Published: 2008-12-17 14:40:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 320; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Lost in the WoodsAfter hours of running through the woods, Lana felt completely exhausted. She admitted at being impressed, though. It had been hell, but Bishop sure knew how to disguise his trail.
They had been dashing along the course of brooks for what seemed like miles, leaving them by climbing through trees – and going from tree to tree for minutes. Only then he allowed them to walk on ground again. He had collected some sharp smelling herbs, telling her to rub them on the soles of her boots, to throw hounds of their track, he said, in case they used them to follow.
Then it was brooks again, and he would tell her to stand still in the water, while he left the brook, walking for a couple of yards, going up a tree, only to come down again and retreat in his own footsteps – and to run further along the creek. To create a false trail, he told her. To gain time.
But now, she could not go on. She panted, lagging behind, eyeing Bishop with misgivings. He seemed fresh like the morning.
Wish I had his stamina.
Before her, Bishop turned and stopped, waiting for her to catch up.
“I think we’ll look for a place to camp”, he said, after looking into her face, seemingly not even out of breath.
She did not even have the energy left to feel annoyed. She probably looked as exhausted as she felt. The weight of her armour and sword seemed to drag her down.
He held out his hand. “Come on, we’ll search for a good place for the night. We both need some rest.”
She stared at his hand, then slowly took it.
What am I doing?
He smiled at her, closed his fingers around hers and turned, continuing through the woods, if at a much more sedate pace. She followed, her hand in his, wondering if some of the madness of the last days had taken its toll on her.
But it did not feel mad. It felt... natural, somehow.
I’m just exhausted is all.
They went on for maybe half an hour, then Bishop stopped and sniffed the air.
“What is it?”, she asked.
“I smell water”, he said. “This way.”
He smells water?
Inconspicuously, she tried to sniff as well. She could not smell a damn thing. Well, besides the smell of mouldy leaves and her own stink. She had not been able to bathe for days, and all this running through the woods had made her sweat like a pig. She felt so sticky, and disgusted by herself.
Water sure sounds good, I’d like to clean up some.
After a couple of minutes, a small pond came into view. Bishop stopped, releasing Lana’s hand, and dropped his backpack to the ground.
Somehow, with his hand gone, she suddenly felt very alone.
She dropped her backpack as well, and her sword scabbard, relieved to be rid of the weight. Sighing, she tried to loosen her cramped shoulders.
Bishop looked at her. “I’m sorry if that was...”
His sentence was cut short when a grey streak shot out of the undergrowth, jumping him, throwing him to the ground.
Instinctively, Lana reached out to her powers, but relaxed when she heard the ranger laugh, saw him fight to keep the slobbering tongue away from his face.
“Down, boy!”, he said, “Stop! Don’t you dare oooohmph!”
Karnwyr’s tongue hat found its mark.
Half shuddering, half grinning, Lana watched as Karnwyr kept licking Bishop’s face in rapture. Eventually, the ranger was able to throw the wolf off, rolling on his side. Spitting, he tried to wipe the slobber from his face.
“Stupid cur!”, he said, smiling in spite of himself. “But I’m happy to see you, too, you know.” He reached up to pat the head of the wolf sitting before him, panting happily, his tongue lolling out, an expression on his furry face Lana could only interpret as a grin.
“And now”, Bishop continued, collecting himself from the ground, “if you excuse me, I think I’m going to wash my face.”
He went to the pond, kneeling down at the edge of the water, splashing his face. Lana regarded Karnwyr, who returned her look solemnly.
“Hello boy”, she said. “Long time no see.”
She crouched down, holding out her hand to him. He got up, stalked over to her, sniffing her hand diligently. Then he rubbed his head against it.
“Glad we’re still friends”, she said, stroking the soft fur between his ears. He closed his eyes and tried to give her face a lick, but she drew back in time, laughing.
“Oh no, thanks, I really don’t want to be kissed by you”, she said.
That sentence brought up the memory of the kiss Bishop had given her the night before. She felt colour creep up in her face.
No need to blush. Only comfort it was.
She looked at Karnwyr and noticed Bishop standing behind him.
Blast. Damn his sneakiness!
Had he heard her last sentence? Had he seen her blush?
She looked up at him from her crouching position and found his eyes on her with an unreadable expression.
He’s going to make some lewd offer. I just know it!
But he turned away to his backpack and started to take out his bed roll without a word.
All right – now I know he’s been replaced by a doppelganger.
She got up, wiping her hands down her breeches. “I think I need a bath”, she said, trying to sound normal.
He nodded. “I don’t want you going alone, though”, he said. “They might be on our heels.”
Her heart started to beat faster.
“You go with her”, he said to the wolf. “Guard her.”
A strange feeling crept up in her.
Is that... disappointment?
No way!
“I’ll be quick”, she said, and started into the direction of the pond, Karnwyr following on her heels.
Fine, Lana. What’s wrong with you?
All that time in Bishop’s company, all the lewd comments, the coming on to her, even trying to run off with her. And she’d never been tempted. She just did not like him. Did not want to see more of him than she absolutely had to.
And now, suddenly, he made her heart beat faster? She let him hold her hand, let him kiss her?
He’s a completely different person now.
