Published: 2013-07-24 21:36:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 43662; Favourites: 193; Downloads: 183
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Before I get started, I just want to remind everyone this. NO! This is not a new fan-idea I'm starting. I'm just doing this picture out of fun. Besides, I'm still doing SNK vs. DC Universe... Actually, I'm taking a break from SNKvsDCU but don't fret, everyone. I'll be back to doing more SNKvsDCU move sets soon. Right now, I'm just doing Injustice movesets and celebrity photoshops.Now that all that is out of the way, this is a little something we've always dreamed of seeing. A crossover between Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. As someone who always loved to see a crossover like this, I decided to show off my imagination of what an MKvsSF crossover would be like.
ROSTER: (keep in mind that the way the roster is set up indicates rivalries like Scorpion vs. Guy and Liu Kang vs. Ryu)
*1st Row - Scorpion, Sub-Zero (a.k.a. Cyber Sub-Zero), Kurtis Stryker, Kintaro, Ermac, Rose, Sagat, Abel, Cody, Guy
*2nd Row - Shang Tsung, Baraka, Sonya Blade, Sindel, Mileena, exclusive guest fighter #1 (Wii U: Samus from Metroid, PS3: Kratos from God of War, 360: Marcus Fenix from Gears of War), Juri Han, C. Viper, Cammy White, Vega, Dhalsim
*3rd Row - Deathstroke (guest fighter from DC Comics), Raiden, Nightwolf, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Reptile, random select, Blanka, Ken Masters, Ryu, T. Hawk, Gouken, Dante (guest fighter from DmC: Devil May Cry)
*4th Row - Jax Briggs, Jade, Goro, Bo' Rai Cho, Kitana, exclusive guest fighter #2 (Wii U: Predator, PS3: Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, 360: Skorge from Gears of War), Chun-Li, E. Honda, Zangief, Elena, Guile
*5th Row - Darrius, Kano, Kabal, Johnny Cage, Cyrax, Dee Jay, Rufus, El Fuerte, Rolento, Balrog
*Secret Characters and DLCs - Li Mei, Noob Saibot, Reiko, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, DLC, DLC, M. Bison, Seth, Akuma, Yun & Yang, Sakura Kasugano
*1st Row - Rain, Smoke, Kai, Sheeva, Sektor, Urien, R. Mika, Sean, Remy, Dan Hibiki
*2nd Row - Frost, Kenshi, Kira, Kobra, Shinnok, Gill, Hugo, Poison, Sodom, Ibuki
FAQs (FAQs are subjected to be updated, though they won't be notified)
Q: What do you think the game would be rated?
A: For me, the game can be rated either Teen or Mature, but let's think about for a sec. While it's clear that Street Fighter isn't exactly something "adult-oriented" (it does has mature themes, but it's just never an M-rated series), it should be noted that the Street Fighter series was NEVER something that is kiddish and neither is Mortal Kombat. So who knows? Maybe the game doesn't have to be rated T. Maybe it can be rated M. But that's just me, though.
On a side note - even if the game was rated T for Teen, I wouldn't actually mind that. It's just that I believe Mortal Kombat works better as something M-rated, especially when it comes to crossovers (there's a reason when I do MK crossover fan-ideas, I add M-rated content in them by DEFAULT). But even then, I would still be more concerned with how fatalities are suppose to be played out. That means no more of Kano stomping on people's backs or Liu Kang's remastered so-called "fatality" from the first Mortal Kombat game (though I can understand why Liu Kang originally had that finishing move in the first game). I can think of plenty of way-better "tame" fatalities like give Kano a eye beam fatality where he blows the opponent into a skeleton or have Liu Kang transform into a dragon and gobble up his opponent in whole. At least they would make sense since you could die from those.
Q: What do you think the fatalities would be like?
A: With Mortal Kombat characters, we all know how they'd be played out. With Street Fighter characters, most of them have fatalities that derive from their ultra moves from other Street Fighter games. See entries for my Mortal Kombat vs. Capcom Universe fan-idea for Ryu, Chun-Li, Haggar, Akuma, Sagat, Dan, C. Viper and Dhalsim and how their fatalities work.
Q: Would there be friendship moves in MKvsSF?
A: Yes, yes there are.
Q: What's your idea for the game's story?
