GirlofBluefire — Madara likes Red hair

Published: 2013-05-23 14:02:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 2101; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 3
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Description So I adore this crack pairing. I think they would have had great chemistry if Naruto wasn't a shounen manga and just focused for the most part on the guys. It's my second digital drawing and I think it still needs work but I wanted to share it nevertheless - enjoy!
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Comments: 10

FireEagleSpirit [2013-05-23 23:28:38 +0000 UTC]

Ahw.. So you also make fanarts? That makes me utterly happy, because this pairing desperately needs more love ^^

Your style is very cute, and I like the way you gave the characters expressions... Madara is admiring Mito's hair while he gentle caresses it... embracing her... and he has such an adorable expression... I like how you paid attention to little details such as Mito's hand well placed grabbing his arm... as if she felt more secure like that....

It is very romantic, and I love it

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GirlofBluefire In reply to FireEagleSpirit [2013-05-24 05:14:05 +0000 UTC]

I totally intend on giving it more love! If Kishi doesn't follow through it will be a wasted opportunity because I think they look amazing together and Madara is always trying to compete with Hashi - what better way than as a suitor for Mito?

So glad you liked the picture. That is a massive compliment given how much I admire your art. In my headcanon for this piece she is betrothed to Hashi and cares about him but Madara is pushing the boundaries and she can't help herself for that moment hehe

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FireEagleSpirit In reply to GirlofBluefire [2013-05-25 17:32:36 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't agree more ^^

Well, it seems people are too worried because they think a romance between them could turn everything in "Madara did that because he was jealous of Hashirama"... in my opinion it could bring much more angst to the story, and romance is never enough for me...

I can see it fitting perfectly with Madara's personality as he would surely be resistant to the love at first, and slowly accepting his feelings towards Mito...

as you say, they look perfect together, it is impossible to not fall in love for such a gorgeous couple

I just wish we knew more of Mito... I wonder how much time she will remain a mystery? I would love to know what she thinks of Madara and her relationship with him and Hashirama

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GirlofBluefire In reply to FireEagleSpirit [2013-05-25 19:51:03 +0000 UTC]

Spamming your inbox here sorry! Funny as Noldien said the same thing about how people think it would be lame for Mito to be involved. Is it any worse than being weirdly obsessed with Hashi instead? I think Kishi's focus on this has undermined Madara's character - I think there should have been much more tension about the Hokage position like his original canon was leading us to believe. Of course the Senju/Uchiha hate and Izuna and the rest of the Uchiha bros death will always be the main reason but I didn't really buy all this 'Lets throw stones, best buddy' stuff. I got what Kishi was trying to do in a short space of time but it didn't really work for me. Madara is too proud to accept second best. I wanted to see yeah their shared goals and respect but also how Izuna's death and Hashi repeated getting things Madara felt were his - Hokage, Mito (well I can dream...), really got to him. I planned in my stories (which hopefully you will see when I finally get round to it) the links with the Sage's Elder Son and how Madara feels his blood line is yet again being usurped. He realises that Hashi will always be stronger than him but when he reads the Uchiha tablet again he realises if he takes Hashi's dna he could become the Sage and finally gain victory over him. I have a feeling Madara will have his own flashback with these things in. I just hope to God Mito is there!

Sorry you are getting more headcanon than you asked for hehe. Like you I hope we will see Mito, I just hope Kishi doesn't ruin her character, she deserves more than that!

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FireEagleSpirit In reply to GirlofBluefire [2013-05-26 14:21:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, don't worry... write as much as you want! I love reading other people's opinion about MadaMito

Now, more likely concerning the flashback, I find it really interesting to see your opinion about it. I say that because as a long date fan of Madara I've seen two major events that lead people to suddenly become his fans, and they were: his revival and exactly the flashback about his childhood.

I don't know, I just get some impression that most people just assumed out of nowhere that Madara was absolute evil for some reason, and they got somehow surprised to see him as a normal cute child... that lead people to notice him from day to night.