He certainly seemed so. She did not believe it was an act anymore. They had spent so much time together, somehow, somewhere, he would have slipped. The old Bishop had been so full of spite, she would have sensed it somewhere along the way if he was just putting up a show.
And Jaluth had felt it, too. Before he said anything, the harlot had... smelled the change? Lana shuddered at the memory. That had been very disturbing. Not as disturbing as the rest had been, but still. To smell the emotions of someone? To taste them in their blood? What kind of weird shit was that?
Even thinking back at the wizard made Lana’s knees feel like rubber. She certainly was glad they had been able to bail. No telling what that crackpot might have cooked up if they had been at her mercy any longer.
No telling if Bishop would have survived a second helping of her sick games.
She had wandered a bit along he edge of the water and now pulled her chain shirt over her head without looking around. If anyone was here, Karnwyr would have known. The only person the wolf would not have growled at was Bishop. And as sure as the old Bishop would have spied on her, the new one would not. She had no doubts about that.
Somehow, they are like mirror images of each other.
She undressed and stepped into the water. It was cold, but not overly so. She turned around to face the shore and let herself sink slowly backwards, until the water closed over her head. It felt wonderful. She surfaced and opened her braid, letting her long red hair float freely.
Karnwyr was sitting at the edge of the water, his wolf eyes that were so similar to his master’s trained on her. His master had told him to watch her, and watch her he would.
She had to admit she was glad about the wolf’s presence. She had never felt truly comfortable in the woods. That went doubly for being alone there. All the little noises, the creaking wood, the wind whispering in the leaves, the cries of the birds, little animals scuttling around in the bushes... it made her uncomfortable. And you never knew if a rustling of leaves was not a rabbit hopping away, but something big and bad coming to eat you.
The most dangerous animal in these woods is probably the man you’re travelling with.
Only he was not that man any longer.
But now, there was danger of a different sort.
She always had thought that it was a shame Bishop was such a bastard, because he really was easy on the eyes, as he himself had pointed out. If he had been just a touch nicer, he would have been a dangerously attractive man.
And now, he was so much more than just a touch nicer. And he still was as beautiful as before.
I really should not think that way about him. About any man.
She loved Casavir. Even though he’d been dead for half a year now, she still loved him deeply.
So, how could she even think about Bishop as a man?
You’re young. You’re healthy. It’s normal to feel attracted to someone, even if you don’t love him. And he is attractive.
It probably was normal. It still made her feel guilty as hell.
She sighed and started to wash as best as she could, rinsing the sweat and the dirt out of her locks. Then she got out of the water, wringing her hair to get as much liquid out as possible. She dressed again, even donning her chain shirt so it kept her wet hair away from her shirt. She’d leave her hair open until it had dried.
“Thanks for watching out for me, furface”, she said to Karnwyr, petting his head.
The wolf’s tongue lolled out, and again Lana could have sworn he was grinning. Well, maybe he was. The wolf often seemed more intelligent than some people she had met.
Lana slowly went back in the direction of their little camp, surprised to find a fire crackling merrily.
“Isn’t that dangerous? It might lead them to us, if they follow”, she asked Bishop.
He shrugged. “Maybe, but I thought you’d need to dry your hair if you took a bath”, he said. “Besides, I’m fairly certain it would take them a long time to follow our track. We’ve been making it difficult for them.”
She stared at him, at a loss what to say.
He started a fire so I could dry my hair?
This was getting uncanny.
He noticed her gaze. “Something wrong?”, he asked, surprised.
She flinched, caught. “Errm... no, I’m fine. Thanks”, she said, sitting down next to the fire, fanning out her hair to help the warmth dry it.
It was his time to stare at her. The intensity in his gaze made the colour creep up to her cheeks.
She cleared her throat. “Something wrong?”, she echoed, trying to sound normal.
He blinked, as if his thoughts had been far away, then shook his head.
“I think I’m going to have a bath, too”, he said. “Karnwyr will stay with you.”
With that, he turned on his heels and marched away.
Lana sighed and rubbed her eyes. Call it a hunch, but she had the feeling things might get complicated.
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Comments: 5
fuxfell In reply to xKaierax [2008-12-25 10:26:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, hon
A merry christmas to you and your family!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Thehuntressofrai [2008-12-19 12:46:59 +0000 UTC]
Lana...is having some major problems...but i ask how can u feel in love with casavir i mean really...his way to protective for my liking and the holy paladin thing just doesn't work...umm...well anyway...i should stop insultin the all mightly paladin.... and as always it's was a very enjoyable chapter ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
fuxfell In reply to Thehuntressofrai [2008-12-25 10:32:59 +0000 UTC]
Well, I totally agree - but then I've always had an unhealthy obsession with the bad guys. The paladiny types just don't work for me. But I guess the Casgirls would see that in a different light...
As for Lana, I just wanted to write a story where the KC and Bishop did not have a lot of sympathy for each other, so she ended up loving Casavir
Thank you for your nice words, and I wish you and your family a merry christmas.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Thehuntressofrai In reply to fuxfell [2008-12-25 13:59:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes and wish a merry christmes to ur family as well ... i forgot to add it in my last post
👍: 0 ⏩: 0