A: In the Mortal Kombat universe, which takes place between MK3 and MK4, the Forces of Light have won against Shao Kahn and his forces, prevent the invasion of Earthrealm, and banished him to a portal with an uneasy assistance from Quan Chi. Meanwhile in the Street Fighter universe, taking place between SF2 and SF4 (that's the acutally chronology in order, BTW), Ryu has won the Street Fighter tournament and he and everyone from that tournament defeated M. Bison. In the aftermath, Bison was killed by Akuma but his soul managed to survive, only to randomly end up in a portal that has just arrived in the seen. Neither portals have killed Shao Kahn nor M. Bison and the two supervillains get fused together into a monstrous humanoid being called Mighty Kahn. Mighty Kahn causes a world merge crisis and starts pitting the MK kharacters and the SF characters against each other.
Q: Who are the key heroes of Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter Universe?
A: Liu Kang and Ryu, just like in that fan-idea I did that I just mentioned earlier. It's just like with Raidena and Superman in MKvsDCU. Sure Shao Kahn is Raiden's long-time nemesis, but he's also Liu Kang's bigger arch-nemesis.
Q: Are there "Fight Your Rival" moments just like in Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter X Tekken?
A: Yes. Yes there are. In every "Fight Your Rival" moment right before you face Mighty Kahn, there are rivalry cutscenes that go on before the fight begins.
Q: Can you explain the guest fighters you have here?
A: I decided to use the Steet Fighter X Tekken principle and include console-exclusive guest characters. With the Wii U, you have Samus Aran vs. the Predator. While the Predator is technically NOT a Nintendo character, I've always wanted to see Samus battle against someone like The Predator. The PS3 version has Kratos vs. Sweet Tooth, just like in Playstation All-Star Battle Royale. I picture their rivalry cutscene which recreates that from PASBR where Kratos sees Sweet Tooth with his ice cream and knocks the ice cream off the cone. Thus Sweet Tooth gets mad and demands that Kratos scoops up the ice cream. And for the 360 version, there's Marcus Fenix and Skorge from Gears of War. Then you have two guest fighters who are available for all console versions. For the Mortal Kombat side, there's Deathstroke since NetherRealm Studios had a long history with DC Comics (even more evident when there's a game called Injustice: Gods Among Us, done by NetherRealm Studios of course), besides the fact that both DC and Mortal Kombat are owned by Warner Bros., and for the Street Fighter side, there's Ninja Theory Dante, since Dante's a Capcom character. Not a fan of that version of Dante, but I put him there regardless.
Q: Why is Sub-Zero a cyborg in MKvsSF like he was in Mortal Kombat 9?
A: Just like in my Mortal Kombat vs. Capcom fan-idea, although the MK universe is set between MK3 and MK4, I made one minor change into it which is more reminiscent to what happened to Smoke and Sub-Zero in MK9. Of course with Sub-Zero having to be a victim of cybernization, Smoke becomes the one to help reprogram Cyrax into working for the good guys (Now now! Sub-Zero also gets reprogrammed to join the Forces of Light, just like in MK9).
Q: How can Yun & Yang fight as a team?
A: This is like with Noob Smoke in Mortal Kombat Deception. Yun and Yang can switch pleas on the battlefield, each has his own x-ray move, each only has one fatality (in order to make up for two fatalities) and each has his own friendship move.
Q: Were there some other DLCs you've previously considered and probably regret not putting?
A: Gosh, there's like most of them, but examples are: Meat, Necro, Moloch, Hakan, Drahmin, Q, Havik, Oro, and of course rivalries that included Street Fighter EX characters like Tanya, Pullum, Sareena, Blair, Mavado, C. Jack, Onaga and Garuda. Also, Tremor and Dudley (who I wanted to include but forgot to do so)
Credit for images used goes to:
for jkuo.deviantart.com/art/Cammy-…
for yoshdestroys.deviantart.com/ar…
for viniciusmt2007.deviantart.com/…
Mortal Kombat © NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros.