Personaly I was very happy with the flashback, and I enjoyed knowing more about his relationship with Hashirama. If you think about it, we haven't even massive evidence that he was a friend of Hashirama until that point, just subtle words pointing to it.. something only fans would notice.

I just can't understand why so many people dislike the possibility of MadaMito to such high rate, and like to create yaoi between Hashirama and Madara as if it was totally acceptable.... In my opinion it would be totally sick and degrading to his character, ruining their friendship and else... but still, some treat MadaMito as if it would be the end of the world, and yaoi as something righteous

Perhaps people believe if Mito is involved it will be a Sasuke-Naruto-Sakura 2.0... of some sorts

BTW, I'm more than eager to read your fanfiction, it seems too interesting...

I have talked a lot about MadaMito with Noldien, and after much time thinking I feel like we still have considerably chance of it being canon...

Remember, Madara hasn't got his own flashback yet, everything we saw was through Hashirama's words... and Mito needs to appear at some point of the story.. I can't see a better chance

BTW, Sorry for the messy reply, I just lost myself at some point, and my English isn't the best

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GirlofBluefire In reply to FireEagleSpirit [2013-05-27 11:22:26 +0000 UTC]

It is so nice to meet another person who shares the same opinion on these characters. I totally agree with you.I have actually been a fan of Madara and the Founders since Itachi and Tobi mentioned their backstory. I have a big weak spot for sexy Uchihas hehe and I have always found Feudal Japan really interesting and inspiring.

I admit I didn't believe Madara was quite as good as he was portrayed as a child but I'm glad because I like seeing him as a anti-hero or failed hero - someone that could have been as admired as Hash but instead was eclipsed by him as so leads to his jealousy and anger. There were some bits of the flashback I enjoyed, I just felt it was a bit over the top and I really wanted to see Mito so I disappointed particularly when Hashi did all the work sealing the Nine Tails. It made him a bit over powered in my opinion but hey.

I couldn't agree more about the yaoi. No offense to those that like it but I can't stand it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there are several reasons I dislike HashiMada -

1) Like you rightly said it totally confuses the subtlety of their friendship/rivalry. I find these days a large group of fans can't distinguise or seem to appreciate the bonds of friendship, respect or even sibling relationships. I see this across fandoms and I find it really sad and disturbing.

2)It is horrible for Mito and I really dislike the hate this lovely character gets as a result of rabid fans of that pairing (not all of them by any means). Kishi chose to make HashiMito canon, it's not her fault. I sometimes see horrible pics and stories of Mito 'walking in' on them and that is such a disgusting image. That is a sad reality for some women across the world and as a woman I wouldn't wish it on others. Also Hashi is a faithful, loving guy, he wouldn't do that to Mito and she obviously felt very loved as she tells Kushina that in the manga.

3) Two guys together isn't a turn-on for me. I'm all for equality but its not something I want to see for two of my favourite guys because naturally I want to see them in romantic relationships with girls and I shouldn't have to feel bad about that.

I love seeing platonic bonds between guys because men in our culture traditionally have had to be all macho so its nice to see their softer side. Also as a trained actor I love seeing interactions between people anywhere - psychology of human relationships is so fascinating. Yes that includes gay relationships(and as an actor, I've played both) as well but I just don't see it as appropriate in this case as Naruto isn't that kind of story and (again in my opinion, others will disagree) but I don't think Madara and Hashi have that type of relationship.

Here's my take on it if you are interested -

Like I said I find the friendship between them so much more interesting than a simple romantic one. I see them being drawn towards each other because they represent lost aspects of each other - unconsciously I feel Madara has those heroic and softer, peace-loving aspects that Hashi encapasulates, but he's had to repress these because of his Uchiha upbringing and the need to be strong/heartless. The reason Madara admires and hates Hashi is because Hashi (in my opinion) has still be able to keep that goodness and still be strong - even stronger than him. That causes him to admire him but also hate him because he despises sentimentality but also it shows Hashi was able to do something Madara wasn't - making him (like Sasuke in Part 1) feel inferior.

