Gomis — Wolfphoemon X Evoline

#beast #oc #wolf #character #digimon #fanmon #knight #original #originalcharacter #werewolf
Published: 2014-10-17 10:47:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 12615; Favourites: 200; Downloads: 106
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Description Wow, I managed to finish this fairly fast. Another digimon evoline!
And now there will be a longer break before the next one because I don't even have the next ones sketched yet.

Wolfphoemon X is, you guessed it, an X-Antibody version of Wolfphoemon, my first ever fanmon. I wanted to give him a unique evoline, though. There are still X versions of regular Wolfphoemon's evoline, I guess, that some Wolfphoemon X evolve to, but this is Hitomi's partner's evoline. People who have followed me for a while notice I decided to make his Avatar Evoline (that was used in the now dead RP group, Digimon Lost Morals) as his regular evoline, because IMO it suits him the best. So I guess essentially they're warrior werewolves? But that's always awesome. =w= And, surprisingly, the regular Wolfphoemon DOESN'T evolve into werewolves, haha.
Ah also, since I drew the evoline of the Wolfphoemon X who's Hitomi's partner, the personalities and such presented are also his! Other Wolfphoemon X (such as Ru's) have different personalities.
One last note, now that I think about it, Wolfphoemon X's evoline has a really similar design aesthetic as Eden digimon... Hmm, maybe if there's a filler episode..?

Seppenmon X - Shibamon X - Wolfphoemon X – BushiEquemon – WereEquemon - AlphaShiromon

Partner(s) - Hitomi Matsuoka; Ru Zheng Bai has a Wolfphoemon X (without the scarf) in his Spitfire army.
Featured in - Digimon Lost Morals (Hitomi’s partner); DigiXros Tournament (Ru’s Wolfphoemon), DigiXros Tournament 2 (Ru’s Wolfphoemon).
This digimon is equipped with the X-Antibody!


Seppenmon X
Name Origin: Japanese. Seppen = snowflake. X-Antibody.
Level: Baby I.
Type: Lesser.
- Acid Bubbles - the most basic bubble blowing attack.
Personality: Small grumpy baby, though he appears to almost always be on a bad mood, he likes to be petted.
Trivia: Seppenmon that achieved an X-Antibody, it's still pretty small and basic for a digimon.

Name Origin: Shiba is a small Japanese dog breed. X-Antibody.
Level: Baby II.
Type:  Lesser.
- Pyrotechnic Bubbles - blows out bubbles that explode on contact like little explosives.
Personality: Small digimon with a bad attitude, he seems to be grumpy all the time and might get rough when playing with other digimon. He likes to ride on bigger digimon's heads.
Trivia: Shibamon with an X-Antibody, it has loads of energy and potential in its small body.

Wolfphoemon X
Name Origin: English. Wolf. Phoenix. X, meaning it's equipped with the X-Antibody.
Level: Child.
Attribute: Vaccine.
Type: Beast.
Family: Metal Empire, Wind Guardians, Dragon's Roar.
- Flame Wing Burst - the orange, feather-like peaks of his mechanic wings burst into flames and it bodyslams the foe, striking them with the flaming wings.
- Firebreath Blaster - fire burns brightly inside his mechanic wings and it shoots a stream of yellow orange fire from his mouth.
Personality: Wolfphoemon X is a seriously serious guy. He seems to lack sense of humor, or then he's just got some seriously bad sense of humor. He seems to be constantly frowning and gives off this grumpy aura. He's obsessed with getting stronger and proving his worth, showing that he's different from all the other Wolfphoemon. Because of his obsession, he's pretty selfish - even if he doesn't realise this himself - and isn't really the most pleasant guy to be around. He also has a bad habit to go a bit overboard with fighting, and is somewhat of a jerk and a bully. He's got bad social skills, and is a bit awkward. He gets frustrated with himself when he doesn't know how to behave. He doesn't want to appear intimidating or anything, and would like to get rid of his obsession with training so he could become a more balanced individual, but it's pretty hard when you have based your life on a single concept.
Trivia: Wolf-like beast digimon with mechanic wings, it was originally a normal Wolfphoemon that was transformed by the X-Antibody. There's fire constantly burning inside its wings, creating heat that allows it to fly. It’s a fast fighter.

