30 13:03:26 +0000 UTC]

take it a step at a time. nobody's hurrying you and it's not like you have dead-lines. it's for fun.
(though I do hope EQ gets continued)

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Gone-Batty In reply to iralovesart [2010-10-30 21:07:17 +0000 UTC]

for sure!

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Dutchkat [2010-10-29 17:26:44 +0000 UTC]

I never got why a character with such potential like Maul had to become a practice dummy for the lightsaber slicing capabilities in EP1. Not in 1999 and still not today, but they kept Jar Jar? Seriously Lucas wouldn't know a chance if it hovered right in front of him and wasn't made out of CGI.

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Gone-Batty In reply to Dutchkat [2010-10-30 08:03:41 +0000 UTC]

LOL no shit. Though if you think about it Lucas has a history of throwing away awesome villains, like when he tried to dust Boba Fett. It also makes more sense when you think about Palpatine's Character.. about how he regards his apprentices as a means to an end instead of trying to perpetuate the Sith order. Sidious himself was a TERRIBLE example of a Sith Lord- he was actually more a highly trained politician, and I plan on making that glaringly obvious if I can. xD

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redner [2010-10-29 16:40:08 +0000 UTC]

Can't wait to see a story about maul in which he doesn't get killed off right away. It seems that in most of the comics I've seen were maul is written into the story he's killed off before it ends. He's just there to look evil and then die. There's no character development whatsoever.
I tried to write and illustrate a story similar to your idea where maul splits from sidious. I came up with the idea that maul had a premonition of the eventual fall of the sith under sidious and vader so he faked his death to separate himself from sidious and start pulling strings from the shadows.
I did illustrate half of the first chapter but never colored it. Illustrating it is very time consuming work and so when it came to coloring it I lost interest. Without color though it's very much not complete. It was illustrated in clean boring lines and was very much meant to be colored. You don't by chance want to color some line work do you?
Even if you don't want to color this work I'd love to send you a copy of the comic if you are at all interested. Let me know.
Can't wait to see you give maul some character.

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Gone-Batty In reply to redner [2010-10-30 08:06:55 +0000 UTC]

I actually love coloring- I was hoping to get a colorist job for either comic covers or books but I have NO IDEA how to go about it. I should probably get as much practice as a can and see if any line artists will commission me for colors, I just haven't had the internet to stay in contact with people lol.

I'd love to see the comic that'd be awesome- anything about Maul that doesn't portray him as a lovey dovey crap face is awesome. xD

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poly-m [2010-10-29 09:45:36 +0000 UTC]

Phew, well, good luck with that ... xD

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Gone-Batty In reply to poly-m [2010-10-30 08:07:08 +0000 UTC]

LOL thanks. xD

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EikoShido [2010-10-29 09:22:01 +0000 UTC]

"What would Darth Maul do if someone tried to become his friend? If someone wanted to be close to him? If he needed someone's help to accomplish a task?"

Yeah, that is a good question! I really enjoy your OC Jesia because she is not a Mery-Sue.

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Gone-Batty In reply to EikoShido [2010-10-29 09:27:24 +0000 UTC]

<3 It pleases me greatly to hear that. As the details of her existence are revealed she may seem more Mary sue though. >.< I hope not.

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