Hashi on the other hand admires Madara's skill and tenacity and I also think he secretly likes his snarky side. People often chose friends with attributes they wish they had and I like to think Hashi whilst being very moral, enjoys the badass attitude of Madara - we all do after all. Unconsciously I also believe Madara represents Hashi's darker side - the person he could have become. All ninja run the risk of falling into hatred, even someone as good as Hashi so that is one of the main reasons he sympathises with him.

They balance each other out very well and it fits into the YinYang and the balance of opposites in Tao and Buddism that Kishi goes on about. Ultimately I believe, it goes back to the Sage and his two sons. They both have aspects of the Sage and one without the other doesn't work. I think what Kishi is leading us to is that you need both power/might and love, both Yin and Yang to create the perfect world. You need both Madara and Hashi or Naruto and Sasuke to create the balance needed. You wouldn't go to either extreme of being too 'good' or too powerhungry but in the middle.

I hope that wasn't too much and again I don't mean to offend anyone who feels differently but I think its important to discuss how you feel. And no worries about the English - I just hope you can understand my long rant - I'm not sure if it makes sense!

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FireEagleSpirit In reply to GirlofBluefire [2013-06-03 03:31:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh my... I'm more than happy to meet you, you know that your opinions are so similar to mine that I'm actually a bit scared

I also have a weak side for Uchihas... and also liked Itachi even before I actually started reading the manga (I started it because of him, and then I saw myself stuck into Madara's flashback forever )

And I also have a deep love for ancient stuff... specially Medieval, Egyptian and Japanese history, feudal Japan always had a part of my heart... so it would be only natural to me that I would fall in love with a character that has so many of my interests together... (also the falconry as Madara's hobby has been a strong point to draw my interest on him)

About Madara's past... I think I always saw him as a very good person, honestly I couldn't stand when people called him villain and evil, I always saw that as a very labeled opinion... And I already had in my mind the idea of the friendship with Hashirama... so not really any surprise in the flashback for me. But it could be handled much better, I agree with you, and not only about Mito.

I dislike a few things about it, mainly because of the contradictions concerning Izuna's death and of course, Madara's eyes being apparently health all the time... I know it was Hashi's flashback and he probably hadn't much information about Madara and Izuna while they where enemies, still felt very weird for me.

About the yaoi. Once more I say, I'm more than happy to talk with people that have a similar opinion, not only because of that but specially because it is so rare to find non-yaoi fans in the Naruto fandom... I guess if you have visited Tumblr, and certainly other fanfics in fanfiction.net and other famous places, you must have realized how it is the simple truth.... yaoi is everywhere, it is rare to find non-yaoi stuff.

1: Sometimes I feel sick just because I realize people can't stand a brotherly bond anymore... seeing pictures of Madara and Izuna in any sexual context is just so sickening to me, I can't explain... same goes with friendship. These days people can't see any brotherly or friendship without turning that into perverted stuff through their distorted vision of the relationships...

2: 100% Agreed. I never ever thought of Mito as a cheater of some kind.. I do believe she really loved Hashirama, that's exactly what make the climax of the couple MadaMito with her feelings torn apart. It is once more sickening to me to see how much hate her character gets just from being Hashirama's wife... and how some people treat her as a "slut"... I've seen this kind of term used countless times to describe her... as if that summed MadaMito in one depreciative word

3:100000% Agreed! I'm actually a very liberal person, and often get myself into "fights" to defend homosexual rights... still, I don't find it personally appealing... I like to see my favorite male characters with women, and don't see anything wrong with this.

Still, I swear... I have been bashed already in the past as if I was some kind of homophobic just because I don't like HashiMada... I never wasted one minute of my life going to Hashimada stuff and arguing about how it is "wrong", or how it would be impossible to happen in canon... still, I've got several hate notes concerning MadaMito, here and in several forums I frequent.

Despite my personal dislike for homo relationships, I'm sure this isn't the case for Madara and Hashirama, as mentioned before that would entirely ruin the friendship, as I also think Kishi is going more for a brotherly bond between them...

BTW. I absolutely adore your view of Hashirama and Madara relationship.... you really so have the same views as me.

