GaudiBuendia — Shilen

Published: 2013-01-14 11:23:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 10741; Favourites: 254; Downloads: 275
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Description Shilen's father, Gran Kain was the least intelligent of all gods. He went and seduced his daughter, conducting an affair with her and at first successfully avoiding the eyes of his wife, Einhasad, until Shilen became pregnant. When Einhasad found out, she became enraged. Stripping her daughter of her position as water goddess, Einhasad ordered Shilen banished from the abode of the gods. Gran Kain turned his back on the situation, and Shilen was left to deal with her fate alone.

While pregnant, Shilen fled to the East. Deep in the middle of a dark forest, she gave birth - cursing Einhasad and Gran Kain with each excruciating labor pain. The babies born of Shilen's horrible labor bore the despair and anger of her curses and became demons. Among them, the strongest creatures were called 'dragons.'

Грен Каин, Бог Разрушения, совратил свою старшую дочь, Богиню Воды Шилен. Эйнхазад, узнав это, пришла в ярость, свергла и изгнала дочь. Шилен бежала на восток, проклиная имена Гран Каина и Эйнхазад, и в муках, в тёмном лесу, дала жизнь детям Грен Каина и смерть всему живому. Дети впитали в себя все проклятия, всю ненависть, отчаяние и злобу матери. На свет родились шесть Драконов: Валакас - Дракон Огня, Папиллион - Дракон Воды, Линдвиор - Дракон Воздуха, Антарас - Дракон Земли, Ауракилия - Дракон Света, и Дракон Тьмы - Скелт. У каждого из них в крови течёт кровь Грен Каина, которая придала им разрушительную силу их отца.
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Comments: 15

VeronaVerty [2013-10-08 08:33:56 +0000 UTC]

Нда, интересный пантеон)

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saminax [2013-09-10 19:38:01 +0000 UTC]

ну хоть кто-то изобразил сей момент!!!! супер!

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Kornne69 [2013-07-31 08:20:09 +0000 UTC]

Superb! ♥

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strange-fiction [2013-06-22 06:40:04 +0000 UTC]

like it

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IgnisDrakos [2013-03-22 17:44:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow, Mythology is often pretty twisted huh. Most people know of the minator, but not of how he came to be, really twisted heritage!

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Wingedthief [2013-01-21 09:57:21 +0000 UTC]

До прочтения легенды мне не хотелось сесть в уголок, обнять себя и покачиваться из стороны в сторону. Я думала, это два перса, которых кинули на шмот. Но они такие классные, что с надеждой смотрят в светлое будущее. Рисунок всё-равно "крутотенюшка", надо и тут подписаться

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GaudiBuendia In reply to Wingedthief [2013-01-21 10:10:48 +0000 UTC]

кстати хорошая идея )

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ViraMors [2013-01-16 13:43:46 +0000 UTC]

I always though this can be one of the darkest part of Lineage II's mithology. And I'm really happy that You used this. You made a really beautiful pictures, with a feel, what realy fits to the legend.

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AskaSama [2013-01-16 13:16:59 +0000 UTC]

оооо... шикааарно!
и так атмосферно, прелесть

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Edelva [2013-01-16 10:00:25 +0000 UTC]

Вааааау *________* сколько секса)))))))))

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Cruellon [2013-01-15 20:19:42 +0000 UTC]

This is what I was waiting for so long...I´m so glad, that someone showed us this little piece of real history in Lineage 2. Shilen and other gods are so undervalued, when a GoD came I thought that people just go crazy about story and gods. I was wrong, but this really makes my day, you dont know, how much thankful I am now

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Persineya [2013-01-14 15:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Грен Каиин наступил на руку Шилен

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GaudiBuendia In reply to Persineya [2013-01-14 16:46:22 +0000 UTC]


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GaudiBuendia [2013-01-14 14:52:49 +0000 UTC]

It's a fragment of a legend, telling about gods of Lineage ll, Gren Kain and his daughter Shilen. I'll try to find this on English

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Fotonixe [2013-01-14 14:43:58 +0000 UTC]

I wish I could read the description ^^. Great work!

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