Street Fighter © Capcom
Deathstroke © DC Comics
Reboot Dante © Capcom (and Ninja Theory)
Samus Aran © Nintendo
Predator © 20th Century Fox
Kratos and Sweet Tooth © Sony
Marcus Fenix and Skorge © Microsoft and Epic Games
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Comments: 54
genesis-spiral In reply to ??? [2024-09-23 18:51:03 +0000 UTC]
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MarioKirby2020 In reply to genesis-spiral [2024-10-01 06:17:06 +0000 UTC]
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JapaneseAnimeBeetleX In reply to genesis-spiral [2024-09-24 04:32:49 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
AltronSaint [2023-07-19 00:56:22 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
JapaneseAnimeBeetleX [2022-10-21 14:44:26 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Justjordy5743 [2022-08-23 00:58:12 +0000 UTC]
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JapaneseAnimeBeetleX [2021-10-21 14:11:18 +0000 UTC]
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genesis-spiral In reply to JapaneseAnimeBeetleX [2021-10-21 14:15:48 +0000 UTC]
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JapaneseAnimeBeetleX In reply to genesis-spiral [2021-10-21 14:16:03 +0000 UTC]
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doughboyjoe [2021-05-01 14:19:02 +0000 UTC]
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genesis-spiral In reply to xgdhyh2000 [2015-09-30 05:25:41 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I will admit that that was a pretty odd rivalry choice, even if they both happen to wear purple.
Speaking of rivalries, ever since MKX, I'm actually considering doing an updated version of my ideal MK vs. SF character select which will have newly-changed rivalries (though some like Liu Kang vs. Ryu and Shao KAhn vs. M. Bison will still remain the same).
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
njg12 In reply to genesis-spiral [2016-03-17 02:12:06 +0000 UTC]
Because of MKX and SFV, would you change the roster to include characters from those games?
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genesis-spiral In reply to njg12 [2016-03-17 06:51:50 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I will in fact be uploading an updated version of this character selection image as I have done to my ideal Mortal Kombat and Darkstalkers crossover (which I have since renamed Dark Kombat). Likewise, I'm also considering doing an updated verison of my ideal Mortal Kombat and Marvel crossover.
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xgdhyh2000 In reply to genesis-spiral [2015-09-30 17:39:22 +0000 UTC]
oh also dan wears pink
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genesis-spiral In reply to xgdhyh2000 [2015-08-08 00:25:36 +0000 UTC]
No. He's only a guest fighter which means he wouldn't be in story mode. In fact, no guest fighter would be in any MK crossover's story mode. Kratos never appeared in MK9's story mode, why should Deathstroke?
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xgdhyh2000 In reply to genesis-spiral [2015-08-08 00:27:15 +0000 UTC]
because Deathstroke is not under dlc so it cane into my mind also do you have pre fight intro ideas for this
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genesis-spiral In reply to xgdhyh2000 [2015-08-08 01:59:25 +0000 UTC]
I guess it'd be something like this.
Deathstroke: "A ninja spectre, I see."
Scorpion: "I will sent you to Hell, Slade!"
Deathstroke: "Something like the Caped Crusader won't do?"
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xgdhyh2000 In reply to genesis-spiral [2015-08-08 02:03:02 +0000 UTC]
Deathstroke:lets finish this
Kano: yeah the clown won't steel my kill
Deathstroke: only you will be killed
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xgdhyh2000 [2015-07-23 00:40:18 +0000 UTC]
mkx intros some of these have to do with a story line I came up with in my head
Juri Han: you kicked me of a rooftop
Kung Lao: you attacked me first
Juri Han: Time for some payback
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ArtMaster09 [2015-04-10 23:13:32 +0000 UTC]
Hey where did you get the materials for the doc selection cursors?
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genesis-spiral In reply to ArtMaster09 [2015-04-11 01:37:55 +0000 UTC]
Like, what do you mean?
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ArtMaster09 In reply to genesis-spiral [2015-04-12 04:28:43 +0000 UTC]
You know like where did you findthat golden select boxes for the doc section?
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genesis-spiral In reply to ArtMaster09 [2015-04-12 06:17:16 +0000 UTC]
Everything in the pic was made with photoshop, including the DLC thing.
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ArtMaster09 In reply to genesis-spiral [2015-04-15 03:03:55 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay then. Thanks for the info.
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roguetitan666 [2014-10-10 02:22:07 +0000 UTC]
This is ALMOST okay. Just one complaint, the story is a ripoff of MKvsDCU.
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xgdhyh2000 In reply to roguetitan666 [2015-07-29 06:20:46 +0000 UTC]
that is what all of his Mortal kombat crossovers are
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Thunderstudent [2014-08-10 16:11:25 +0000 UTC]
Nice roster, my only complaint is that you went with the shitty Cyber Sub-Zero instead of the human version.