I love how you describe the intricate relations between their oppose personalities and roles in the story... just perfect, I can't say anything better than that!

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GirlofBluefire In reply to FireEagleSpirit [2013-06-03 13:41:41 +0000 UTC]

Again Epic Reply no Jutsu!

Don't worry I'm not a Zetsu clone of you haha. I think Noldien is the same, so its great to talk to you guys. Btw it might be better to PM via Fanfiction.net if you have an account there just so all this conversation isn't spamming the comments section of your paintings.

Oh Itachi, Itachi. I have been more than a bit unfaithful to him with my love for Madara recently (and Hashi...) but yes he was (and still is) my original Naruto crush hehe.

I agree with you about the contradictions about Madara's blindness - that was another thing that made me lose my appreciation for Kishi's writing of the flashback. I know being in the middle of the Jubi battle it is hard to pace etc but he could have added in how Madara was going blind so Izuna had to step in and then Tobi killed him. Maybe if Izuna stepped in between Hashi and him to save his brother and then Hashi just steps back not wanting to kill Izuna and Tobi goes in for the kill that would have been a better way of doing it?

As for the yaoi, its great to finally meet someone who agrees with me. It does seem to be everywhere these days. I think there are more mainstream fans but unfortunately they are largely drowned out by more rabid ones. I wish I could join forums but as you say it is just full of it and also the other fans are so rude to each other. It's a real shame really.

Mito hate makes me so mad!!!! She's done nothing to deserve it so all it comes across as is pathetic jealousy which is even more weird because the girls that hate her want to see Hashi with a guy not a girl. Thats the real thing I don't get and I hold up my hands and say I don't understand it and I think a majority of people wouldn't get it. Psychologically it doesn't make sense to me. Do they like to pretend they are Madara or what?

I actually left Tumblr because I was so revolted by some of the stuff people were sharing on there and I have to be really careful what I look at on here too. You know people can do what they like but since the internet is a public place, they should respect that not everyone shares their opinion and be more conservative or at least have an opt out option. I am just sharing this with you on a Madamito friendly section of DA. Like you I'm not interested in arguing with people or bashing Hashimada pics etc because that is just pathetic.

The fact that you got hate comments is ridiculous as you are such a nice person and I am really sick of people throwing around the old 'you are homophobe if you don't like this or at least keep quiet about it'. Thats like telling a gay person they should like seeing hetero stuff or like women in that way otherwise they are heterophobe and sexist. Of course they don't want to see explicit stuff like that as it's not their thing, same as us! Like you, I am very liberal person and I have friends and teachers who are gay, so its nothing to do with that. I just don't want to see this stuff with characters I like in a story that it doesn't seem to fit in.

I probably won't go into more detail about it but if you want to talk more PM me on FF.net

So happy you like my interpretations yey! I love that whole opposites thing. Its nice and it makes for great comic moments. I have that with some of my friends in real life. I do think that MadaHashi is more brotherly, even though Kishi's writing is a little over the top. All they've said to each other is they are friends, close friends and like brothers. Until I hear a declaration of love or Mada kissing a photo of Hashi like Obito with Rin, I will stick to my guns. And if that is hinted at, I think its bad writing. But as we always say that is just my opinion!

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Noldien [2013-05-23 20:05:15 +0000 UTC]

It seems that all of us fans of this pair have the same head canon that Madara admired Mito's hair.
I've read and liked your stories on FFnet, I didn't know you were an artist too.
They look great, hope to see more of your art and writing, especially with this pairing, they are my OTP.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GirlofBluefire In reply to Noldien [2013-05-24 05:08:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm so glad you liked it! And that you read and liked my stories too! Yes I definitely plan to do more, I just might have to ignore the manga as the annoyingly overdone bromance really gets in the way (in my opinion.) It's a shame as I love all the founders, I just was really disappointed when it came to the long awaited flashback. Still I love this pair (my OTP along with Obirin) and HashiMito and its great to find some fellow shippers. I love your stuff btw!

Ps Who couldn't love Mito's hair?

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