Name Origin: Japanese, Latin. Bushi means warrior or armsman. Eques = knight. Equemon is a regular Wolfphoemon’s evolutionary form, and BushiEquemon is a subspecies of Equemon.
Level: Adult.
Attribute: Vaccine.
Type: Warrior.
Family: Virus Busters, Nature Spirits.
- Hack Sword - attacks the foe physically with his sword, with precise slices.
- Red Hot Punch - the metal in his large right fist gets super hot, and BushiEquemon throws these burning punches at his foes.
- Swift Dance - uses a combo attack of fast kicks on his foe.
Personality: Pretty similar to Wolfphoemon, he’s a serious fighter mostly about fighting, naturally. He does have more sense of a warrior’s code than Wolfphoemon though, and isn’t as ruthless, refusing to fight defenceless foes and so on.
Trivia: Fast Warrior-type digimon equipped with a sword and covered in strong armor. It fights like a ninja and uses hit-and-run-tactics, throwing several attacks in a row and then retreating before the foe has a chance to strike it. It is said to be related to Equemon, a knight-like digimon related to Wolfphoemon.

Name Origin: English and Latin. Werewolf. Eques = knight.
Level: Perfect.
Attribute: Vaccine.
Type: Beast Man.
Family: Virus Busters, Nightmare Soldiers.
- Wild Blade – attacks the foe viciously with his sturdy, sharp claws. The claws are able to even cut through some metals.
- Beast Fury Fist – the metal in his right arm gets superheated, and he proceeds to beat the snot out of his foe. Usually he attempts to hold them down with his other arm for maximum effect.
- Lunar Shot – shoots a beam of hot, silver-white energy from his mouth.
- Protective Howl – howls, creating an energy shield in front of him. The shield is big enough to completely cover WereEquemon, and can take quite a beating before breaking, but upholding the shield requires WereEquemon to keep on howling and stay stationary.
Personality: WereEquemon embraces the more furious side of Wolfphoemon’s personality, and is wild, bestial, and full of battle rage. He’s still the same Wolfphoemon inside though, but he easily gets lost in battle as WereEquemon, and might lose the control of his reason over his instincts.
Trivia: Beast Man digimon with amazing physical strength and stamina. Though it’s a lot slower than it was as Wolfphoemon X or BushiEquemon, it has amazing raw strength and durability, akin to the fantastical werewolf it resembles. Even if it as a furious beast-like fighter, it is of the Virus Busters family, and uses its power to do good and vanquish evil.

Name Origin: Greek and Japanese. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Alpha is also a term often used to describe the leader of a wolf pack. The alpha wolf concept has been proven wrong, but it still makes for a fun digimon name. Shiro = castle; shiroi = white.
Level: Ultimate.
Attribute: Vaccine.
Type: Beast Knight.
Family: Virus Busters.
- Searing Sword – the blade of his sword becomes superheated, and he attacks the foe with the blade glowing white with heat.
- Reflection Eclipse X – forms a sphere of silver-white light in front of the crystal on his chest, and shoots the light at the foe as a precise beam.
- Lunar Imperial – slashes the air with his sword, sending wide silver-white energy arcs flying at the foe.
- Infinity Blade – accumulates a massive amount of energy into his sword, and strikes it at the foe’s vital parts, the blade shining bright and white. Pretty much a one-hit-KO attack, but it takes up a huge amount of AlphaShiromon’s power, and is usually only used as a finishing move, because it always results in devolution.
Personality: Basically the same as Wolfphoemon, but he seems to have found some sort of balance as AlphaShiromon, and is a lot more level-headed and less impulsive, so in that sense he is similar to BushiEquemon. AlphaShiromon has embraced the inborn sense of justice in Wolfphoemon, and is first and foremost a knight of justice.
Trivia: Beast Knight digimon wielding the legendary sword, called Infinity Blade. It is a digimon that harnesses the power of holy light for its needs, and fights evil in the side of justice. Clad in white Chrome Digizoid armor and equipped with X-Antibody, it is a truly powerful Ultimate digimon.