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xXTheBluePhoenixXx [2014-07-04 11:46:20 +0000 UTC]
Why is Sektor a DLC? and Frost died, by the way.
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genesis-spiral In reply to xXTheBluePhoenixXx [2014-07-04 19:18:09 +0000 UTC]
What happened was while trying to pick which characters/rivals I needed for the roster, I kinda ran out of space for Sektor then, so he had to be demoted to DLC only because you can't have Cyrax without Sektor.
And also, I'm pretty sure Frost died during the events in Mortal Kombat Deeption. Here with my idea for Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter, the MK unniverse takes place between MK3 and MK4, much like with how in MKvsDCU, it took place between MK2 and MK3, so it's unlikely that she's dead yet.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
JapaneseAnimeBeetleX In reply to genesis-spiral [2016-11-09 01:50:40 +0000 UTC]
The only time there was Cyrax without Sektor was in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (unless you count Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition for the Game Boy Advance).
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xXTheBluePhoenixXx In reply to genesis-spiral [2014-12-01 23:04:06 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I See... I Was Retarded By The Moment Back There.
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xXTheBluePhoenixXx In reply to Vineboy [2014-07-04 11:45:40 +0000 UTC]
Nope, but then again, the Warner Bros. created Injustice, which was the original DCU characters. Then Scorpion was made a DLC, (which is his costume above).
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Simpson1982 [2014-02-06 21:49:53 +0000 UTC]
Would there be any vs win quotes for each character?
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MarshHam [2013-12-28 05:40:46 +0000 UTC]
Have you seen my artwork proposal for a game like this?
Oh, and in my opinion, I think they should try to make it like Street Fighter and Tekken's crossovers, although we still have yet to see Namco Bandai's version of the crossover, and hopefully they'll be smart enough to not make on-disc DLC. Anywho, the Street Fighter game should tone the violent content down a bit, maybe to the point of Injustice: Gods Among Us, since we are gonna have blood in some obvious cases, like Scorpion's harpoon.
Then we can have NetherRealm go all out with the blood and gore in their take of the crossover, maybe even do what was done in Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe where only the villains can do fatalities. Then again, the Street Fighter cast isn't a group of role models for kids like superheroes tend to be, so that's debatable.
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genesis-spiral In reply to MarshHam [2013-12-28 07:41:35 +0000 UTC]
I actually like the idea you have about two different versions of a Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter crossover, since it'd be like with a Street Fighter and Tekken crossover by Capcom and Namco Bandai.
NetherRealm can do their version (which would be called Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter Universe) which can be Mature rated with bloody violence as usual (I should probbly mention that there was the M-rated Final Fight Streetwise (sucks, I know) since Final Fight is a SF spin-off) and run on the Unreal Engine. Meanwhile, Capcom can do their version of the crossover (it would be called Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat) which can be rated Teen, similar to Injustice Gods Among Us, where the bloody violence is less extreme and it can run on the same engine as Street Fighter X Tekken (plus, the closest to fatalities you could look forward to in Capcom's version would be hyper moves that are like the ones in Guilty Gear and Blazblue that can be done only if the opponent's health bar is close to lowering down). Then again, that's how I see it. Anyone can express their imagination on things like this, right.
I'll go check out your artwork proposal later.
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RyuKang1995 [2013-10-07 19:41:53 +0000 UTC]
Excellent lineup, most of the matchups work extremely well (ex.: Liu Kang vs Ryu, Kitana vs Chun-Li, etc.), keep up the great work.
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otakusoul22 [2013-07-27 19:40:57 +0000 UTC]
I was kind of hoping that one of the exclusives would be Glacius from Killer Instinct. Seeing as Microsoft owns the franchise. lol
Yeah, i got Skorge mixed up with Glacius. lol
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Simpson1982 [2013-07-27 18:10:40 +0000 UTC]
I think there's more Mk vs. SF characters you 4got 2 add....
