Geo-Dragon — :DTA: Sunny

Published: 2016-09-09 20:01:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 739; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 4
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Description Sunny wakes up early with the morning sun at the crack of dawn. This is usual for her, for there is always much work to be done around the farm. Not a minute to lose.

Sunny's name is actually Sonya, but because of her bright personality and her positive outlook on life, everyone calls her Sunny. She is a very kind, loving, compassionate, lively, and sociable soul, and she loves being with other bagbeans. There are other farms around hers and she likes arranging get-togethers with her neighbors.

Her little motto is 'Sunny side up!', not only fitting her personality but also her favorite food- a warm, delicious, sunny-side-up egg. Cooking being one of her best gifts, she always delights in cooking anything for anyone, but especially food with egg in it.

Today Sunny starts her morning routine as usual; shutting off her egg-shaped alarm clock, making her bed, and making a quick omelet for breakfast. She then goes out of her home to the barn. It is a bit of a walk, but Sunny loves to be outside in the cool, yellowish-gray light of early morning. She revels in the few short minutes it takes her to reach her destination.

Sunny slides open the large wooden doors. She calls out, 'Good morning, sweeties!' The horses whinny, the pigs grunt, and the sheep and the cows plead to be let out. Sunny opens the doors that lead to their enclosure outside where they can graze. She feeds the pigs and the horses, then swiftly climbs up a ladder into the loft of the barn.

Here she safely keeps her precious babies; her chickens. Upon her arrival the girls cluck and jabber and tell her all the latest gossip between them. Sunny just laughs, because that's just what she think the hens are doing. They often seem like talkative ladies.

Sunny takes off her backpack and opens the fried-egg-shaped flap, revealing the softly cushioned inside. She proceeds to go around to each hen's nest and take the eggs that they had laid, carefully arranging them in her bag. Sunny does not have a rooster, so the eggs are always unfertilized. Usually after collecting all the eggs, she would open up a ramp that led down and outside to the outdoor chicken pen.

However, today she notices something odd. After she has collected all the eggs and shrugged on her pack, she notices the chickens getting up and flocking around a hen that Sunny had presumed to be sleeping. They stand protectively around it, clucking nervously. Sunny walks over and sees that the hen is actually carefully and tenderly sitting on an egg. Sunny gently removes the loner egg, and having no more space in her bag, ties it up in the pouch on her tail.

Having completed the chore and whistling happily, Sunny opens the ramp for the chickens to go outside. However, instead of noisily scrambling down it, the chickens stay in the loft, watching her with their beady eyes and clucking annoyedly. Sunny is worried that something is wrong, but she doesn't know what. She decides to just leave the ramp open and leave. But as she opens the gate that prevents the chickens from going down the ladder...

The hens suddenly screech noisily and charge her. Freaking out, Sunny backs away, and half falls, half climbs down the ladder, trying to escape the fury of feathers. The hens with feet that were more nimble than they seemed to be hop down the gently sloped ladder, chasing Sunny.

Sunny is panicking, not knowing what is wrong with her chickens and afraid for them because they have left their secure areas. She has sometimes been known for losing her head under stress, and now it is really getting to her; all she can do is listen to her primal instincts that say 'RUN'.

The trip between the barn and her house has been turned upside down from what is usually was in the morning. Instead of the relaxed, pleasant atmosphere she had enjoyed earlier, is was now a frantic chase. Dirt and feathers were flying, and sweat broke out on Sunny's head, both from the stress of running and of the situation. She had never been an extremely good runner... Her face wrinkles in an exasperated look.

But then as she runs, pursued by her precious chickens of all things who now seem like vicious dragons, her head begins to clear. She still doesn't realize what the problem is with her hens, but she begins to find peace, even when everything is turned upside-down and wrong. She remembers her mantra, 'Sunny side up!', and decides to look on the positive side of things. At least she has kept in front of the chickens so far. At least she wasn't being chased by a rabid horse or something. At least she and her chickens are getting some good exercise. She finally smiles- a nervous smile, but still a smile. Back to her good old sunny self.

Her house comes into view. She rushes in and slams the door behind her. She hears banging, pecking, and scratching as her hens fruitlessly try to get through the solid barrier. Seems like the dragons could not storm the castle.

Eventually, the noises quiet down as the chickens slowly lose interest. When the noise seemingly lulls, Sunny opens a curtain and peers outside through a window. What she sees causes her to at first jump because of shock, but then makes her laugh and smile.

In the middle of the group of her swooning hens is a big, colorful rooster. His fancy green tail swoops around pleasantly, causing the ladies to get more excited. Sunny recognizes it as a rooster from a neighboring farm- it must have escaped and wandered here. Had the rooster already been with her hens, which might mean...?

Sunny closes all the curtains and turns out the lights. She takes out a wooden box with a small, quarter-sized hole in it and a wire trailing out of the bottom. She plugs it into an outlet, causing an incandescent light bulb inside to light up. Then she opens the pouch that is tied to her tail and carefully removes the single egg.

Handling it gently, she turns it sideways and places its broad end against the hole in the box. It blocks most of the light, but emits a deep red glow from light shining through it. Dark veins line the inside of the egg like spiderweb cracks. A darker shape takes up most of the space inside the egg. She rotates the egg a little bit, already knowing what she will find.

A dark eye seems to look at her from within the egg. The shape jumps, and Sunny is now certain she can feel a heartbeat."

My entry for the Draw To Adopt contest at the group  . Here is the original drawing of this one:

My entry was made all traditionally with a Papermate Flair and colored pencils, and also some sandpaper to create the coarse texture of the road. I then added some effects and my signature in Photoshop.

I hope you guys like the story I made for her! I tried to add a lot of backstory, personaltiy, and even character development  

How about, just for fun, you tell me which of the hens in the picture you like best?

Bagbeans belong to 

***This is my artwork (GeoDragon394), please do not copy or reproduce any part of this without my permission!***
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Comments: 8

crocopossum [2016-11-29 20:16:44 +0000 UTC]

This artwork has been used for peanut conversion

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GallyGears [2016-09-10 22:20:08 +0000 UTC]

XD this is cute!~
It reminds me of Legend of Zelda when you hit a chicken too much 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Geo-Dragon In reply to GallyGears [2016-09-11 19:51:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

THEKIDWITHAKNIFE [2016-09-10 02:18:18 +0000 UTC]

beware the chickens 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Geo-Dragon In reply to THEKIDWITHAKNIFE [2016-09-11 19:51:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

icicle60 [2016-09-09 21:09:31 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, very interesting piece! ^^ Good luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Geo-Dragon In reply to icicle60 [2016-09-11 19:51:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

icicle60 In reply to Geo-Dragon [2016-09-11 20:07:53 +0000 UTC]

No problem! ^^

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