Digimon (c) Bandai / TOEI.
Wolfphoemon X and his evoline are mine.

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Comments: 21

cacturnespook [2015-06-15 11:43:24 +0000 UTC]

Are you going to regular Wolfphoemon's evoline?

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Gomis In reply to cacturnespook [2015-06-15 14:26:08 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I am! I just have been working on these digimon evolines around 1-3 digimon per month, so it has taken me a bit of time to work on them all. But Wolfphoemon should be done in around July-August.

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cacturnespook In reply to Gomis [2015-06-15 14:43:55 +0000 UTC]

Alright then and I guess that goes the same to the remaining evolines?

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Gomis In reply to cacturnespook [2015-06-15 15:23:30 +0000 UTC]

Yup. I should have Ihtiriekkomon and Swaromon hopefully done this month, but if something happens to my schedule, it's probably Ihtiriekkomon this month and Swaromon in July, and then Hitsujimon and Wolfphoemon in July - August. Those four are the only ones remaining.

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cacturnespook In reply to Gomis [2015-06-15 16:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Once they are done then that will be it right?

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Gomis In reply to cacturnespook [2015-06-16 00:42:07 +0000 UTC]

At least for now. That's when I'll consider this Digimon Redrawing Project finished.

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booglybear [2014-12-24 22:09:26 +0000 UTC]

Awesome art!

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Gomis In reply to booglybear [2014-12-25 05:57:11 +0000 UTC]


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booglybear In reply to Gomis [2014-12-25 07:10:09 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!^^

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Goatlactic [2014-10-19 23:21:21 +0000 UTC]

WereEquemon is what weregarurumon should be! No offence to official digimon people but this guy just seems more bestial like you'd imagine a werewolf being xP the entire line is great, well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gomis In reply to Goatlactic [2014-10-20 02:41:58 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thanks. ;w; But WereGarurumon has that teenage wolfman charm!
Thanks. .w.

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Flamongirl13 [2014-10-19 17:29:48 +0000 UTC]

Oooh! It's nice to see Wolfphoemon X again. I can't remember if you ever tried to do his full line before or not? It's been so long D: But I really like what you did with these guys, especially AlphaShiromon, as he's always been my favorite out of the evolution line.

I have to comment on all your Digimon stuff soon, and just start commenting more in general >< Keep up the good work, Gomis...!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gomis In reply to Flamongirl13 [2014-10-20 02:41:17 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaah, thanks! .w. I haven't shown around his entire evoline before, I think I had refs for only up till his Adult form when I used him in Digimon Lost Morals.

Awwwww, thanks. ;w; I haven't commented on your stuff lately either, sorry about that..! But yeh, I'll try..!

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ShellYeah [2014-10-19 16:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Great designs! Wereequemon is my favorite. I love the big upper body and little legs.

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Gomis In reply to ShellYeah [2014-10-19 16:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! .w.
I seem to have a thing for top-heavy werewolves (and monsters in general). 8'''D

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shases [2014-10-18 18:03:36 +0000 UTC]

Awww these guys are so awesome! I love WereEquemon! Gotta love them werewolves <3

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Gomis In reply to shases [2014-10-18 18:06:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! 8D Werewolves are always cool, defenitely.

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Strontium-Chloride [2014-10-17 14:35:18 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I love Alphashiromon.

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Gomis In reply to Strontium-Chloride [2014-10-18 03:31:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! 8D Gotta love knight digimon clad in armor and wielding big swords!

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Garmmon [2014-10-17 14:20:47 +0000 UTC]

Aaaa they're looking great!! 8D I really like the colours in this line, and especially WereEquemon's design I love it so much ;w; Cool samurai wolves!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Gomis In reply to Garmmon [2014-10-18 03:31:06 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~ .w. I really like WereEquemon's design too, he's my favorite out of this line.

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