Dairou vs. Fei Long
Jarek vs. Charlie
Hotaru vs. Sodom
Motaro vs. Birdie
Mavado vs. Adon
Mokap vs. Dan Hibiki
Fujin vs. Gen
Nitara vs. Ingrid
Sheeva vs. R. Mika
Frost vs. Mika
Sareena vs. Ibuki
Shujinko vs. Alex
Hsu Hao vs. Necro
Kenshi vs. Oro
Kobra and Kira vs. Hugo and Poison
Drahmin vs. Doctrine Dark
Moloch vs. Urien
Ashrah vs. Remy
Juli and Juni vs. Tanya
Kai vs. Sean
Havik vs. Skullomania
Taven vs. Kevin Stryker from Street fighter 2010
Daegon vs. vergil
Meat vs. Twelve
Sektor vs. Huizil from Darkstalkers
Onaga vs. Garuda
Blaze vs. Oni
I think there's some other MK vs. SF character you 4got 2 add.........
Dairou vs. Fei Long
Jarek vs. Charlie
Hotaru vs. Sodom
Motaro vs. Birdie
Mavado vs. Adon
Mokap vs. Dan Hibiki
Fujin vs. Gen
Nitara vs. Ingrid
Sheeva vs. R. Mika
Frost vs. Maki
Sareena vs. Ibuki
Shujinko vs. Alex
Hsu Hao vs. Necro
Kenshi vs. Oro
Kobra and Kira vs. Hugo and Poison
Drahmin vs. Doctrine Dark
Moloch vs. Urien
Ashrah vs. Remy
Juli and Juni vs. Tanya
Kai vs. Sean
Havik vs. Skullomania
Taven vs. Kevin Stryker from Street fighter 2010
Daegon vs. Vergil
Meat vs. Twelve
Sektor vs. Huizil from Darkstalkers
Onaga vs. Garuda
Blaze vs. Oni
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genesis-spiral In reply to Simpson1982 [2013-07-27 19:41:47 +0000 UTC]
That's why I said that DLCs will be coming soon.
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Simpson1982 In reply to genesis-spiral [2013-09-11 18:51:28 +0000 UTC]
Odd Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter character mashups?
Scorpion + Guy =
Cyber Sub-Zero + Cody Travers =
Johnny Cage + Rufus =
Liu Kang + Ken Masters =
Kung Lao + Ryu =
Sonya Blade + Chun Li =
Kitana + Cammy White =
Kano + Rolento =
Raiden + Gouken =
Reptile + Blanka =
Goro + Sagat =
Shang Tsung + Dhalsim =
Noob Saibot + Yun & Yang =
Jax + Guile =
Mileena + Juri =
Baraka + Vega =
Smoke + Remy =
Jade + Elena =
Kintaro + Zangief =
Shao Kahn + Gill =
Sindel + Crimson Viper =
Kurtis Stryker + Abel =
Motaro + Darun Mister =
Cyrax + Dee Jay =
Sektor + Urien =
Nightwolf + T. Hawk =
Sheeva + R. Mika =
Kabal + El Fuerte =
Ermac + Twelve =
Rain + Dan Hibiki =
Skarlet + Rose =
Kai + Sean =
Shinnok + M. Bison =
Reiko + Akuma =
Jarek + Karai =
Tanya + Pullam Purna =
Fujin + Gen =
Bo' Rai Cho + E. Honda =
Li Mei + Sakura =
Kenshi + Sodom =
Nitara + Karin =
Mavado + Cracker Jack =
Hsu Hao + Birdie =
Meat + Necro =
Mokap + Skullomania =
Drahmin + Q =
Moloch + Hakan =
Sareena + Blair Dame =
Dairou + Fei Long =
Darrius + Balrog =
Kira & Kobra + Poison & Hugo =
Ashrah + Hokoto =
Hotaru + Vulcano Rosso =
Havik + Shadowgeist =
Garuda + Onaga =
Chameleon + Ace =
Khameleon + Maki =
Blaze + Cycloid Beta & Gamma =
Taven + Dante =
Daegon + Vergil =
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MikeSpikester11 [2013-07-24 21:44:31 +0000 UTC]
Now this is what Ed Boon should of done instead of MK vs DC. I mean on IMDB or something Ed Boon himself wanted to do a MK vs SF crossover, so why did he do DC instead then??????
I'd prefer Lobo over Deathstroke since out of any DC Comics Character. He would fit in more well due to how bloody and gory his comic series is, but it's your roster so do what you want.
By the way how can Cyber Sub-Zero, Stryker, Shang Tsung, Sindel, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jax, Jade, Kitana, Kabal, Noob Saibot, and Quan Chi be on here if they are all dead as of MK9 or would this be non canon?
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